It is not set up to be used as social media, if you want your best chance to make connections with others please use the Facebook Okinawa related group below, it has over 7000 members and thousands of photos. There are many other Okinawa related groups on Facebook, including Kadena and Naha Air Base groups.

Yeah... I lived in Okinawa

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02 Feb 2025

Linda Burton now Linda Salkins-Krick

Was married to Major JOHN J. BURTON USMC
I was looking for pictures of Top of The Rock
Army Officers club. Great memories there.
John Burton has passed away I am remarried now
But OKINAWA was maybe the happiest memories of my life.

18 Jan 2025

John Charles Adams

USMC 1967-1968
Reported to Camp Hansen. Was there 5 minutes when in walked an Army Captain. He said to our Gunny, I need 5 people to work for me. Gunny turned around , looked at me ad said You can have him (meaning me). Next thing I knew we were over at the Joint Service Stockade with the Captain telling me I was going to be a guard. Me ad a 2 1/2 truck driver would pick up 6-8 prisoners each day and bring them to our base (Sukeran I believe) The prisoners had to work on our base all day and we also had to take them to our mess hall for lunch. Took them back to the stockade every night. Did that for almost 13 months. Also served as the guard for the pay officer and a jeep driver touring the Marine bases and handing out cash to the Marines.Spent many a day at Koza B & C street drinking, fooling with the women, and fighting other service members. Bottom-line I clealry had divine intervention since I didn't have to go to Nam. I was told at Camp Pendleton where we picked up our overseas orders that my MOS (2531) had a wounded or killed rate of 78%. Still here at age 78

07 Jan 2025

David Echols

I trained as a sentry dog handler in July-August of '69. Became a holdover as I couldn't be sent to 'Nam (my brother was there), so I took care of dogs for the better part of the next year. Finally became a guard at JSS until having my leg broken in a football game against one of the Air Force teams. I share the same sentiments as others - Okinawa was quite a place to live in for (in my case) 18 months.

06 Jan 2025

Mike Moore

Protest at Kadena resulted in a 6 month TDY to Kadena in Jan-Jun 1970. A typhoon caused aircraft relocation to Korea. I went TDY with the aircraft but don’t remember if they deployed to Oscan or Kunsan. Can you solve this mystery for me?

14 Dec 2024

Patrick Lyons USMC 62/66

Awesome site! I was stationed at Sukiran in 64 with Lima Battery, 4th Battalion, 12th Marines. Was a 3531. When I left the Rock, the battalion was transitioning from towed 155s to self-propelled M-109s. So many great memories of the island, people, friends and deploying to Camp Fuji in Japan. Ishikawa was my favorite place for liberty. I'm pushing 83 now and don't have any idea how many of my buddies are still around.

12 Nov 2024

Lee Pierce

I lived in Naha 58 and 59. We went back to Kadena 65 to 68. I wish I was old enough to appreciate the whole experience.

Looking at the west Kadena coast photos I recall how the tide would fill the whole area, then recede, as in your photo, way, way out at low tide.

23 Oct 2024

Rick Russell

My first duty station as a Corpsman at the Naval Hospital from 1/1979 to 6/1980 on ward 3 East. Remember the "typhoon ramps" between floors, great sunsets, and snorkeling off the beach close to the hospital. Had an great Okinawan clerk named Shema or something similar along with a polite and hard-working Okinawan nurse named, I think, Oshi.
Remember the haircuts with the "karate chop" neck and shoulder massage and the shock at the first time receiving one. Have several color photos in a scrapbook and several "missing" photos of SR-71's when I got the film back.

19 Oct 2024

Virginia Davidson

What a great site. It brought back so many memories. I grew up on Okinawa, lived in Futema and Awase. My Dad, Army, my Mom worked at Camp Kue hospital. The Oban photos were great; we went every year. The Army personnel showing us the Habu! We moved there in 1962 and left 1970 after Nixon gave Okinawa to Japan, so tragic. Camp Mercy became my elementary school and my siblings went to Kubasaki HS. Thank you for this.

28 Sep 2024

Larry Duckworth

Was stationed at Naha Jan 69-Aug 70 374th hyd shop. Any one else there that time? After 54 years don't remember many names.But remember Naminonue.

12 Sep 2024


Stationed at Camp Butler in 1983 and at Futenma in 1991. Crazy Horse bar was our hang out. I hope to take my wife back to Okinawa in the future. A lot of fond memories.

17 Aug 2024

Ray Meyers

My father was stationed in Okinawa between 1957-1959 or so. I was just two to four years old, but I inherited all my father’s mementoes from the period. He was Army Captain Raymond David Meyers (at that time went by Bob Meyers) and was the CO at Awase Meadows (first golf course in Okinawa). I would like to share these photos and 8mm movies and possibly learn from others who were there during this time more of their significance.

20 Jul 2024

Scott Weldy

Okinawa was my first duty station from Feb 69-Aug 70 in the US Army. I was stationed with the 526th Military Intelligence Detachment at Camp Kue near the Army hospital.It's been over 50 yrs and I often think of the good times, good food and good people that I med there in that 18 months. We ate our meals at the Club Cuban which was a club on Camp Cue with civilian waitresses and cooks. Loved the people and the food. I loved a waitress name Mitsuko. While I was stationed there she had a baby boy and invited me to the house to meet her husband. Never knew her last name. The only name that I ever knew was another waitress named Masami Agarie. She would be in her mid to late 70's. Thank you.
Specialist 5 Scott Weldy RA 18868660. USA 68-71

16 Jul 2024

Patrick M. O’Leary

Okinawa was my first duty station overseas. It was the duty station that I requested after graduating from Jump School in April of 1964. I knew then that it was the home of the 173d Airborne Brigade unit being developed for defense purposes in the Far East. This is where I wanted to and this is what I wanted to do. My 13 months on Okinawa, with the 173d was a fantastic learning and cultural experience. I have only fond memories of the friends and times experienced during that period. One of the highlights of being on Okinawa in 1964 was witnessing the runner passing the camp while carrying the Olympic torch for the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It gave me goose bumps.

03 Jul 2024

Dale Sluss

I was stationed at the 623rd ACF (Okino) from Dec 1969 to 1970. My first remote after enlisting in the Air Force. Unfortunately was involved in an International incident involving one of our guys and the Japanese mafia. They traveled from island to island insisting the old papa-san/mamma-sans who had the couple bars in the town at the bottom of the mountain pay them for "protection". Our guy physically offended a couple people that evening and the chim-pino gang was hired to kill this guy. They caught us half way up the mountain, blocked the road, and proceded to use chains, spears, pipes, etc. One guy, Jim Hughes lost an eye that night and they left a couple of us for dead. The guy who caused the problem didn't get a scratch. Other wise - a great tour with a great bunch of guys.

28 Jun 2024

Maxine Plichta

I have a cousin with high DNA match to the Dasno family of Watertown New York. He was born on Okinawa in April 1964. Mother married a Brannen and they moved to New Jersey. John is searching for his birth father who might have been given another name at birth but has not taken a DNA test. He is a first cousin to all the children of the original Dasno family of Watertown.He did tell John's mother he couldn't wait to get back to Indiana.

25 Jun 2024

Lorenzo f Nieto jr

After. getting out of the hospital in Hawaii back in 1968, I was assigned to HQ. I basically was in charge of the night crew l was stationed for six months because the military would not send me back to viet nam with three months left bummer. How ever I liked the duty.

14 Jun 2024

Teri Miller (Murray)

Stationed on Okinawa 1966-1968

My Dad was LTC Robert Murray. He was in charge of the Nike Missile sites. We lived in Camp Kue. I remember Skoshi cabs, great friends, the Sea Wall, my first boyfriend Loren and the magnificent beauty of “The Rock.” It was also my first exposure to the Okinawan culture and its people. Typhoons and glorious sunsets!

03 Jun 2024

Vi Hill

We were in Okinawa 1970 - 1972.. Husband was in the Air Force working with the
F-4’s ..( SSgt Fritts Hill)
Wonderful memories of the island and still intouch with some of our friends and neighbors that we met in Okinawa …
Wonderful time on “the Rock”..

02 Jun 2024

Mike Mitchell

I was stationed on Okinawa from 1968 to 1970.I was assigned to the 44th ordnance company 30th artillery brigade. Hawk missle and launcher technician.

04 May 2024

Jim Bessey

Cpl S-2 Dec 1973 - Dec 1974 anyone else there at t that time

01 May 2024

Gregg Ehlen

Emergency room medic at Camp Kue 1970 to 1971. 18 months on the rock.

17 Apr 2024

Paul Porrini

I was at Camp Hanson for a yr. In 1971,was in H&S company and would pick up flights at Kadena airport and officer at Naha day on day off. We would go to Monza beach and swim in the China sea and drink a lot of beer and eat.I serve with my Gunnery Sergeant Al Nagy,who was my recruiter,great Marine and great friend.I was there when we gave it back to Japan,they sent Japanese Police over first.I love to go to chow hall at Kadena,and would see the blackbird spy plane land.It was wild out in the vill back then.

08 Apr 2024


I was stationed at Kadena in 1969, TDY from Pease AFB. I was 19 and came from Boston. My favorite bar was the Golden Palace on Gate 2 Street. I was there more than frequently and made friends with just about everyone that worked there. I fell in love with a bar hostess named Chico. I continue to think of her often with love and the hope that her life went very well. It's kind of an ongoing desperate heart ache I frequently feel ...not knowing how her life went or if she is still alive. I'm 76 now and she would be 75. Anyway, I still love and think of her and those days more than I would like to. I desperately would LOVE to know how Chico's is and/or how her life went. Pretty sad just writing this and reminiscing about those days.

My best to all those who share similar sentiments, and especially to Chico who will always remain in my heart. Joe

27 Mar 2024

Robert Ferrera

I was a 5811 on Kinser from 1980-1981. Had a lot of fun with some good Marines.

12 Mar 2024

Robbie Rodrigues

My dad was a supply tech and we were at the base from 1964-66. I am hoping you can help me. Please email me when you get this if you are willing to help answer some questions

08 Mar 2024

Dan Duffy

Stationed in Okinawa all of 1973 to mid-May of 1974. Worked in the Comm Center which I believe was in Sukiran but I may be wrong. Played a lot of softball and some football. Met a lot of good people. When we would go out it was almost always the Moonlight Club on BC street. Still stay in contact with one of my buddies from there.

31 Jan 2024

John Molloy

I'm now 89 years old but was 18 when stationed on Okino. Bottom line, I have outlived most people I knew. When I was there we lived in tents and our mail was air dropped due to no airstrip then.Concrete barracks were being built but were not available then. I had a good buddy named Jim Norvell I shared a tent with at the time and I owe him a huge apology because I was not very nice to him when last we met( Long story, but all my fault)
I was a radio operator and we had a small shack sitting on top of one of the buildings and it was our job to be part of a triagulation group to pin point any aircraft that crashed into the Ocean. I was there for at least one typhoon that took the roof off the shack I was guarding at the time. We had it made because our officers didn't care if we saluted and we had the run of the kitchen at all hours, and also had "Nasan's" to do our laundry. We were once invited by the local High School to compete with the students in their competitions and I won the broad jump but they skunked in long runs. Too much food.No exercise. I saw pictures taken since 1965 and WOW huge difference.

22 Jan 2024

Jack Henchy

Served at Camp Hague in Comm Co. from early 1957 until mid 1958.Had a great time they worked our butts off but we could PARTY.

08 Jan 2024

William Johnson

I was in The Navy stationed at Naha Naval Air Station in 1965 - 1966. Took my test for Navy Diving. Left their to Japan for further training. Then on to Washington Dc Navy Yard to complete my 2nd Class Hard Hat Diving School.

Graduated then went to Chu-Lai Vietnam for two tours 1967 and 1968. Honorably Discharged in 1968.

28 Dec 2023


Got to Okinawa in December 1968. 258th Wasnot created yet. Ft Buckner. Spent my time on Gate 2 street and BC street. Spent 18 months there. Best Time of my Life.

17 Dec 2023


Frank DeCola, my father was stationed there from 1973-1976 doing the same job; He was NCOIC at White Beach and Naha. I used to occasionally go with him and we had to stay the night at the tank facility (he would ride me around the tanks on his Kawasaki motorcycle.....oh the memories).

11 Dec 2023

Frank DeCola

I stationed at Fort Buckner from 1968 1970 and my duties was Petrolium inspector working on tank farm and pumping station.It was in a bay area that was receiving cargo Tankers and onload Jet fuel through underwater pipe line.I can't remember the name of that area.If anyone remember please post it thank you.

23 Nov 2023

Neal Van Houten

Ist Lt., USMC. Asst Operations Officer RAFP under US Army CPT Stephen Pollack. 2 year assignment. 1970-1972. Great duty.

21 Nov 2023

Jim Wertman

I was a dependent attending Adams Elementary School from the latter part of 1963 through the latter part of 1966. I can remember my 4th grade school teacher was Mrs. Kusamato. I can't remember the 3rd, 5th & 6th grade teachers. When I turned 10 I came alive! That is when I received my I.D. card and was able to ride my bicycle to Naha AFB from Oroku Housing area all by myself. That opened up roller skating, the Saturday matinee, the swimming pool, some hobby shops, etc. The neighborhood boys loved to dig around in the dirt for WWII artifacts, until our father's got in trouble when EOD had to come out and cement in a hole that went into a Japanese-made tunnel. And another time when a kid brought a Japanese hand grenade to school for show-and-tell followed by a visit from EOD! It was a great place for a young boy to grow up... So many memories have been re-kindled looking at the pictures on this site, THANK YOU for hosting it and keeping it around for future generations.

15 Oct 2023

Charles S. Lowery USAFR (Ret)

My family was stationed at Naha AFB from 1958-1962 as my father, USAF MSgt Lowery, was the 1Sgt of the Checker Tail Squadron at that time. I was 5yrs in 1958. We lived at 7 Lincoln Court on Naha. Of course, that neighborhood is gone now, but the water tower near the east side of the base remains today. I transited through Kadena on my way to SVN in 1972 and remember the salty and humid air from my child-hood. My younger brother now works on Okinawa as the Director of Force Protection and Security for the Army at Torii Station. Interesting how things happen that way. I retired after 35yrs in the AF and now live near Napa, Ca.

06 Oct 2023

Charles Horwath

Took X-Rays at Camp Kue Hospital. Duty there from 1970 to 1972.
Many patients from the war at that time.
Best hospital in the western Pacific.
To all who served on Okinawa hope you are all safe and well.
Left in 1972 an Sp5 a rank that no longer exists
My duty station and permanent party no longer exist, sad

08 Sep 2023

william ashton

I was on Okinawa 67-end of 69, formative years, dad stationed in Naha, going back next month for whatever reason, nothing ever remains the same except the memories we had/have. Surfed swam and rode the bus all over the island. What a place to be as a young boy turning into a teen, Fitzwoody Beach---- we can never go back but we can return.......

25 Aug 2023

De Hill

I was stationed at Naha Air Base from 1953-1964. Most of the guys that I was stationed with have passed away. David Thane, Richard Stahl, Bernie Johnson (and me) are all that are left. We were all in the 51st A&E Autopilot /AfCS shop.

That was about 60 years ago.

12 Jul 2023

Mark Shreve/Sgt

I was stationed in Okinawa at kadena Air Base this I was assigned to the 603 Massq working in the maintenance as a admin clerk I really enjoyed my time there and I've always remembered watching the SR-71 fly every day seeing how my office was on the flight line.

25 Jun 2023

Lonny Pannucci

To Michael Edwards, I was on duty at the Kadena Air Terminal the night the B-52 crashed, sounded like we were being attacked. My wife only saw the mushroom cloud, didn't know what happened until a neighbor said I was alright. Lots more stories

25 Jun 2023

PU2MUS Marco Silva

Congratulations to the entire Ryukyu Amateur Radio Club Team for contested QSO in FT8 10M

21 Jun 2023

bill thorne

trying to find out any info.on a officer killed in the stillwell field house . he was in 503rd/ airborne ct. 1961-62 .I was in delta co. 503rd 1960-62

05 Jun 2023

Marisa Guerrero

I was born in Kadena Air Base in 2003. My father was stationed there from 2003 (my mother was actually heavily pregnant with me during the move there) until 2007. I have few memories of the place, because I was so young, but it undoubtedly had a major impact on my interests and character now as a young adult. I've studied Japanese since middle school and I'm going to be majoring in Japanese Studies in University soon.

I found this website while attempting to reverse-google search our housekeeper from that time, Fujiko. She would be in her eighties by now. I don't remember her very well, but there are pictures and videos of her, and my family has told me many stories about her over the years. When I was a baby, she would bring over traditional Japanese food (in particular, Fried Tofu) and I loved it. She was so excited, because my older sisters hated Japanese food. Fried Tofu is still one of my favorite Japanese foods to this day. She became a part of our family. She attended the ceremony for my dad's change of command, and my graduation from East West Montessori. She was a wonderful woman, and considering how long Okinawans tend to live (her own mother turned 100 while we live there) I can only hope she's still alive today.

26 May 2023

Oren Kugler

I served on Okinawa 1966-1967, 1st Group Special Forces, Fort Buckner.

05 Mar 2023

Jerry Huston

Great site Rob!

Old news but I was stationed on Okinawa at

Camp Schwab 1978-79
Camp Kinser 1983-86
Camp Kinser 1988-94
Camp Foster 1996-2000 as an active duty Marine

and Camp Foster 2007-2014 as a contractor!

No place better that Okinawa! If I could take my grandkids I would be there tommorrow!


14 Feb 2023

Jim Colston

Went to Clark AFB right out of Tech School in 1970. Then was transferred to Kadena in 1970 - 1971. Worked in 18th Field Maintenance Squadron / R & R Shop. Saw my first CA-1 come in on an emergency landing. AWESOME! Reaching out to anyone that worked in the shop during this time. Also, it was during the KOZA Riots. Left Kadena and went to Laughlin AFB Del Rio Tx.

11 Jan 2023

Earl E. Hickman

I was stationed at Sukiran in 8111th signal Bn. from August 1949 to November 1951.
Any one out there who was there in that era.
Earl E. Hickman

31 Dec 2022

Art Prado, MSgt, USMC Retired

Would like to hear from anyone who knows the reason Camp Hauge was closed. My first tour was at Camp Hauge from 9/1972 until 9/1973 attached to HQ Btry, 12th Marines. Would like to hear from Marines of that era at Camp Hauge. Have wonderful memories. Does anyone have any knowledge if agent orange was buried at the Camp? Semper Fi.

18 Sep 2022

Steven K Dixon

Our family resided on Okinawa from Nov. 1965 to June 1970. We moved onto Kadena sometime in 1966. My parents have a ton pf pictures from those days. When I am down to visit them. I'll see if I can get a few to scan and send to you.

18 Sep 2022

Vincent Wayne Birkett

Lived on Okinawa late 1960 to early 1964 Naha NAF just across the HWY from P2V hangers on the hill overlooking the base. My dad ran the motor pool, USN. The best years of my life and I have missed ever since. Going to the movie theater on sat., the NCO club with my mom and dad, White Beach, and our drives around the island so much more. Although born in California and having lived many places, Okinawa will always be my home.
Thank you for this wonderful site.

13 Sep 2022

Gene Szakacsy

My first footprints on the rock came in the spring of 1977, my last duty assignment there was in the summer of 2002. Over 30yr service with uncle sam’s misguided service, my privileged years in Okinawa still fill memories of the culture and other great people who to this day still resonate in my memories. One of the most prominent was retired 1stSgt Whitey Fox, who for decades took untold thousands if photos for Deploying Marine units “cruise books”. Anyone else remember this legendary Marine from the World War II and Korea era, I recollect he married and lived his remaining years in Okinawa?

15 Aug 2022

Glenn kaempf

I served in Okinawa from sept. 1966 to Jan. 1968 on a hawk missle site (site 12) on the edge of kadena airbase. Looking for similar people who served during this time that have had prostate cancer or other ailments associated with exposure to agent orange. My congressman’s office said the va looks for clusters of reports before they will even look at a complaint. Anyone else have these experiences?

29 Jul 2022

Helene Hill

My father passed away in 2014. Didn't talk much about his service in the Army, but I requested his DD214 records. He was in Okinawa at some point in the late 60's and his MOS was 24U40 - NIKE-HERCULES Custodial Mechanic - I also know he retired a SSgt. I would like to know more about my Dad and his time in the Army, in particular his overseas service if anyone recognizes his name. Larry A. Hill - he was from California.

23 Jul 2022

Billy Pruett

1972-1974, USARMY 44th transportation , naha military port. lived at naha base and machinato service area depot. worked as truck driver and stevedore at tengan pier, white beach. still living in texas.

12 Jul 2022

Michael Durrett Edwards

Great site. I served in Okinawa from Oct 67 thru Apr 69. I was a teletype repairman at the Stratcom facility near Fuetenma. My tour had such an impact on me that I wrote a book about it titled "The Royal Ryukian Blues." I slept through the crash of a B52 just over the ridge from where my barracks was located. I was also on duty the night the USS Pueblo was seized. So many memories.

All the Best, SP5 Edwards

20 Jun 2022

Richard Lewis

Hello !!! My name is Richard Lewis . I'm 73 years now . I used to be stationed at CTF 72 Naha , Okinawa back JAN 1970 to DEC 1971 . I'm GLAD THAT I AM STILL KICKIN' . It was a FUN two Years !!! I'm here in S. E. TEXAS about 12 Miles East side of Houston , Texas . O.K., THAT's IT !!!!!!!

18 Jun 2022


I was stationed on Okinawa 1964-65 (Army) on several Hawk missile sites.
The inland was Beautiful and the locals were nice people.!

14 May 2022

Terri Cisneros (kelsey)

I lived in okinawa in the early 70s I was 9 years old we lived on base behind the rocker club now we all shared the back yard it had s huge old tree and not to far from it there was a huge boulder ok why i daid all that is i wad spending the night next door with my friends there were 3 sisters well the oldist one went to walk the dog i told her when i got done picking up the game i would go out with her so i did but i couldnt find her as i got to the boulder a man poped up i looked at him and he looked at me and ran as i went around the boulder i seen her on the ground and she had blood on her head i ran and got her dad and he carried her into the house after that all i know is they said she died all these years ive never been able to find out anything if someone knows anything please email me I need to know because I never could put his face on him it's like one of those coloring pic where you have to put the face in well I need to see why I can see his face if I was looking at him thank you do much if you have questions email me anything I need help with this thanks

10 Mar 2022

Lonny Pannucci

I am trying to reach Bob Totten who was stationed at Kadena AB, Okinawa. I was stationed there from 2/68 to 8/70 also with the 603rd MASS. I live in Florida now and would like to trade memories.

14 Feb 2022

Rich Harder

1971 to 1973 soent that time at Sukiran army base 895 Military police, will never forget the time I had there Okinawa will forever be in my mind

24 Jan 2022

L/cpl vincent spirito

I was at camp swab 1960 great tour good memories

23 Jan 2022

Ron Loscalzo

In 1965 to 1967 I was stationed at a Nike Hercules site on the yomatam peninsula I worked in the generator section and then later as there as crewman 4 on the Nike Hercules missile doing a final electrical cotton nobody check before a launch.
I had several friends there including David and being David Elliott maMetcalf, and some other names I can't recall it would be enjoyable to renew connection

19 Jan 2022


Served Army Medical Depot Jan 70 to June71

06 Jan 2022


this is an interesting site... I was looking for an old friend... Ben Jones... former AFRTS Announcer... 1971-1972 I served on the AFRTS staff as well... ahh the good times in Koza... Ben if you are out there... I sure hope you have had a good ride... *L*


06 Dec 2021

claude peters

I was assigned to RAFP 1965 to 1968. I was a shift leader forthe Traffic Dept. We were always busy and I still remember accidents and other events that I investigated and to this day I still think of them so many nights. Thanks for the memories.

01 Dec 2021

Robert M. Starr

What an interesting site! I was on Okinawa for 19 months from mid-1969 until the end of January, 1971. I lived on Kadena AFB and worked at JSPC on Torii Station as a joint-service "spook" team chief. So many memories, racing a typhoon from the north end of the island to Kadena in a Honda 600 (we woke up with higher than high tide water pouring into our tent, a bit out of season) and a cold evening trip from a church camp on the north end of the island to the south, a young lady singer had been left behind accidentally - she'd never ridden in a convertible, so I put the top down and gave her my jacket. We stopped somewhere along the way to call her missionary parents to let them know she was safe and on her way home. Taking pictures at Christmas of a Colonel's family on Naha AFB - we were all "civilians" at his house when off duty. Years later, I worked professionally as a photographer using skills I learned on Okinawa. Standing near the end of the runway when I was off duty and knew the SR-71s were coming in or going out. Visiting the WWII memorials. Eating dinner with an Okinawan dentist (who had studied in California) and his beautiful daughter. I had two cousins in Vietnam at the time, one a Marine rifleman, one a Navy fighter pilot. I was an E-3 then E-4 doing a job several ranks higher (the Navy linguists on my team actually outranked me, and the civilians probably made more money in a month than I did in a year). I left Okinawa, made a stop at the Jim Russell Racing Drivers' School at Willow Springs Raceway in California, then I spent my last year as a Special Research Analyst at NSA. I intended to stay in, take a guaranteed re-enlistment assignment to Chicksands in England and try to win my way into a professional racing ride. Years later, I did go to England as a civilian, won my first road race on England's Snetterton Circuit. But I went home to help my brother with a newly started business, raced a bit in Texas, married, had kids and grandkids. Now I write novels, but I still have fond memories of Okinawa.

15 Nov 2021

Traci Powell

Hello, my name is Traci and my Grandfather was part of Interpron
One in April 1945. My family and I have been trying to find any photographs that he may have taken while on deployment. Unfortunately he had some photographs at his home, but he destroyed them. We were wondering if there were any photographs in any of the Navy archies that would bare his name of Orrin Seymour Seamens or he did go by "Red" or "Jim" Seamens.
Any help or direction you can give me would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,

11 Nov 2021

Eloy Fira

I was stationed at KBAY Hawaii 1774 - 1976 was with Bravo Battery the got transferred to Charlie Battery whe it was reactivated.

14 Sep 2021

Gayle Sturges Morris

My father went to Kadena AFB as a B-29 pilot in 1950 and we joined him from 1952-1954. We loved it and my mother taught English in Koza. We would have stayed longer but the war (finally) ended. I attended Kubasaki HS and would be delighted to correspond with anyone from then.

13 Aug 2021


Naha AB 1969-1971 374 FMS aircraft Electrician

16 Jul 2021

David Crow

I was stationed at site 14 (B - Battery) Yozadake Okinawa severed there 1966 - 68. I was a 16 echo , was crossed trained as a 16 delta when down in Key West 65 - 66. The rock back then was a good duty station for a young man back then. The tour was 18 months.

16 Jul 2021

Charles Russo

Arrived on Okinawa January 1968. Served as XO of the 20th Military Police Company, Ft Buckner, part of the 1st MP Group. Assignment changed late 1968 and served as the Correctional Officer at JSS (Joint Services Stockade) until leaving the island October 1969.

29 Jun 2021

masa tamashi

Great collection. Brings back a lot of memories. I'm going back to live now that I've retired here in the US. Was born in 1954 in Yomitan. Native Okinawan (i.e. civilian) living in the US for the past 50 years. But I've been going back almost yearly since 1973.
In fact, going back in 2022 for our 50th high school reunion.

Best regards.

24 Jun 2021

Bob Clendenin

1st SF Group, 1968-1969..Camp Hardy

28 May 2021

Pamela Crawford

I worked at Kadena AB CBPO Records and Outbound Assignments 1979-1981.

27 May 2021

Bill Moyer

Lived in Sukiran housing 1956-57. Dad was a US Army Major assigned to the Okinawa Engineer District. I attended grade school at Ft Buckner.

20 Apr 2021

Clark Chanslor

I was deeply touched by the photographs of the Oct 9 1945 Typhoon.
My father was a young sailor who came home in a body cast after his ship was sunk during the Okinawa Typhoon. He forgot just how many broken bones he had. His Coast Guard ship ended up on top of another small Navy ship which was of course beneath the surface. I could only get him to talk about the incident in little excerpts. He remained traumatized for the rest of his life but hid it well under his stoic demeanor. I found out later on that he was winched off the sunken ship in a bosun's chair, broken bones and all. He did tell me that his multiple compound fractures were "set" on a scrap piece of plywood on the ground that was serving as an operating table. He also lost several ship-mates along with his ship's C.O. The loss of his C.O. who he considered like a 2nd father, was something he mourned til the end of his life.

Thanks for providing a comments area to talk about this little story.

R.E. Chanslor Petty Officer 3 Signalman USCG

12 Apr 2021

Claude M troudt

I have a Japanese flag that was signed by Charlie Ruggles and two female entertainers on the USO tour. I have it packed away,I'll try to remember where and send you a photograph.

05 Apr 2021

Richard Jones

My dad served as a paratrooper in the late forties early fifties"

18 Mar 2021

Bob Totten,CMSgt, (Retored)

I was NCOIC of the 603 MASS Command Post from 1978 to 1986. This was the best assignment of my Air Force Career! I have many pleasant memories during my time at Kadena.

13 Mar 2021

Ken Kreps

I was stationed in the Air Forve band at Kadena in February, 1962. I was also hired as the trombone player in the NCO club (Rocker Club) band from the Philippines. They were great musicians, to a man. I worked in that band, 5 nights a week for six months before moving to the house band (also from the Philippines) at the Kadena Airman's club. The Air Force band had pretty light duty, with base parades, a few concerts, and the a weekly TV show on Armed Services Radio and TV. To this day, I have a great respect for musicians from the Philippines. Also greatly respected the people of Okinawa and their beautiful culture. It was only an eighteen month tour and I enjoyed every day of it. Fond memories remain. until this day.

27 Feb 2021

Gino Lohry

Noticed a comment from Harold Brown Jr and I am wondering if this was my friend that lived by my wife and I in the Machinato housing. He was in Personal and I was 7th psyop group at Machinato . I think we both had 3 children at the time. we were there from 1966 until March of 68. Would love to know if this is the Harold we are looking for.

17 Feb 2021

Becky Wilson

Arrived with 8 siblings and mom- February 1964 to join Dad - Lt.Col.W.W. WILSON, B&VA. Graduated Kubasaki H.S. Worked (illegally) at the AMERICAN RESTAURANT downtown Naha for about 3 months and made friends with the other waitresses and cooks! One, Susie, invited me to a baseball game. Learned a little Japanese and brought in business for the owner because Okinawans got the chance to be served by American girl! Shopped Blackmarket Alley, Loved the beach. Also worked at the military horse riding stables and rode the huge Australian horses they imported. It was something for servicemen and dependents to do and rode some of the countryside on horseback! During my 18 months there I enjoyed many meals with friends of my parents, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean - who worked B&VA. I came back to the states and my family remained another two years. Great memories of hard working Okinawans and their beautiful country!

13 Feb 2021

Steve Lowery

My dad was the 1st Sgt for the 86th Fighter Squadron from 1957-1962. I was 4yrs old when we loved there. We lived at 7 Lincoln Court on the base, just down the hill from the old water tower. We went through 3 major typhoons on the island. I remember the houses had "habu" holes (drain holes) to allow the water to drain from the house after typhoons or other torrential rains. We were PCS'd to Glasgow AFB in Montana in the winter in 1962. BIG change, but fun.

27 Dec 2020

Thomas Elliott

I have a picture taken by Blackie of my Marine Corps platoon taken in Okinawa 1966. I want to use the picture in my memoir. I am trying to find out if I need permission to use the picture and how to get it.
Tom Elliott Lima Company Second Platoon 3/26.

30 Nov 2020

Sandra Bieber

Okinawa was my first duty station with the Marines, 3rd Supply Battalion in 1982. I stayed in an apartment off base. My daughter was born on Camp Butler. I remember going to Moon Beach where the water was so clear you could go out to your waist and still see sand dollars on the ocean floor. I remember a place called Uncle Tony’s Pancakes. There was this great surf&turf place that inexpensive but just as good as Ruth’s Chris steakhouse. I wish I could bring my daughter back there to show her where she was born.

25 Nov 2020

Paul Wollan

Wish I could thank all those who made my tour doable. Times were tough shifts were long fellowship pulled me through. MATS/MAC 1965-1966 USAF

23 Nov 2020

Terry Sanders

I was stationed at Kadena AB with the 18 Security Police Squadron from July 76-January 78 . Deployed on Operation Paul Bunyan in August 76 to Teague and Kansan AB’s Korea.

16 Nov 2020

Clarence Guidry

Reaching out to anyone who served with me on Okinawa at the Nikkki Hercules middle site 1972 - 1973. Willie Willson, John Ball

14 Nov 2020

Suzanne Babin jackson

My father Sargent Wilson Joseph Babin was stationed iat Naha Okinawa from 1956-59. He was with 33rd air rescue. We lived on base family of 7.

12 Oct 2020

Bill Meyer

I was stationed at Ft Buckner and was a Fixed Station Tech Controller with STRATCOM Long Lines Battalion from Aug 67 through Aug 69. I see that much has changed on Okinawa since then, not the least of which is the rebuild of the comm center, with their barracks on site no less.

24 Sep 2020

Jerry J Marshall

I was at Camp Hauge 6/1972 7/73 2nd battalion 12th Marines I was in field artillery Fox co. and then Mike

22 Sep 2020

James Attaway

I was stationed at kadena 1963-1965 with 1962 comm gp. Crypto maintenance.
Worked above base operations on second floor. One of your pictures of guys do8ng karate has me sitting on top row of the blechers. I am the skinny guy. I remember the guy sitting beside me but don’t recall hisname. Do any of you remember a guy name Tagawa? He was Japanese American, crypto maint.

30 Aug 2020

Mike Smertick

I was stationed at MSTS office Naha Okinawa from 1963 11964
Looking for anyone who was also stationed at MSTSO Naha

27 Jul 2020

SP5 Dave Lash

Been a while since I posted. I was with the 2nd Log Command 68-70. I was barracked across from the library and worked in Subsistence Section in Headquarters building. It was great duty and wish I could remember the folks I served with. All I have is memories.

17 Jul 2020

Sean medeirosM

Camp Kinser, 1981 - 1983. Does anyone remeber a pub in Naha named Charlie Brown American Pub, and which street it was on?

25 May 2020

Roger Kapusta

Served @ USASAFS Torii Station 1974 - 1975. MOS 05H. Served w/ a great group of professionally dedicated intercept operators during the daily mission, that became real good friends, when we stood down, off schedule, after the misson. Island softball tournaments, basketball, bowling, golfing @ Kadena & just exploring the island culture. Diners @ The Royal Restaurant, outside the gate from Torii to Charles Tocos in Kadena Circle. To Larry Holt, Pat Humphrey, Ken Garrison, & many others in my fading memory, it was truly an honor to serve with you! Hope after these many years you are all well & prosperous!!

05 May 2020

Art Gill

Camp Kinser 3rd FSSG
July 1985 to July 1987

28 Apr 2020

Robert Taylor

I was stationed at Torii Station from 1965-1968. I bought a couple motorcycles from Oshiro's which was on Kadena Circle. The photo, Kadena Circle 1964, brought back many memories. I traveled around that circle hundreds of times. Many thanks for your website.

15 Apr 2020


I have a token that says "Ginbasha", brass, round, about 18mm. the size of a 10c military token. Could this be from Okinawa?

30 Mar 2020

Cpl. Aubby Overby

I served at AFRTS Okinawa, 1982-1983. Thought I’d see who’s staying in touch.

23 Mar 2020

Earl Hickman

I was stationed at Sukiran with 11th signal service bn. in August 1949 too Nov 1951.
Anybody out there that was on Oki before that. Would like to hear from you.
Earl Hickman. thanks.

11 Mar 2020


Thanks for the memories. This is the Okinawa that I remember from my USMC days, 1958/59.

27 Feb 2020

Gary Huntley

Would like to hear from anyone at Camp Hansen in or around November 1964. My Marine brother (Warren A. Huntley) drowned saving two others.

12 Feb 2020

Steve Swan

I was in the USAF stationed on Okino Erabu Shima July 1969-July 1970. Prior to going to Vietnam. prior to going to Vietnam I was in Naminoue and met a beautiful young lady named Mimmi Oshiro. I went on leave back to the states prior to Vietnam and returned to Okinawa for a couple of days prior to flying out. Prior to leaving Mimmi gave me a Budda neckless to protect me. I still have it. We wrote to each other and then loss touch as often happens. I wonder if she is doing okay, but figure I will never know.

03 Feb 2020

Michael Roberts

Was here from late 1968 until late 1970.

Was with 2nd Logistical Command, DMO, Machinato Service Area.

It was like having a civilian job. Worked with civilian staff in building 701/705.

01 Feb 2020

Lowell Harris

Work with 123rd CID.
I have a Christmas card sent out from CID in 1966-1967. Worked with Sgt T Harris for CWO Louis E. Brown. Copy of Christmas Card with Photos of Unit..
replaced Jerry Minehart. The Unit was headed by Colonel Bowman.
stationed in Sukiran with the RASP MPs.

30 Jan 2020

Roger Sergent

First of all, I am an Air Force Brat from Kaiserslautern American
High School class of 1968. I am writing to let your group know of the passing of Sharla Raitz, who was a graduate of Okinawa, Japan
High School. Her father was in the USAF.
She passed away October 6, 2019 in her home in Perry, Iowa. She was 72 years old. Her parents are Kenneth Raitz and Ermina L. Raitz.

I'm sorry I didn't get to know her, but being an Air Force brat
I feel that this information should be passed along for those who knew her.

If someone will email me at the address in the email address box, I would be happy to send you a copy of her obituary as published
in the Perry Chief news paper on October 31, 2019. I sorry for the
late notification I didn't really know who to get a hold of to
forward this information to.

I am also an Air Force veteran serving from April 1971 to April 1975, serving at Lowry AFB,Colorado, Homestead AFB,Florida and
Hahn Air Base, Germany. I was a POL person that handled fuel for the USAF and refueled their aircraft. In April 1975 I also returned to this town of 7000 people to be with my grandparents
and Parents, after living in a lot of different places, as did
many of you folks. It has made for an interesting life and one I am proud to say that to anyone that asks. I worked for 38 years
at an underground storage facility for natural gas and worked with several people that had never been away from this area, what a difference in work ethics and knowledge of seeing other places in the world!
I hope this can be passed along to anyone that would remember
Sharla and her family. Please email me an address so I can mail
you a copy of her obituary.

Thank you,

30 Jan 2020

Mike (Iceman) Bonner

Stationed at Naha AFB, 51st FMS from 1964 - 1965. Had great friends both on and off base. Gene Paalman, Ernie (Butch) Purmal and Martin Lee Napier along with The Snake ( Good). We all worked in the airframe repair working on F-102's and C-130A's. The Airman's Club was great for entertainment and good food while Naminoue was our hang out off base. Many great memories with terrific Okinawan people aned the girls wern't bad either. Bea
st times in our lives.

26 Jan 2020


Mr Couson, I am living in Okinawa now and work as a teacher. I have an Okinawan friend who is studying and writing about the history of Yomitan-Son, his home Village. He would like to get in contact with you to assist and talk about Okinawa. His English is limited and my Japanese is almost nonexistent. But can assist with the communication.

25 Jan 2020

Rick Laughbon

My dad was a Major w/2nd Log Command. We were there from 1968-May of 1971. I was in 4th-7th grade. I played all the sports on base and our coaches were the GI’s at Kue. I still remember my football coach, Coach Rooks. We snorkeled from beautiful beaches and the coral and fish life I’ll never forget. Also, Kobe beef! We lived on Camp Kue in a two story duplex near the fence to what we kids called “Oki Town”. Fond memories.

13 Jan 2020

Andres Gonzalez

Any body know about Agent Orange being stored on the island (1969,1970,1971) How about black ops?

05 Jan 2020

Jim Davis

I was stationed at Fort Buckner with Stratcom from late 1967 to early 1969. I was in the Signal Core and worked as "Fixed Station Controller" at the communications site. I had a small motorcycle and a bunch of us would ride around the island. I also swam at Moon Beach and hung out in Koza City. I would like to connect with anybody who was at the communications site then. I saw a William Michalak listed as being there in 67/68 but the name doesn't ring a bell.

31 Dec 2019

R Walker

I was stationed at a hawk battery at site 13. Got there in early 68 and left 69. I bought a ford falcon station station wagon from sgt first class Moore; it was red and white. We would drive it to Naha and Koza. I remember a little restaurant in Naha or maybe a town named Naaman Newie (spelling ?). They had the best tacos ever, even better than El Paso.

28 Dec 2019

SP5 Mike Lechman

Station at YAETAKE communication site 1968 to 1969 Also known as mount Yaedake...US Army.

25 Dec 2019

Patrick Allen


I found a 3 or 4 year old drowned at the Machinato base pool on Christmas Day 1971 or 72. Does anyone remember this or know the girls name? It has affected me to this day.

21 Sep 2019


I was stationed at Camp Hanson in 1970 and loved it. Part of the reason was the women and the bars. A bigger reason was I just liked the place. I wander around through the country by myself for hours. I was told not to do it, the people hated us, and only wanted to get a Marine alone. It never happened.I had more problems with other Marines.

20 Sep 2019

Betty Hunter/ Donnerstag

My husband, Steve Donnerstag, was with ServCo.HqBn,3dMrDiv(Rein)FMF
May 13,1960 his unit was sent to Okinawa and their location was Camp Courtney. Shortly after arriving in Okinawa several members from his unit (him included) were sent TAD to DaNang, Vietnam. While in country, among other duties he made deliveries for the post office and he was responsible for picking up barrels of chemicals from the docks and delivering them to the Air force, if he arrived after the Air Force troops were off duty for the night, he had to stay with the truck till morning and he would sleep on top of the barrels in his sleeping bag, some of the barrels were leaking and would get on him. He has had a claim with the VA since 2004 for type 2 diabetes with complications of heart disease, hypertension and neuropathy. The VA claims there was no agent orange in Vietnam until January 1962, which is when Operation Ranch Hand started, We contend it was delivered in time for Ranch Hand to begin and my husband delivering it. He has a hearing with the VA coming up soon and we are desperate to find someone who was there and saw agent orange being shipped to Vietnam between May 13,1960 and July 3rd, 1961, which is the time frame he was there. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

18 Sep 2019

Ryan Hlavac

My grandma and grandpa got married at the Kadena Chapel in 1950 or 1951 I believe. I was wondering if there are any photos maybe kept in an archive of weddings. Their names are John And Ruth Gallagher.

10 Sep 2019

Jim Wunderly

Was stationed at DMO Machinato Service Area 1969-1970.
Young and dumb LT but had a great time.

28 Aug 2019

John K. Morris

I am trying to find info on my old friend, Hatsu-Ch'yan Maeda.
She is 78 years old and had a younger sister named Fumiko.
They lived in Naminoue, Okinawa. Arigato ... Thank you very much.

27 Aug 2019


I found someone’s WW II scrapbook in a thrift store. I repaired it and I would like to give it back to the family. It has a lot of family photos but only one is labeled “Briner family”. There’s a hand drawn portrait of a soldier signed by S. Hayasaka, dated 1952.8.31 Tokyo Station. Lots other photos, pin up girls, and the like. First, would any of that be useful for your site? And second can you point me in a good direction to track down this soldier’s family?

26 Aug 2019

Francisco Alaniz JR USMC. 1966-1967

Looking for any information on a convoy that went down killing 3 marines and injuring 19. This happened on route 122 coming back from training in Camp Schwab going to Camp Hansen. This had to be sometime in 65 to 67.... I have a very old newspaper clipping but it’s almost gone. My father was in that accident and survived. I tried looking in Star and Stripes archives but no luck. Does anyone have any information?

22 Aug 2019

Earl E Hickman

Anyone out there that was in the 11th signal bn-later changed to 8111th signal bn
from august 1949 to nov 1951

22 Aug 2019


Does anyone remember Naha Wheel the main gate was just outside the main gate to Naha airbase. I was stationed there from 1970 till 73 and worked at Naha port. I can't seem to find anything on the wheel its like it disappeared.

05 Aug 2019


I am looking for anyone that knew the Matsuda family. Miyoko Matsuda, 86 passed away last week. I would like to contact her family and friends in Ishikawa.

03 Aug 2019

Paul Stebenne

I was a co corpsmen assigned to camp Schwab in 70/71 3rd Mar div 2/9.
Looking for anyone from Gulf co,
I was an FMF corpsmen and really loved being with the marines who became my brothers. never looked back to the blue all the way.
Looking for anyone who my have been exposed to any Dioxins or AO who my have CVD or any other related problems.
Love to hear from anyone around that time........

Doc Paul

28 Jul 2019


My name isdon lucier-stationed kadena from oct 69 till oct 72. Would love to hear from anyone from that time

22 Jul 2019

Bob Dunn

I trained as a Sentry Dog handler at Ft. Buckner, Machinato in Feb and Mar 1967.

19 Jul 2019

Richard Lewis

Hello , my name is Richard Lewis .I was stationed at CTF 72, Commander Patrol Forces 7th Flt at NAHA . I was E4 enlisted RM3 working in the communications teletype room . REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. FOWLER invited my Communications Section to come to The Top Of The Rock Officers Club on Christmas EVE DEC 24th 1970 . That was the one and only time I was ever at the Club . I just want to say " THANK YOU ADMIRAL !!! " 49 Years Later . I will be 71 Years old in OCT 2019 . THANKS !!! RICHARD LEWIS

17 Jul 2019

Kathryn Green

My father, Capt John P Green was a pilot stationed at Haha AFB in the early 60s. I loved living in Okinawa and have wonderful memories of our tour there. My mom's name is Frances Green . I remember Bob and Dorthy Fulton were in the same Square in. Love to hear from other there during that time. Bob

14 Jul 2019


Any Marine stationed at Camp Hague between June 1971 - June 1972

09 Jul 2019

Ann Hathaway Balowski

Wow, just ran across this site. Lived in Machinato and went to Kubasaki. Dad stationed there in 1960-62. Some of my fondest memories are living there and my brother and I taking the bus to the other end of the island and shell hunting. Illegal trips to Black Market Alley in Naha. Going to movies in Kadena and visiting the local villages. Typhoons so strong the rain was blowing sideways through the vent holes in the windows. All the furniture piled in the middle of the living room.

I fell in love at 13 with one of my Dad's PFC's. I wept the day we rotated stateside to California.

05 Jul 2019

William (Bill) Hayes

I was stationed at A-8-1 from 1968 to 1970. I worked on the tactical site with Gary Turner requisitioning repair parts for the radars and also drove the 3/4 and 2.5 ton (deuce and a half) truck to bring troops from the administration site to the tactical site and back again. I also pulled lots of guard duty and worked in the Hawk Missile launcher area. During 5 minute status, I would climb onto the missiles and check to see the status of the safety and arming device. I owned a 1959 Studebaker station wagon for a short time and toured the island. Looking back, these were some of the best days of my life.

I now live back in my home state of NH.

20 Jun 2019

Max Garcia

My date of service mid 67 till Aug of 68 station at Henoko 137th ordnance
Looking for what information

08 Jun 2019

Randy Boatwright

I was born 1969 on the Naha base Okinawa. My father was Army Sgt. Bill or Billie Boatwright. My mother was Dawn Boatwright. A nanny help raise me and my other brothers and one sister named Susie. She was a local so I’m sure that wasn’t her real name. My brothers names were Robert, Ricky, Ronnie and Roger. And my one sister Marie. If anyone knows or remembers anyone by these names please contact me.

20 Apr 2019

William H. Gaffney LtCol USMC(Ret)

Three tours on Okinawa. 780815-790815. 820810-850610. 870215-900615. Second and third accompanied. 1st MAW HQs first two. MCB Butler Staff third tour. We all loved the island. Have often wanted to go back. Figure it has changed though to the point might not recognize.

15 Apr 2019

Robert Hovis

I was with 2/9 Camp Hansen 1963/1964 and i remember having to wear a uniform to go on liberty due to racial problems . a friend that was there the same time doesn't remember any problem .

15 Feb 2019

Cindy Lingle Henk

'57-'60, Army brat 11-13 yrs. Such a wonderful place for those years of my life.
Kishaba Terrace, and another address at the foot of a wooded hill. "Let Us Go,And Get Ice", "Uehara's Sweet Birthday Cake", Blackie the Photographer, Joto Pan, Plaza House, and the blind man who played samisen there. Presentos, Boys' Day and Girls' Day, Obon, folk music with lots of drums. Kokishi dolls, Hakata dolls, teak chests, jade grapes, rattan furniture. Dried salted plums, pear apples, crystallized ginger, tea, sweet and salty white and pink(!) puffed rice cake. Big black snails, habus, cicadas, hermit crabs, and the crab that bit my dog's tongue and dropped it's claw, still attached to Cho Cho, who went howling down the beach - Nago I think. Ishikawa and Okuma, with scary down-the-cliff road. Hibiscus, tuberoses, ginger, cycads, vines. The flower lady, kind and brave Sumiko Sakima, also Sadako, Mitsuko, Kazuko, Morimasa, and Yasuhiro Uchima, all dear. The glass factory, the pottery, AH and OM (still on my shelf here in the boonies of CO). Lots of American friends who are now as old as I am!
Thanks, Donn! Cindy

11 Feb 2019

Jesse Padgett

tdy from okinwa to vietnam

28 Jan 2019

Lonny Pannucci

Was stationed at Kadena 2/68 to 8/70 with the 603rd MASS. Would like to hear from anyone who was there during that period.

15 Jan 2019

Wayne Ralph

Stationed at NAHA AIR FORCE BASE 1958...1959.. Belonged to 6431st Installation Engineers. I LIVED IN A QUANSUT Hut and worked 24 on and 24 off..Liked my hours and had a Midnight chow pass.We took care of the runway lighting, crash barriers and the water tower and also the buildings..I made 5 TDY trips to Formosa During the Quemoy Crisis and worked on construction projects there...My first trip was to Tainan Air Base where we worked with US ARMY engineers to construct a Water Tower and metal buildings for Barracks.Hard work but good trips to town on passes...Happy to hear from anyone on my email...

11 Jan 2019

DavidLNelsonJr (Nelson)

Anyone out there stationed at A-8-1 Pulse. 1968-1970. Nicknames—Francis, Waldo, Mag, Tiny, St. Rick, and Smitty. I also have “A New Concept in Air Defense” Hawk patch design that I bet one of these guys did!
I would love to hear from any of you. Enfield, NH

24 Dec 2018

De Forrest Hill

I remember the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners At Naha Air Base. They were great!

18 Dec 2018


I am doing research like currency value regarding B yen which is used in Okinawa from 1946 until 1958. Kindly advise what can people purchased with1000 yen,100 yen, 20 yen, 50 yen, 10 yen, 5 yen and 1 yen in those days. Thanks.

06 Dec 2018

De Forrest Hill

I was assigned to Okinawa on 27 Nov. 1962. I had been stationed at Perrin AFB Texas , part of the 4780th Consolidated Acft Maintenance squadron, and was reassigned to the 51st Armament and Electronics Squadron at Naha Air Base. I was a Autopilot/AFCS Troop on F-102's, and C-130's. I got sent home for discharge on 13 July 1964. Some of the guys in my shop were David Thain, Richard Stahl, Bernie Johnson, Frank Defillipo, and Richard Kling.

Okinawa was a real mix of new and old.

Dang, that was a long time ago!

14 Apr 2018

Airman 1st Class Larry White

1962d AACS 1960-1962 Navaids repairman...Okuma LF Beacon...Paradise. U of Maryland Quanset hut university! Yamadasan beiko no gensai desushita. Met him again on an airplane from San Diego to las Vegas. Kadena Scuba Club $1 for tank rental. Try google earth on the streets. Was member of Kadena Chapel Choir and AFSS men's choral. Airman Preston Pugh, a Buckeye enlistee and Lackland teammate, ran the west Kadena gym.
Hope you see this Preston. ps Be Back soon.

27 Mar 2018

Mark Apodaca

Stationed on Foster 12th Marines 1990 - 1991

08 Mar 2018

Karl Goesele

1982 - 1983 Stationed at Camp Foster, 3rd FSSG, 9th MTBN, H&Q Co.

06 Mar 2018

Gary Cross

I was 2nd log Headquarters Supply stationed above the movie theater above the new barracks facing the East China Sea in 68-70. call or text me if you remember me 248-867-8649

13 Feb 2018


Testing Comments for the webmaster, pay no mind to this one ;)

12 Feb 2018

alan r caraway

Great site brings back a lot of Mems, Please keep it going. I was wih the 137th Ord. Henoko 68-69

22 Jan 2018


Very good site thank you!!!! &&%ERYHZcghenmtgi346y46477vnfvf

22 Jan 2018

Lonny Pannucci

To Ed Robinson, was stationed with 603rd Passenger Service from 2/68 to 8/70. You are the first former 603rd vet I've come across. BTW, am looking a 603rd jacket patch if you can help me.

15 Jan 2018

James L. Lash

TY for this opportunity.

I was stationed at Camp Hansen Jan 1964---------Jan 1965

H&S Battalion. Near EM Club, near Main Gate. Near Kin Village.

USMC 1962-1966

Feel Free To Holler At Me. NC Home State

15 Jan 2018

Ed Robison

Looking for anyone that served in the USAF.... 603rd Mass Enroute Maintance from 1972 until 1973 on Kadena?? Found Jerry Ventura,but still looking for the rest of the guys.MERCURY

14 Jan 2018

Julian Kanter

3rd Battalion 9th Marines, Camp Hansen, Okinawa 1963-64,
Battalion surgeon.
I have not been able to find any info on my old unit - I know it was renamed once or twice.
I found a 1963-64 3/9 yearbook on Ebay several years ago. I didn't know one even existed! Lots of names, pics and memories.
Amazing year in the Far East. Climbed Mt. Fujiama during cold weather training in Japan, Jan. 64. Spent last month of tour aboard ship in Dnang Harbor, Vietnam, shortly after the Tonkin Gulf incident.

10 Jan 2018

Dan Emmeloth

I previously posted I was in the 47th TAC that was wrong I was in the 41st TAC. Lots of TDY's but it was always good to get back to Okinawa.

09 Jan 2018

Dan Emmeloth

I served as a loadmaster in the 47th TAC Sq. at Naha from Oct.1966 to May 1968 I extended 2 months because I loved the Island and the guys I worked with. I was on C130A's that went to Can Rahn Bay TDY for 2 weeks at a time every month. I also volunteered for the Blind Bat missions out of Ubon Thailand. I have great memories of Okinawa and would go back in a heartbeat. I don't see anyone that was in my unit on here, but If you know of anyone I would like to hear from them. I'm on facebook and the only Dan Emmeloth there is anywhere. I would like to find our company clerk Dave Shepard if anyone has info on him.

02 Jan 2018

David Swindler

I was with the 549th QM Co.(AD)on Oki in 72-73. Helped suppress the riots preceding the revision. Airborne unit, did a lot of running and PT. Just learned Sgt. Alley died in Thailand all those years ago.

23 Dec 2017

Rick Davidson

In 1966 and 1967 I was stationed at Naha AFB Okinawa with the 82nd F.I.S. if any of my fellow airmen were treated for prostate cancer, osteomyelitis, hearing loss, or ischemic heart disease PLEASE contact me. Any of these conditions could be a result of exposure to Agent Orange and/or other herbicides used on the island. I had to leave due to my mothers death in May of 1967. Any help would be appreciated. Please help me by sharing this post.

28 Nov 2017

David Silverwatch

Looking for anybody who was stationed at Onna Point 1967-1969. Company B. Ditty Booper.

26 Nov 2017

Peter E Ringuette

I was stationed at the 62 MP group between 1968 and 1970. Was in RAFP and was also on the radio for town and foot patrols. Anyone remember?

17 Nov 2017


Hello !!! I was Navy stationed at Naha , Okinawa at CTF 72 communications room . I was across the road from the flight line where the Navy VP-P3 Patrol planes were stationed . I was their voice/teletype contact on the ground while they were out on patrol dropping sonobuoys tracking Russian submarines . I arrived Jan 1970 and departed DEC 1971 . I remember the Typhoon that hit Naha JUL 3rd and blew hard all nite over until mid day JUL 4th 1971. My first Christmas away from Home was 25 DEC 1970 . Some of us guys pitched in and we bought a tree and lights and decorations at the Exchange store on base .We had thr tree on a card table in barracks . I slept on the floor at night about a week with a pillow and blanket just to be close to the tree all lighted up. Still have picture of the tree in my photo album . Used to make a call on AUTOVON back to Ellington AFB in Texas on night shift and the operator would patch me into local telephone so I could callfamily/Parents. That was a BIG MORALE BOOSTER . Remember watching "ALL IN THE FAMILY" with Archie Bunker on AFRN-TV in the REC ROOM . Remember boarding my Flight at Kadena AFB 7 DEC 1971 headed for Los Angeles . Myself and one other Navy guy I was stationed with were the only two Navy personel on the MAC JET. When the wheels lifted off the flight line surface , all the MARINES broke out in a ROAR they were SO HAPPY !!!!! When we approached the LAX Flight Line the Plane Captain started playing "L.A. WOMAN " by Jim Morrison and the DOORS !!!!! Was GREAT FEELING to be back STATE SIDE !!!!! Richard LEWIS

13 Nov 2017

Lonny Pannucci

Was stationed at Kadena with the 603rd MASS Passenger Service 2/68 to 8/70. Have lost contact with just about everybody I worked with. If anyone was stationed there at that time please try to reach me.

11 Nov 2017

Patrick Lyons Cpl USMC L/4/12

Hey Sam,
I was also a member of L/4/12 at the same time you were. Can't say I remember your name, but it does sound familiar. Drove truck (3531) and also worked at Battery Supply for a while after back surgery. Hung out with Jim Reynolds(cos driver) and Dave Farrar. Be great to hear from you as I have a bunch of pictures from "back in the day"

11 Nov 2017

Samuel Stephens

I was on the rock 1963-1964 at Camp Sukiran Lima Btry-4th Bn-12th Marines "L-4-12".

05 Nov 2017

Rick Huffman

My Father Smsgt Charlie Huffman was stationed at Kadena from 67-72 with the 1962 Comm Group. My Mom and I came in 68. Best place to grow up as a kid. Love the old pictures.

05 Oct 2017

pat chambers

I was stationed 0n the rock from 1966 to 1967. !st missle battalionn57th artillery off highway 1 and just down the road from Torri station.Lots of good memories from BJ alley and assorted bars. 2.00 massages and some times with "Happy Endings"
There was a great all girl Fillipino band that would make the circuit to Okinawa And we would follow them to various clubs. When they played "If you're going to San Francisco" on the night I was "short, two days and a wake up" and the Animals song "We got to get out of this place" That brought the "house down" every time. Went scuba diving a few times. The most fun time was playing war games up at Camp Hardy with Seals,Green Berets, and other specops teams.I will never forget that. Had to pull Duty Driver and pick up incoming troops mostly fro Nam and I would time the drive down Highway one so tha the incoming B52's would fly right over the truck. It scared the holy shit out of a lot of troops. Someone handed me a joint one night while on Duty driver. I only took a couple of hits cause I might have to pick up someone.It hit me like a brick and I was highly stoned for the next 4or 5 hours. Found out it was laced with Opium compliments of some enterprising airmen from Nam. God how many Typhoons di we go through in those short 2 years

28 Sep 2017

Candy (Fultz) Schupay

Stationed on the rock Feb 1971-Dec 1972. Husband Keith was last of draftees from Ohio, deployed from Ft Gordon, GA as MP. Stationed off Army base near Machinato across binjo ditch and Army stockade overlooking the East China Sea. Rented from Okinawa family. Loved going out low tide to gather rare shells, taking bus up to Koza but only during day hours since I was not welcomed as a "round eye" American woman! Had many great MP rock & roll music, Boonesfarm, smoking Tonkin parties! Funny that Army made a huge number of last drafted hippies MP's!!Nobody got busted on their watches!! Xmas celebrations were great with our new MP brothers from NY, NJ even though we had to tie 2 pitiful Charlie Brown trees together! Husband had to provide police protection for Jane Fonda and transfer of dollars off/receipt of yen went Japan reversion takeover happened June '72. Got scary for all who lived off base. It was a kind country whose manners and culture although "backwards" in time to my young thinking, helped me be open/accepting of other races and different cultures. Never regreted spending my last 2 years as a teenager
and new wife there.It paved my love of travel, adventure and a simpler life. Ironic that one of my National Guard staff members in 2010 was a Kadena AF teen wife stationed on base during my time there! Small world. Shout out to Bruce and Carol and baby son who lived next door.

28 Sep 2017

Candy (Fultz) Schupay

Husband Keith was last of draftees from Ohio, deployed from Ft Gordon, GA as MP. Stationed off Army base near Machinato across binjo ditch and Army stockade overlooking the East China Sea. Rented from Okinawa family. Loved going out low tide to gather rare shells, taking bus up to Koza but only during day hours since I was not welcomed as a "round eye" Americal woman

14 Sep 2017

Steve Campbell

Was assigned to Port Services White Beach from Aug. 68 to May 70. Was told by sailors in Naha that was not where I wanted to be. They could not have been more wrong. It was like Mc Hales Navy. There was only about 50 sailors on this small base. I was promoted to BM3 after about 6 mo. Had a private room in the BEQ, a house girl to do my laundry and room cleaning and as the mess deck was closed we all had every meal at the EM club. This lasted for about a year until the mess deck reopened. I could never have imagined a better duty station. Was told if I reinlisted they would give me another year on The Rock. I declined and still regret that decision. After 47 years I still miss it. Thanks for a great website.

Steve Campbell

05 Sep 2017

Judy Fehland

My husband was stationed at Camp Butler in Okinawa I in 1970 and 1971. I am looking for anyone that was station with him pictures, anything. He passed away in 2012 from Renal Cell carcinoma. His name was Jesse Fehland. Thanks

23 Aug 2017

Richard Cutcher

I was on Okinawa in 1961-62 with the 503rd Airborne Combat Team, US Army, at Camp Sukeran. Made lots of Army Paratrooper friends - as well as (a few good friends) from Okinawan stationed US Marine Corps. We were on opposite sides way back then, but now I would say we are all just former comrades with a shared Okinawan history. Rich Cutcher, once Airborne always Airborne.

29 Jul 2017

CSM Jim Tate

I was stationed in Okinawa from May 1970 -December 1971. Assigned to A-Company 2d Logistical Command. Worked on the Army Depot and Played in Namaniu. I loved Okinawa and would love to go back to visit all the areas I visited and played. I was Drafted in 1969 and Retired in 1995. Looking for Rummell & Sullivan. Lloyd Burnham was also a good friend that passed away several years ago. Enjoy your assignments and remember that you will never have the opportunity to experience Okinawa like we did before a Japan took control of the Island. HOOAH 7

28 Jul 2017

Paul Nagy

Was stationed at Machinato Army barracks 1964-1966. Hawk missile repair (MOS 22k20). Was part of 273rd ordnance detachment which I am unable to find any trace of.Guess it was probably disbanded and rolled into another unit.

11 Jul 2017

Gwen peake LeGrande

I seen a comment by yoshiko Mabuni, my brother had a child in okinawa in the 60s. Been trying to contact him but we don't have any names or pictures. Would you like to email a picture??

18 Jun 2017

Gerry Gleckel

Was at Naha AB ... 1967-1970. Lived in Bei Ryu Oroku. Any help on Bei Ryu?

08 May 2017

chuck morse

i am trying to get in touch with Tom Hicky who served with the 267th chemical co. 1965/1968 and see if he has photos of any herbicides/defoliants and other chemical agents stored on Okinawa please respond to my email address Thanks

05 May 2017

Dan Dermody

Love this site!! I was stationed at Kadena from March of '64 till September '65. Worked at an office on the flight line where pilots would fly T-33's for time to stay current. Worked 'off duty' for 6 months at AFRTS...and, then for a year at KSBK Radio. What a fantastic 18 months!! Would sure love to hear from anyone who might have been there at that time...especially folks I worked with back then. Sure wouldn't recognize the place if I was lucky enough to ever go back.

02 May 2017

Mike Moore

I was stationed in Machinato 70-71 and was in E co barracks right on the shore line. Started out we were on 24 hr alert for riot duty during reversion, then worked at the depot rebuilding field radar units coming out of nam. I was about 20 then and spent my fair share of time on BC st. and the bars in Naminui. Also studied Okinawan karate from an elder master not far from the base. Our mess hall was really one of the best of my career. Oki I nationals had much pride in their work ethic. I do remember at the time there was quite a bit of racial tension within the company. But all and all it was a great experience I'm glad I got to have.

04 Apr 2017

Jean Jett

I lived in Okinawa in 1958-59 in what was then Machinato base housing, a four man BOQ. I taught in the American Dependents School. Teachers often dined at the Kadena Officers Club or Naha Officers Club. Your web site brings back fond memories of my experiences there, friends, students, typhoons, " habu hollow," the Teahouse of the August Moon and so much more! I still have some beautiful Bembo lacquerware. There must be nothing left of the Okinawa I knew and loved except for the memories. Thanks so much!

30 Mar 2017

Billy Pruett

i served with the us army 44th trans on the rock all of 1973 doing stevedore and truck driving duty at naha port and white beach.

21 Mar 2017

James Sherman

Arrived on The Rock two weeks after Reversion in May 1972. I was in the 3rd Medical Detachment billeted in the troop barracks at Machinato. We worked at the MSA and Naha Port inspecting retrograde cargo going back to the states. There were vending machines in the barracks that had beer, only problem was the refrigeration systems never worked! Left Okinawa in November 1973, Army tour of duty was 18 months. Great web site - Thank You!!

12 Mar 2017

John C Hardwick

I enjoyed reading the comments of those who enjoyed their time on Okinawa, especially those who were there in the 40s and 50s. I have gone sites of present day Okinawa and am stunned by the changes and the costs of living there now. I was there from 1951 til 1963 as a dependent and from 1967 til 1972 as a DAC. It was a wonderful time in my life and I will always treasure my time there. Best wishes to all those who lived on the Rock.

08 Mar 2017

Masato Mabuni previous-now Harry

Ive been looking for any information for a soldier that was stationed in Okinawa around 1967-68. He would've dated a woman named Yoshiko Mabuni.
I've been searching for my father or any connections to his family for 48 years.
My health is not in the best and would like this chapter in my life closed before I depart. I do have pictures of him, but can't post them here. If anyone can help, they'd be my angel. Thank you.

11 Feb 2017


I would love to see the old aerial photos. Unfortunately, it says Microsoft Photosynth was discontinued as of 06 February 2017. Is there another location to view the photos.

I could, and have, spent hours on your site. Thank you!

23 Jan 2017

Gordon Wallace

on the request for Maj General Smith info 1970
Army was total support role for the war Virtually any equip or manpower passed through on the way to Vietnam.
I was enlisted aide to MajGen Smith in 1970 and don't recall the name
of David....anyone on his staff. His close aide was Lt Larry Pruitt
I believe from Fla.
Virtually all info on Smith has been redacted.
I held top secret clearance and my DD 214 shows blank

19 Jan 2017


I was stationed on Okinawa Feb 66 to Dec 67 , I was attached to the 62nd MP COMPANY, 123RD cid, in Sukiran. Nice place , went to Moon Beach alot and drank Orion beer

11 Jan 2017

Bethann Neves

My father Air Force Staff Sergent Richard Spreadbury was stationed in kadeea in 1969 with my Mother Verona and my Michael he was stationed in Okinawa for four years I was born at Naha hospital in June 1969 my family didn't stay very long after my birth I would love to see Okinawa I was told it is beautiful my dad gave me the nick name Buddha he past away in august of 2000 in Boise,Idaho the story's and culture feel like a part of my longing to see for myself I don't know if anyone knows how to obtain my birth certificate Idaho is no help for getting it or even pointing me in any direction mine was taken,thank you and if any one is there still and finds pictures of dad I would love to see them as well as the scenery and the Buddha my name is Bethann Neves

08 Jan 2017

Betti Belardi Tiner

My parents, Elizabeth McNutt and Lt. Col Raymond J Belardi, were married on Okinawa on September 9, 1951. They were married at Camp Kue Chapel. The reception was held at the Rycom Officers Club. My father was serving at Okinawa as Deputy Rycom G-4. Does the Chapel still exist? Is the Rycom Officers Club still there. I am planning a trip to Japan and would like to include Okinawa to see these sites. Can you tell me if these places are still there? And, if so, under the names that I know or other names?
Thank you for your help.
Betti Belardi Tiner

06 Jan 2017

Joe Birney

Great site! My father was a Tech Sgt. in the 53rd Medium Port TC and was on Okinawa from April to October 1945. I've been unable to find any information about the 53rd until I discovered this site. My father passed away in 2002 but one story he told me about Okinawa has intrigued me for years. He said that the Japanese bombed parts of Okinawa on V-J Day. I've never been able to verify this. Was curious if anyone else had ever heard that.

25 Nov 2016

George Singleton

I was stationed on Okinawa from mar 1965 till Oct 1966, served at HO USARYUS. I have two photos , one that I took in 1965 and the other was taken by a soldier in 1945. They are not only of the same area but we taken at the same spot. I would love to share them with you. Send me an address and I will mail you copies. Waiting for you reply. Love you web site.

22 Nov 2016

Anthony Lucky

This is a great web site, Thank you for setting it up .
I'M looking for any Marines that served with the 3rd Shore party battalion supply co, 3rd marine division
at Camp Hansen,Okinawa in 1974 thru 1975. I served with this unit from Feb 24,1974 to April 2,1975 as a young Marine.
I'm also trying to find the name of the aide to Maj General Kenneth J.Houghton, who served as Commanding General of all Marine bases on Okinawa from Aug 23, 1974 to Aug 13, 1975.

Thank you for this web site.

20 Nov 2016

Vicki Fama

Discovered your site while performing research to create a scrapbook of my father-in-law's photographs from the end of WWII. A very nice resource.

Thank you.

18 Nov 2016

Aaron Jones

I was at Camp Hansen in 1978 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines.
If anyone was stationed there at the time contact me.
I live in Knoxville TN.

16 Nov 2016

Gary Martin

Served October 1962 to April 1964 with 545th Emgeer Detachment. Great tour of duty.

30 Oct 2016

Edward Haneffant

I was on the rock with C company 2nd logistical command for 1 year lived off base at Farlkle village an apartment house for the stoners- and 137 ordinace company for last 6 months next to Camp Swawb - 2 trips to Bamgkok on leave- wasnt there a song about the Road To Naminui

18 Oct 2016

craig seitz

My father was stationed at Kadena in the early 70's. I was only 6 but have such good memories of living there. Visiting Kadena Circle with my mom, attending first grade at M & K Elementary, walking across the street to Higasahns grocery store, and mostly walking to the toy store with my brothers and buying Kamen Rider and Ultra man trading many good times as a kid with no worries...

16 Oct 2016

John Bercaw

I was stationed at Camp Hague in 1962. Across the road was a small Navy post. Neither are there anymore, and I cannot find much information on the Internet. Does anyone remember the name of the Navy camp?

13 Oct 2016

Ken Crouse

Came to Okinawa on Thanksgiving Day, 1973. Left on Thanksgiving Day 1974. I was more thankful in 1974. I was an 0311 / USMC and was the company jeep driver for "A" Co., 1st Bn, 4th Marines most of the time. Our base was Camp Hansen but we also did a float down to the Philippines with leave in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and probably some other spots I've forgotten. I was 18 at the time and then went on Embassy Duty so remained overseas for more than 3 years, 4 months of a 4-year enlistment.

13 Oct 2016

Robert Jackson

Regarding Mr. Higgs' post about Camp Chinen and CISO. Can you write more about you work with CISO, and your visits to Camp Chinen? I assume you were working with the logistics folks in the warehouses there. The warehouses contained weapons, boats, medical gear, and all sorts of equipment.

06 Oct 2016

Leona Ginocchio

My father was stationed in Okinawa in 1948-1949. Most of his documents were lost in the National Archieves fire in 1973. I know he was 16th ORD MM. Im just wondering if anyone knows why American Army was there at that time and what they did.
Thank you for any information and/or photos at that time.

09 Sep 2016

joe sheppard usmc

I was stationed at camp Schwab Okinawa 1973 and 1974.was in H.S.
COMPANY 3RD. MOTOR T.on the right just as you went in the main
gate.I was on guard duty in the motor pool during the typhoon/
I was ordered not to leave the guard shack.During the night a
jeep trailer was said to have been taken over the fence.Chaeges
could have been against me for losing govsrment property.There
never was.I think the trailer got away on float HA. HA. We put
our wall lockers against our windows stayed inside and ate sea
rats.I would like to go back and visit.The people in Henoko was
some of the best people I ever met.Me and Joe Kelly from Ind.
went to town in daytime just to talk to the people and meet
new friends.If you have never been their you should go.

25 Aug 2016

Earl Hickman

I got to Okinawa in August of 1949. Was in 11th signal service bn. in Sukiran.
Was scheduled to leave Oki in July 1950 but when the Korean war started in june 1950 I was frozen on Oki. Didn"t leave until Nov. 1951. Went to Tokyo in Dec 1950 for 30 day school at 71st Signal bn. on mobile radio teletype operation. Anybody out there who was in 11th signal or 8111th signal. would like to hear from you227

17 Aug 2016

Don young

I was stationed at the navcomsta NAF Naha in 1967. Helped set it up and did the off line crypto work. Enjoyed my time there, went to Naminue a lot, still have coral in my foot from swimming by the Naminue Shrine.

17 Aug 2016

Gary Batson

I landed on the ROCK Feb. of 1966. I was with the Army 562nd Trans. Co at Naha wheel, then moved to Sukiran where our motor pool was. I have many good memory's of military and civilian friends, and trips motorcycling around the island. Does anyone remember a little bar on the ocean by the civilian airport? We called it the boathouse. That's where the guys took me the night before I shipped home Aug. 6,1967. This is a great site, keep up the good work.

13 Jul 2016

Terri Moore

I was born in Naha. My father, Dale Moore was in the Navy (MCB11 in the late 1960s) and my mother is from Kumejima. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures. When I showed this site to mother and my aunt (Kiko and Yasuko Taira), they were speechless. I have a few pictures from my father’s time on Okinawa. Please send me an email if you would like for me to send them to you.
Thank you!!!

08 Jul 2016

Shannon Joyce

I have pictures I would like to share. My father was in the 305th Fighter Control Squadron stationed on Okinawa towards the end of the war. I have a picture of the 1st reunion of the 305th. I have pictures of what their base looked like after the typhoon. What I don't have is much more info. I don't know the name of the base or where it was on the island. My father would be 110 if he were still living. He was in his late 30's while in the AAC. He was Tech Sargent Joseph Joyce. He had a friend named James Cunningham. Also a picture of Red Seeds. Please let me know where and how to get these pictures to you, if you would like them.

08 Jul 2016

Gary Galloway

Oh yes Okinawa, how I spent my 18th year as on that beautiful
island 69 miles long and 12 miles wide, with 3rd FSR Marines at Camp Foster. I enjoyed it, yes it did rain a lot and I did sweat a lot. I drove for a Marine LT Col for 10 of those months. The first day I drove I got a speeding ticket, the top speed on the island was 30 mph, I was doing 35,gotta luv that Marine Roadmaster who gave me the ticket. I had a great experience
and made a lot of friends. Yes I spent my 20th year in another beautiful country called Viet Nam!!
Sgt Gary Galloway
USMC 1967-1971

07 Jul 2016

Mary Wells

My father was with USIA/VOA and we lived on Kadena AFB from 1956-1959. Our housing area, now gone, was near Gate One. My sister and I went to the base elementary school and my brother went to Kubasaki HS.
There was a club called the FBIS Club that had a restaurant on top with a lovely outside area but underneath was a bomb shelter but also served as a bar and and general activity center. The club was built into the side of a hill. The housing area behind it was called FBIS while our much smaller housing area was IBS. There was also an installation in Okuma that might have been a transmitter site. I just remember it was fenced in and there were what appeared to be a bunch of radio towers. The engineers and their families lived in Okuma and their children were homeschooled. There was a small beach club appropriately named the Megawatt Club and a small motel-type building we could stay in when we went up there. Further on was the Officers' Rest Center and cabanas. In the pictures of Okuma it looks like the old runway is still there.
I think those 3 years were some of the best of my childhood. I have so many memories of Okinawa. I remember the Showa buses, Saturday's at the base theater, the officers swimming pool, brunch at the Wing Club after Mass on Sunday's. And, OMG, those scary rides from Kadena to Okuma on old dirt tank roads with no guardrails and steep drops to the rocks below. There was a small bridge in Nago that my mother rarely failed to bump in our old '49 Buick. I remember, too, when Typhoon Faye finally hit the island and destroyed the base. The Brigadier General of the base was quickly replaced after that disaster. I remember being scared when the air raid sirens would sound and we'd have to close the blackout curtains and turn off all the lights. And feeling relieved when the all clear sounded. There were a couple of earthquakes along the way, too.
Someone commented they wanted to remember Okinawa as it was. I do, too. And thanks to your photographs it will.

17 Jun 2016

Richard E. Bell Jr. Msgt. USAF Retired

During the Pueblo incident I was stationed with the 91st Bomb Wing in Glasgow Montana. In Feb 1968 the Wing was secretly deployed to Kadena AFB and the B-52s were loaded with 500 & 750 lb. bombs. Personnel were not to go off the base or talk to anyone about B-52s being there. We sat there for several weeks not knowing if we were going to retaliate or if things would be resolved. I was in Job Control as FMS Dispatcher when the phone at the Senior Controllers desk rang the distinctive ring of the Command Post calling. Msgt. Harris had stepped out of the control room and I answered the phone. I was told we have a FRAG order to launch Aircraft and wrote down the launch times. My heart was beating fast and was thinking "Oh shit,were going to war." That was not the case, I was told this was "ARC LIGHT" order so and so. This was the begging of ARC LIGHT missions from Kadena. Thought this might be of intrest.

09 Jun 2016

john nelson

worked headquarters 4th marines in com center.use to go to a club in kin club moon.the girl that worked there and also her
mother owned it.her name was kiyoko and she was the laundry girl
for 4th marines.

29 May 2016

Doug Stalker

I was on Okinawa first with the 7th Psyops Group from 1965 to 67 and then as a KSBK full time announcer from 1968 to 1970. On this Memorial day I would like to remember Sp4 Jeff Kazakowski and Lt, Mike Merkle who left to go down south and gave their all.

26 May 2016

Amy Erickson

My father-in-law (now deceased) was in the 53rd Medium Port T.C. He saved everything from photos, letters (received & sent to family), cards, memorabilia, souvenirs,etc. I've been working on a collage display, which prompted me to Google the 53rd. Thank you for wonderful website.

26 May 2016

Mark J. Higgs

I made a comment a few days ago and then began re-reading many of the posts especially those of people who were om Oki around the same time as me.
Robert Jackson made a post in March 2015 where he asked a question about CISO and Camp Chinen. I was assigned to USACISO from 8/68 until 3/71. I made several visits to the facility at Chinen. I was under the assumption that it was a CIA operation. CISO supported MACV/SOG which was CIA. I had limited knowledge, but I knew that they had a weapons rebuild program of older small arms many of which were pre WW II era. These would be supplied to friendlies in SE Asia. That's all I know.
Don Schnieder made a post in 2013 about his time in Oki working with the K-9 dogs as a vet tech. I'm sure I worked with your wife Mary at CISO. She was Robert Lascelles secretary. Every time I see one of those 18 wheel Schnieder transport trucks, I wonder what happened to Mary?
Random thoughts: Do you remember the Pizza House Restaurant on HWY 1 near Futema? I thought that their Italian food sucked, but their other food was very good. Our favorite was soup, salad, filet mignon with baked potato & broiled tomato for $2.00. Often ate lunch there--two egg rolls and bowl of rice.
We liked going to the VFW Club in Machinato to see the shows. And they had the best Yakisoba for lunch. I remember getting my butt burned in a steam bath along HWY 1. Try explaining that to your wife!
It is good to take these trips down memory lane!

23 May 2016

Mark J. Higgs

I recently re-connected with my old Army buddy David Hutto who like me was assigned to 2nd Log Command, Headquarters Company in 8/68. I was telling him about this site which caused me to come back to it to reminisce. I made a previous post in 2/15.
It is a small world. After finished my enlistment in the Army, I went back to school with the G.I. Bill and became an R.N. Later I went to Nurse Anesthesia School at Duke and accepted a CRNA position at a small rural hospital in Grantsville, WV. One of our acquaintances there was David Weaver. His wife's mother was from Okinawa who had married an Airman when he was stationed there. Later David's brother James {Jim} Weaver accepted a DOD teaching job on Okinawa at Kadena in the late 1980's. Jim married an Okinawan woman and had a son. He was an exemplary teacher who was named Teacher of the Year for Okinawa DOD schools in 2001.
On a sad note he died as a result of an accident in March, 2008. He was doing what he loved to do, hiking the coral rocks and cliffs along the shores of Okinawa where he apparently slipped and fell to his death.
I thought this might be of interested to his many dependent students whom he taught over the years on Okinawa.

21 May 2016

Harvey Moss

Well, I do not know how Kadena became "Kaduna" or how Airman's Club became "Airmanship" but it was a hip Airman's Club in the days I was on Okinawa at Kadena. Looking at the various pictures of the island and seeing the many changes, I want to remember it as it was during my stay. And remember the friends (military and local) who made it a great base, a great island, a great time. Thanks to all who have served, active and family members, for it is you who make our country what it is, the best. And it is you who made such good memories for yourselves and others when you were on Okinawa.

03 May 2016

David Nelson

David was stationed in Okinawa in 1969-1970 served as Pulse Radar BCC Maintain Section Chief replacing E-7 Sargent Cradidick who previously was an instructor at Ft Bliss, TX. David can't remember where he was located on the Island. He has been unable to get VA assistance due to his Parkinson's disease . His memory isn't what it once was. Can anyone help? Thank you. If any others who remember him would like to contact him, I know he would appreciate hearing from you.

02 May 2016

Renee Liu

I was born on Okinawa at the Army Hospital (Camp Kuwai). I graduated Class of '77 KUBASAKI DRAGONS

My father worked for FBIS and lived on Kadena Air Force Base at the FBIS housing area. In retrospect, my life on Okinawa was amazing. I know you can never go back, but I think I have the opportunity this summer to visit with my small family. I want my 10 year old son to see my old house and the housing area where I rode my bike and scampered around. It will be an amazing trip. I have not been HOME since 1982 when my father had cancer. I returned to spend a month- to help my mother and say goodbye to my father who eventually never got off the "ROCK." He passed away December 1982.
I have vivid dreams of my island… Always have and always will. There has not been any other location that has occupied my sleep as much as Okinawa.

My mother passed away in 2006 and I am now the keeper of my father's and mother's ashes. I would love to return their spirit back to Okinawa. I know how much they loved Okinawa and their island life raising a family and working for FBIS.
I too cherish my life there--- the beaches, Kadena Air Force Base, off base Koza, Naha, the sea wall where we fished, the different camps and gates, PX, the Hobby Shoppe, the brown school buses, riding my bike all over the place with very little worries. I would run around with my brother- catch the Cicadas and Iguanas… and try to avoid the Habus. I vividly remember the early morning sound of the planes firing up their engines at SAC behind the golf course- which was across the street from the back field of my house.

We would see our friends leave every two years on rotation, but had the other FBIS monitor families in our housing area for continuity. It was a tight knit community and was as diverse as you can imagine.

I am currently trying to contact the Bureau to get authorization to enter Gate 1 and visit my old house, etc. on Kadena Air Force Base. I cannot reach any of the personnel since communication ended in 2006. I am hoping someone can reach out to help me with the bureaucracy involved with getting authorization/permission. Cross my fingers!!!

01 May 2016

Harvey Moss

Kaduna Okinawa - 1962 AACS/AFCS 1960 - 1962. Great squadron, worked in airways communication station over base ops. Also some Gooney Bird work as a radio op. Okinawa then was special, a heady place for a young man. Gate 2, a fantastic Airmanship Club, and great people (military and local). Great old pictures. I have a few that I will send and you may use them...or not. Your site, your call. But it is a great site for those of us older USAF vets who think OKI is .. Or at least was ... The cat's meow. I will always keep my picture of Blackie's sign.

10 Apr 2016

Ken Kreps

I was Stationed in the band on Kadena AFB, 62-63. I was,also the trombone player in otherwise,all Filipino house bands at first, the Rocker Club (NCO) and later the Airmans Club, working five nights a,week. I loved my 18 months on the island. Many fond memories.

08 Apr 2016

Bobby Nielsen

Camp Hansen 71-72 I was with Fox co 2/4 usmc. Any body remember the skive houses in Kin Village. Deployed to Viet Nam on the USS Duluth. Anybody that was on that ship our in my company please email me I would like to talk.

12 Mar 2016

Joe T. long

In May 1965, I wa a 1st Lieutenant, USMC, serving as XO, M/3/3 (3rd Battallion, 3rd Marines), at Camp Schwab, Oki. My Battallion left Okinawa on about May 5, 1965, for Chu Lai, Vietnam. Just before they left I was reassigned to the 3rd Marine Sub-Unit @ Camp Butler. I was told by my CO that arrangements were being worked out between the Navy/Marines and the US Army to medevac wounded Marines and Navy Corpsmen from Field Hospital, Danang to Kadena AFB Oki. The Army , using litter buses / ambulances would transport them to U.S. Army Hospital , Kue, Okinawa for treatment. I was assigned to open a Marine/Navy Liaison office at the hospital to handle the incoming wounded and report to FMFPAC/Hawaii, their diagnosis and prognosis. I met with a Colonel Wilson, Medical Corps, CO of the hospital. There was also another Army Colonel there that was Medical Service Corps.Colonel Wilson provided me with an Army Captain, MSC to help me get office space and whatever I neede to get started. My CO also assigned as my non-commissioned officer in charge, Chief Hospital Corpsman, Henry Walgren and morale NCO, L/Cpl Spurlock. It wasn't long before the Marines began to fill the wards up. We stayed busy till around November 1965, when Army casualties began to increase to the point where the Army needed its hospital beds back. The Marines/Navy wounded were then being sent to the Naval Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan. In December 1965, I was transferred CONUS, and I believe the office closed. L/Cpl Spurlock had requested in about November to go to Vietnam and I agreed. I know from Corpsmen I've talk to that Navy Chief Walgren was sent to Field Hospital, Danang. He also made it back. I don't know about L/Cpl Spurlock. I hope he made it. Hope this helps. - j.

12 Mar 2016

Dwight Morgan

I was stationed with the 3rd Marine Division at Camp Schwab in 1963 and 1964. From time to time we worked go to ge EM Club at Kadena Air Base. Is my memory faulty or did I hear/see the Smothers Brothers preform there?

04 Mar 2016

Peter Black

This is a great site, as memories fade with time it is nice to have something like this to be able to really see the past. My Grandfather was stationed at Kadena from 1958-1959. he was killed from a motor scooter incident the day of Typhoon Vera. please if anyone has recollection of him or photos I would greatly appreciate you sharing. His name was Capt. Everett Harrington Black. He was with the 33 A.R.S and was an aircraft mechanic as well. My aunt published a book this past year with letters he wrote from all his time in service but with few photos I would greatly be appreciate being able to add to the book and share those memories with my family as well. I noticed a post by Leslie Walker Shank that may have served during his time there as well as Gerry Young can you please try to get in touch with me and see if maybe we can share some information. I am so thankful that Donn took the time to put together this website and thank you for allowing us to share memories with others. I can be reached at thanks again.

01 Mar 2016

Carney J Meekins

I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan getting on the island around August of 1972. I was assigned to work at USAH Co B USAMEDDACJ in the US Army Alcohol and Drug Suppression Activity Center which was located in the Quonset Hut at Camp Kue. I was assigned to 258th Personnel Sv. Co., and assigned to live in the barrack across from US Marine Crops station at Futenma for which I believe we house the Special Forces Group. After six months on the island I moved off post to the BC/Koza area and lived not to far from Charlie Taco Place and attended school at night at U of Maryland FED. During my tour of duty I remember going to Guam, Thailand, Seoul Korea, Da Nang and at the end of the tour of duty I went to Hawaii and Anchorage, Alaska and Oakland, California. I really enjoyed working a thee day shift but hated doing guard duty at the ammo depot, although I enjoy swimming and riding my motor cycle around the island from southern tip to the northern trng. area. It has been so long ago, but I do remember a group(@7) of us had motor cycles and would ride them on the weekends. I use to hand out at the Kadena Air Base and would be at the NCO Club a lot, but I had a good time. When I worked at Camp Kue I would see people spraying stuff but I did pay to much attention to it because that was the first thing I saw when I first got to the island, but this was frequently done around the Q-Hut. In the morning, at noon day and in the evening when I was going to school at night. I do miss my old friends and would love to here from any of them.

28 Feb 2016

John Hill

From late 1964 to May 1966 is was with the 33rd Air Rescue Squadron stationed at Naha AV

20 Feb 2016


Wow, I finally found one place where my grandfather served!!! He's listed as a chief in the VD3 squadron book. He was a Chief Photographer's Mate, so he more than likely knew Jack Creason.
I'll have to look at the photos to see if I can find him.

05 Feb 2016

Bill Landsperger

I remember swimming at Okuma beach, looking over suicide cliff and seeing the bleached bones on the rocks. I remember the terrific typhoon that hit that my dad (who ran the forcast center) said hit 200 knots. I remember after the storm seeing the big metal flagpole in front of the PX bent level to the ground. I remember my dad crawling out of the Quonset along the ground to see if the cables that held the roof on the Quonset were holding. I remember Okasuka (sp?) castle and so many many other things. I remember the outdoor theater with concrete seats and we'd take a GI blanket along to stay warm. Amazing memories and very fond ones for me personally.

05 Feb 2016

Bill Landsperger

My dad was on Okinawa prior to my brother, mother and I joining him in 1947. I went to kindergarten and the first grade on Okinawa but the experiences were so strong I have many memories. We were the first weather dependents on the island after the war. I can relive the time through my dad's many colored slides. He started taking slides in 46-47 with Kodak's first slide film which had an ASA speed of 10 but had great color. He was a captain then and our quarters were a quonset with our own generator and wing tanks on the roof for collecting rain water. We used to have fun climbing in and out of tanks, crashed planes and etc. and bringing home keepsakes that my mother wouldn't let me keep. I have scanned many of my father's slides and think they and the others I haven't represent a history of that time. My dad still carried a 45 in a shoulder holster as did all the other officers. I remember when he shot the head of a haboo (sp?) snake. I remember when I was playing in the jungle and a monkey dropped out of a tree and landed on my shoulder scaring the you know what out of me. Ha. Those experiences set the tone for my life and predated my own experiences in the military in the years ahead. I remember we returned to the states by ship after stopping off shore of Korea to pick up troops and then in Tokyo where we met up with a buddy of my dads. I remember them saying there is Gen. McArthur's headquarters. Needless to say, traffic wasn't a problem in 1948 Tokyo.

23 Jan 2016

fred Alexanderl

Also ,i dated a girl that worked at the beachcomber restaurant and steam house right out side the north gate of camp sukiran
Wish i could find her again
Toshia chinen

23 Jan 2016

fred Alexander

Hi there
Serviced on okinawa from 1969to 1971.
With the first special forces, in futema and
Camp kue

23 Jan 2016

Lisa M. Fritz (Campbell)

I wanted to take a minute and put a post to your community. I am a former Military Brat who spent time on Okinawa, Japan too! My dad was in the U.S. Air Force and we were stationed at Kedena AFB on Okinawa from 1970-1973. We lived for the 1st 2 years in a home located off base, cannot remember the address but we had to drive through the Koza City circle over a bridge across a river and then my memory loses it there, I know that we took a left hand turn after the bridge but not sure how far down. The maps now show so many things built up that I cannot see where it might have been now. The house like most over there was the cinder block house and the fences around the yards were the same. The benjo ditches ran along the road in front of the house (smelly)! I remember my brother and I would go down the street and there was a rather large wall that somehow we figured a way down and would go through the Japanese farmers fields and do a big circle and come upon a little Japanese store where we could get things with the little bit of yen that we had at the time. I remember this was the only place that we had a maid, she would come in and let us ride on the vacuum while she did her work. I remember the little Japanese man that would come with his pony and let us ride or sit on it. I attended school at both M&K Elementary for 1st grade and then to Kadena Elementary for 2nd and 3rd grade. I remember the activity days that we had there where we all were outside doing tug-of-war, sack races and various other things. We had culture classes at Kadena Elementary which taught us the local Japanese Cultures. I still to this day just love the Japanese culture and still know some of the Japanese language! After we moved on base to base housing (like most case when the tour of duty was almost done) it was not as educational as living on the economy. There were many friends that I had there and would love to find the area now where we lived off base to see what it looks like now!

Lisa M. Fritz (now Campbell)

21 Jan 2016

Gordon Wallace

wow, what a site!
Army vet in Okinawa 1970-72
So much to say here E co maint machinato
never volunteer I was told but in formation one morning
I raised my hand to be a driver for Battalion commander
I did't get the gig but was soon after selected to be a driver
and aide to deputy commanding general (major general smith)
I was aide to Smith and High Commissioner Lambert (three star)
and gained top secret crypto as I was an aide to General
Westmoreland during reversion of Okinawa to Japan
I was so blessed for my amazing tour including several twin beech aircraft trips to Taiwan and more
Many weekend trips to Okuma officers center with generals
on a converted PT boat left them and took Ryukian crew to
explore the island chain wher many had not seen a us ser4viceman since WW2 General rank at the time was given he3licopter training, I was hooked up and fly to this day
Larry Pruitt was General Smiths aide also, think he was from Florida
I could go on for hours..A return to Okinawa is on my bucket list....the people were amazing to me...Soba was my favorite
dish as well as Kobe steak...anybody remember the CAVE
steam bath ion Machinato????, club Kerama?
I rented a house at Yafuso Y-3

20 Jan 2016

Dan Dermody

Love this site!! I was stationed at Kadena from March of '64 till September '65. Worked at an office on the flight line where pilots would fly T-33's for time to stay current. Worked 'off duty' for 6 months at AFRTS...and, then for a year at KSBK Radio. What a fantastic 18 months!! Would sure love to hear from anyone who might have been there at that time...especially folks I worked with back then.

01 Dec 2015

Welles Brandriff

I was stationed at Naha from July of '66 to Nov of '68. Was a maintenance officer with the 374th FMS. Lived off base at Machinato Point. Would like to hear from any of the officers assigned to the FMS at that time. Also, NCO's in the Aerospace systems branch. That was the section that I was OIC of.

01 Dec 2015

Tom Hickey

Was stationed in Okinawa from 65-68 first with 58 QM Co., then 267th Chemical Co. finally as enlisted aide for Major General John M. (Mickey) Finn who was Deputy High Commissioner. Would love to hear from anyone from 267th Chemical or from SGT Jinx who was the General's driver. Many good memories of good times on the Rock!

18 Nov 2015

ed murray

What memories..... I served in the Marine Corps, stationed at Camp Courtney from June 1959 to December 1960. Agena, Tengan, BC, New Koza, etc. The Enlisted Mens Club on the base, wonderful memories of Yoko(Tokiko Uezu) and Yoyo who both worked there. I believe Yoyo married Sgt. Courtney. Some of my buddies were Johnny Crescenzo from Hartford, Ct.,Sgt. Quisenberry, George Heege, Rich Downey,Sgt Parker from California, who tried to teach me to drink without getting into trouble (he failed!!) Also some not so fond memories of Camp Butler brig, and the inhumane treatment(put him in the box...)The Okinawan people left a life long impression on me, for there courage and their kindness. Oh to be able to do it again... Thanks for a great site..........

16 Nov 2015

Ronald Rath

Lived on the Rock 7-1 1970 to 9-6-1971.549th quartermaster company

11 Nov 2015

Dale Snyder

Me again dale snyder 3rd fsr camp foster kitamai club maricle right outside the base was there feb. 72 - feb. 73.Our lil hangout. Only when we aint in futema or kosa on bc street.Looking for ole bud of mine roy ward from tenn. Or anybody from mtm co. Best time in the service. Loved it there camp foster.

29 Oct 2015

Don McDonald SGT. USAF

Stationed at NAHA AB 1964-1966. Worked in the Command Post and was there when Gen. Westmoreland moved the Big Red 1 into Vietnam as well as the Bay of Tonkin incident Wonderful memories, great Airman\\'s Club. Best tour ever.

23 Oct 2015

Patrick Lyons Cpl USMC L/4/12

Can\\'t say enough about how fantastic this site is. It brings back so many great memories.
I was stationed at Camp Sukiran from Feb 64 to April 65 with L/4/12. Second barracks from the very top of the hill. As a truck driver, I got to travel the island a lot more than some of my counterparts in the 12th Marines. Depending on the day of the week, I could find myself at Camp Schwab or picking up \\"new guys\\" at NAHA port.
I also got some excellent care at Camp Kue Hospital where I went for some back surgery in July 64.
Spent a lot of time at Ishikawa beach when ever I could. Of course being a young jarhead, I did make the rounds of the bars, BC Street, Kin Vil etc. and in my office, I still have one of the \\"A\\" signs that all bars were required to display at the time.
The sign certified that the establishment met the guidelines of US Forces and the Gov\\'t of the RYUKYU ISLANDS. It would be great to hear from any of my old buds.

21 Oct 2015

Lonny Pannucci Ssgt 603rd MASS

To Wesley Gardner, was stationed at the 603rd from 2/68 to 8/70, Passenger service. Best duty anyone could ask for. My first son was born at Camp Kue. Have been trying to find anybody who worked there during that period. Also been trying to get a 603rd jacket patch. Any help?

15 Oct 2015

Lori Busch

My step-father was a navigator on C-130s. We were stationed in Okinawa from 66-68 and lived in Kakazu Heights just below the memorial on the cliff. Dependents fraternized with soldiers and airmen at Lucky Lager and Cliff House. Anyone there the night the civilian and military police raided the beach? Probably 67?

13 Oct 2015

Wesley D. Gardner, Msgt USAF retired

I was on Okinawa from Jan 1975-Jan 1979, Kadena AB with 603rd MASS/33rd ARRS Squadrons, worked Avionics Instrument systems. Best units and "band of brothers/sisters" I ever served with! Best tour of duty I ever had. TDY Jan 1989 to NCO Academy from 15th AMU, Osan AB ROK. What a change in 10 years. Learned how to golf on Kadena AB course. Saigon evac, babylift, Mayaguez incident, Panmunjom tree chopping incident, BC street, world expo, married Korean (big mistake, now single again for 23 years), NCO leadership school Jul 1976, so never a dull moment. Typhoons and C-rats were great! Still remember F-4 plugged canopy deep next to access road to work. Loved the sunrise on mid shift and sunset on swings. A beautiful, exciting island paradise.

08 Oct 2015

Chuck Barrows

Chuck Barrows, Okinawa 1951 -1952
I lived with my parents and brother in the FBIS compound on Kadena AFB near the west gate from 1951 to 1953. Things were somewhat primitive when we first arrived; we lived in Quonset huts, mosquito nets & DDT were required at night, the North end of the island was off limits to civilians, and movies were shown on weekends in the compound’s ‘club’ Quonset, there wasn’t any fresh food (native food was off limits because they used ‘night soil’), milk was reconstituted, there was no television and only one AFRS radio station. Because of the highly chlorinated water, “Best Chlorine Cocktail in the Far East”, we had Coca-Cola and Bireley’s orange and grape sodas delivered by the case. Shortly after our arrival I was awoken at night by noise from two old Okinawan women going through our garbage can for food. After that my mother would put bags of rice or sugar on top of the garbage on evenings before collection. We had two maids that lived with us that were paid Yen equivalent to $10 per month each plus room and board. When the maids went to their homes my mother would send food from the commissary with them with which was a violation of military rules. There was a lot of WW2 ammunition laying around the compound that we kids played with but fortunately no one got hurt. Only one Habu was caught in the compound while we were on the island. Rats were a bigger problem and often got in the Quonset huts in spite of the poison traps the military put out. One night, when my parents were out, a good sized rat got in which sent the maids scurrying to their room. I got the large CO2 fire extinguisher out and managed to freeze the bugger solid. Sometimes I rode my bicycle to a spot where I could watch the B29s take off to bomb Korea. The B29s usually returned around midnight. On one occasion we heard explosions and could see flames from our Quonset hut. The next day when the school bus went through Kadena village we saw some Air Police surrounding some Okinawans that had a B29 turret on a cart. Once a week the people in Kadena village would wash cloths and bathe in the river just north of the village which generated a lot of excitement in the school bus when it crossed the Bailey bridge over the river. I attended Awase school i1951-52 and Kubisaki school 1952-53. By 1952 a movie theater, the McCord, opened near the Kadena PX as well as a swimming pool and gym and restrictions on visiting the north end of the island were lifted. We often went to Ishikawa beach to swim and have picnics. There weren’t a lot of ordinary things, swim masks for instance, at the PX but there were luxury items like cameras and jewelry which were much cheaper than in the US. We had a simple Kodak box camera when we arrived on Okinawa but by the time we left my father had a Contax 35 mm camera and my mother had a cultured pearl necklace. Living on Okinawa came with financial benefits for my parents, free housing and tax advantages, which tempted them to extend our stay on the island when but they elected to return to the US after 2 years in 1953.
I have noticed Jack’s Place on Kadena mentioned in some of the current posts. It looks like it maybe located on the site of the FBIS club that was under construction when we left. The hill behind the club was called Klima peak in honor of Wally Klima, one of the FBIS executives. One of the FBIS employees took an 8mm movie of a Habu going in and out of some holes in the rock on the summit which put the place off limits to us kids for awhile.

04 Oct 2015

Mary McEwen Hays

This is a reply to: 25 Sep 2014

Vincent Birkett

I lived on Okinawa NAF Naha from 1961 to 1964. My dad was head of the Navy motor pool and we lived on the hill top right across the hwy from the P2V hangers and the Administration building. There were 5 Q-huts and the generator shed. I have many great memories and stories, anyone live there during those years?

I have been very anxious to find out from another Navy Brat where I lived... I was there the same time Vincent was my Father was a Comander in the Navy and we lived close to the Awase golf course and pool in a double quoset hut that was off base nnavy housing. Admiral McPhearson and family lived above us on the hill...Very curious to talk to anyone that lived near there as some memories are confused... I was there from 6th grade-the middle of 9th grade we left in 1966...

30 Sep 2015

Ralph Witt

I was at camp swab and On the us Tuscaloosa, I went to NTA and if anyone knows where I can get a patch of NTA for my vest let me know Thanks.

30 Sep 2015

Melvin Bell

I was an 11 year old on Okinawa from 1955 to 1957 atteding elementary school. Had a wonderful experience and always wanted to return. I lived in the Machinato housing development and went to sukiran, naha(capital) and other places of interest. Joined the boy scouts and went on my first camping trip in the marine training fields. What a time!

28 Sep 2015

Craig Gockel


17 Sep 2015

Kenneth \

I was stationed at camp foster mtm co. 3rd fsr stayed in bldg 1101 on top of the hill. Worked in the pits as a diesel mechanic. Looking for anyone that was there and can remember me taking trucks to danang for arvn units. I departed kadena ab around the end of may 1972 didn\\'t return until june 1972.was exposed to the dioxin agent orange. I have all these diseases from it. They didn\\'t keep good records at headquarters. Its on my dd- 214 but they want evidense of my delivery. I didn\\'t think back then to get tail code #\\'s. I stayed up at kadena for about a week in may 1972 before a flight came in for me and trucks. If anyone can remember this please contact me at my email address would be good to hear from u.

08 Sep 2015

John Keegan

I was searching for information on an incident that occured Christmas morning at Camp Hansen. A grenade went off in our barracks. I read a comment dated 07 December 2012 by Barry L. Fetzer. I would like to touch base with Barry to discuss the incident since I was there. Thank You John Keegan

05 Sep 2015

James LaVerdure

I was on Okinawa from March of 1970 until Sept 1971, I was in the 7th Psyop Group, and our barracks was in Camp Sukiran.

21 Aug 2015


I was ststioned at 3rd fsd track vehical camp Hansen from march 1973 to april 1974 looking for a due nickname tank I think he was from ky we had a little shack out in the town of kim

16 Aug 2015




15 Jul 2015

Dave Wagner

I was stationed on Okinawa from 1970 thru 71. I was assighned to Hq company 2nd Log command Okinawa. However I met a captain working at Naha Harbor and was transferred as TDY or temporary duty up to Kadena airbase. I lived in an airforce barrackes next to the WAF barracks and worked the flight line zero-five-right where we seperated all differnet types of cargo going and coming from South Vietnam. Had great friends from Army, Navy and Marines who worked with me. I also had friends who were Air police stationed at Kadena. I also dated a couple of WAFs from next door. All the names listed from Bob George were people I knew from that period. Would like to hear from anyone of those folks.

06 Jul 2015

Charley F Speir

I was stationed in Okinawa, from 1966 to 1969, as NCOIC Stock Control Division, 70th Medical Depot.later assigned to Storage Division, assignment was great had many great personal working with me as the computer system was to slow as at that time we has to ship out to the medical supplies that night. but must say the tour was one I will always remember. but I give the staff the credit with out their effort we could not of accomplished our goal.

02 Jul 2015

bob george

I worked Tri Service at Kadena from May 1969 to Dec 1970. i was Army ATCO and worked with all branches of the military. My barracks were Army, Marines and few Navy guys and our barracks was next to the WAF barracks and across from the swimming pool. Any of you army or marines out there who remember me from back then? I remember names like Dave Wagner, George Fusaro, Tom Heslin and Pierce Harve, all were Army. Some marines were Jay Keaner, Ray Webb, Mike Reardon, Howell, Cole, Schmidt. Hope to hear from some of you guys. Bob George

25 Jun 2015

Carl E Wiggins

Hello all, it was a real pleasure to run across this site. I was stationded on Okinawa from May 1972 thru Nov 1973 with Spcial Troops in Machinato, worked at the Depot there and performed riot control several times.Eighteenthsth years old when I got there. With the exception of being so far from home, I loved the tour and the Okinawans were fantastic.Best 18 months of my eighteen year life.

07 Jun 2015

Ed Capowich

I was stationed at the MP Detachment, Machinato, (Makiminato), Okinawa from Dec 75 to Oct 77. Maj. Inabinet (sp) was the Provost Marshall. I worked for SFC Ed White and SSGT Terrell. We had the Machinato Service Area including the depot, the housing area, and Camp Kuwei(sp) where the US Army Hospital was located. In the spring of 77, the US Army began transferring property to the US Air Force and I was transferred to and attached to the Security Police at Naha Air Base. I remember with great fondness the Okinawan security guards that we worked with; Mr. Yaga, Mr. Uehara, and Mr. Matsuda, to name a few. I also participated in combat sim missions with the USMC at the Northern Training Area (NTA). Would like to hear from anyone regarding this time.

03 Jun 2015


Hey guys,

I am doing some genealogical research and I hope maybe one of you guys might be able to help. Does anyone know of/remember a S/sgt John D. Briner? He was stationed at Kadena AFB in 1964.

Thank you.

26 May 2015

coleman Hancck

Station in machinato army depot.1967-1969.

21 May 2015

Robert Jackson

I lived at Camp Chinen from 1962-65 and 1969-72. I would be interested to hear from anyone else who was there at any time.

For those of you in military logistics, do you have any information on the use of Camp Chinen to store a large quantity of ex-Vietnam vehicles between January and July 1972? Also interested in learning more about CISO's work with folks at Chinen.

09 Apr 2015

David Hadley

Have been back and forth since 1977 and have about 30 years here total. Was stationed at Foster,Hansen,Makiminato and at Schwab for a few years as a civilian.
Now retired and live in Noborikawa.
Loved the old days with the boys on BC Street'
Thats when you went out just to get into someplace that was air conditioned. The young Marines have it pretty good these days.
BC Street and Kin Vil, We spent that money faster than we could make it. Thanks for the site....Its great"

31 Mar 2015

Tom Hutchcraft

Arrived Torii Station in October '64 a lowly SA. Exhauster, hot and sick from the flu shot they nailed us with at Travis AFB before leaving. Little did I know these coming days would be some of the best in my life. On first meeting the CO, he looked at my sleeve and demanded I sew on SN stripes immediately. He said he wouldn't have an E2 in his command. Just the start of a great two year experience. Made CT(A)3 in '65. When it came time, in 1966, they offered me language school and a reduced tour at Adak but I was too smart to take it. A year later I was out at Shemya working for GE. Dumbest thing I ever did was leaving the service. Met some wonderful people on the island and had some great times. Would love to go back and see how it has changed.

30 Mar 2015

George D McLean

Arrived at Kadena in Sept 1964. A3C 824th Air Police. Home sick as could be, however when I think of the 18 mths I can only think of the good times and the great friends I made. During the 90 I crossed paths with two people I served with at a Track Meet in Cleveland. What are the odds, the only people I ever meet that I served with and they were both at the same location. I am a young 71 and would like to make contact with anyone who I served with. Larry Whitaker, Joe Schaffer, Norman, Ronald Woodland, Richard Pride, A3C LaFrance, TSgt Simon, SSgt Gallion, A3C Willet, Richard Diamond(Queens NYC) also these guys were in AP school with me Armstrong, Richardson, Brackett (my roomie)A guy name Hatfield from Matwan WVa, yes a member of THE Hatfields and McCoys. I could go on...this is truly a shot in the dark.

23 Mar 2015

Michael Smith

I was stationed at Naha Air Base with the 33rd Air Rescue Squadron from 1965 - 1968. I was an aircraft electrician. Hopefully this will find someone.

14 Mar 2015

Bruno Maselli

Was stationed in Sukiran, Army from Jan 58 through Dec 59. Assigned to pyscological warfare company. Shared barracks with 1st special forces .They went on to be known as the Green Barets in Vietnam. Have many wonderful memories of my time in Okinawa as a young soldier. Also have very fond memories of Yumiko Motoda

08 Mar 2015

Gerald Young

Hi, I'm new here. A bit about me first. USAF 1968-1972. on mostly B52's and KC135's and also any aircraft on base that carried my radio equipment. Bases stationed at and when. Lackland training. Keesler Training School for electronics. Graduated to Aircraft Radio Repairman assigned to SAC at.McCoy 306 Bomb Wing SAC. Kadena, ARC TDY. McCoy, Eielson in Fairbanks Alaska.

I immigrated to Australia in 1990 where I am now a dual citizen and ended up on a Disability Pension until 2014 when I was moved to the Old Age Pension as I am now 66. I also did some flights in B52 missions over Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos but, all of these were unofficial and undocumented flights due to the orders of the Flight Captain that I stay onboard to repair equipment in flight as it was their last mission and no way were we going to abort the flight. They wanted to go home.

The reason I am posting is seeking help to make a claim to VA as in 2004, I contracted Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I'm still in remission and I have severe peripheral neuropathy and diabetes along with many eruptions on my skin of skin cancers consistently having to have them removed. I hope someone can direct me on what to do?

PS: On another note, I would love to hear fom anyone who knew me on Okinawa or anywhere ese?

07 Mar 2015

crystel sifuentes

hello... i'm trying to help out a local member of our community locate a long lost friend of his... his name is ramon A. morales... the only info I have is that he is from Compton, ca... he served in Okinawa in 1976 and was at camp pendelton... he also served in the gulf war and was attached to Yuma Air Wing: Gunnery Sargeant... if anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it!!

27 Feb 2015

Mark J. Higgs

Sp/5 Mark Higgs served on Okinawa from 8/68 thru 3/71 assigned to U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Support Office attached to 2nd Log Command in the Machinato Service Area. CISO supported the 5th SF and MACV/SOG (CIA) in Vietnam. We would get some strange requisitions from time to time. Our office developed the PIR indigenous patrol rations used by the Montenyards (sp?)and others in S. Vietnam. Some of the guys in the 5th SF preferred them over the MREs. It was a great duty station for me.
When my wife arrived in 10/68 we lived in the Machinato Housing Area. Many fond memories driving around the island. We enjoyed driving in the country side by Camp Chinen and Yonabaru. We also liked going snorkeling on the west side of the Island going up toward Nago. We found a little beach about 50' by 50' surrounded on three sides by huge black coral rocks. It was like a private paradise. Our first child was born on Okinawa. My wife was an RN and was able to work in the Army Hospital. The only time we called home was via MARS radio when she was born. We found the Okinawan people to be generally friendly, and we enjoyed our nearly three year stay on Oki.
I re-connected with one of my old Army buddies from Okinawa, SSG Clyde Smothers, a couple of years ago. We hadn't seen each other for over forty years, but it seemed like it had only been a few months. We just took up where we had left off forty years earlier.
Thanks for the site!

25 Feb 2015

Patrick Mudgett

I was there 1968 70 mercy elementary what a great time looking for a Tom Moore and Mitch Little

24 Feb 2015

Dolores "Dee" Hughes Gregory

Okinawa 1948 to 1953.. Thank you for this site. I so enjoyed reading the comments. I graduated from Okinawa University High School, class of 1952. We had twelve in our class. I have been back to Okinawa twice. The island will always be a part of me.

23 Feb 2015

David M. Sligh

Hey, is BC Street still there? I lived in Okinawa from '61 to '74. I was also stationed at Kadena in '82-'83. It was a paradise until the Japanese Reversion in '72.

04 Feb 2015

Michael Tegardine

On the Rock for 20 fun months with the Hawk Simulator team, on Hawk Site 9, 10, 8, and several others.

Most fun was at HQ HQ Hawk S2 group in Ishikawa, and my great friends at Hawk Site 10, across Kadena Air Base

Stationed from November 1969 to August 1970.
I had an apartment in Kadena Circle.

01 Feb 2015

Tim Casey

I was stationed at NCS NAHA 1969-1970. I would like to hear from some of the other Navy guys stationed at NAHA. Steglich, Starrett, Doug Zuess, Tom Evancho, Terry Fitzpatrick, Ben Fritts Toby Singleton..... LOTS of time spent wandering the streets of Namanui late at night.

27 Jan 2015

Clyde Yater

I was stationed in Okinawa Machinato Depot 1966-67 I originally left Ft Lee, Va as 58th Quatermaster once in Okinawa 58th Quartermaster was listed as lost at sea and we were renamed. I don\\'t remember what the our new company\\'s name was. I was in supply. Looking for information. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

27 Jan 2015

Gary Wolfer

I was stationed in Machinato Okinawa with the 2nd logistical command. I worked on the supply depot in the receiving branch from 1969 thru july of 1970. I spent an 18 month tour. I was a forklift driver and we unloaded conex and truck containers as well as flatbed trailers. We logged in goods from the US scheduled to be shipped to Viet Nam and retrograde(blown up and damaged goods returned from viet nam) While there we spreaded 55 gallon drums on a field to the east of the building in an open field.We laid these barrels on their sides and opened the plugs and let the heavy thick material drain out on the field. We dumped dozens of barrels there so much so we slid all over the place on our forklifts. When the material soaked up in the ground we installed retrograde air craft temporary landing field over the field so we could store inventory there. I believe this was defoliant as nothing ever grew there again while I was there. I have been treated for non hodgkins large cell lymphoma and have had multiple sclorosis since 1979. I was denied a disability claim in the 80's because I was a year over the 7 year limit for a claim. I have had MS all those years thanks to the Lord I am still kicking. I have appealed a denial of benefits two years ago and finally now in March 2nd of 2015 I will get a hearing. I hope it goes well. We all know there were defoliants in Machinato as they unearthed barrels next to the Lumber Yard. I moved barrels with a forklift while I was there. We did not have barrel fork adapters so we slid the forks closer together then pinched the barrels between the forks sometimes they poked holes in the barrels but you do what you have to do. Hopefully my friends I made here are still alive and kicking. I imagine many were exposed and have already passed away.

19 Jan 2015

Spec4 Jerald G Robinson

I drove an RnR buss in Hawaii. I hauled troops coming in from Viet Nam down to Fort Derussey then later transport them back to the air port for their return back to Viet Nam I remember many no shows and I remember dirt on their luggage and duffle bags. I used to think Where are these guys living that they have mud on their stuff Then on those hot days all the dust create as I stacked their supplies on the truck used for hauling their bags to fort Derussy. I wonder, if the mud on the bags was from Viet Nam, is it possible it carried agent orange dioxins? My Doctor thinks very possible, as Ten years ago I was diagnostic with type 2 diabetes periphinal neuropathy lay node removed from my neck A growth in my neck covering my vocal cords Disk disease and a stroke in my optical nerve and now lost half vision in my left eye. I\\\\\\'m just wondering Thank for the time. My name is Gerald G Robinson PO Box 73 Merrill Wisconsin 54452

09 Jan 2015

James C. Long

Since first discovering this site I have looked at every photo and read every entry listed herein. Thank you for making that possible Donn Cuson and John Scruggs. It has been such a special opportunity to "Look Back" to a very special time in my life. As stated in my 08Dec2014 entry I lived, loved, and worked on Okinawa from Nov 1956 to April 1958. My duty station was at AFTV Channel 8, the AFRTS TV Station serving Okinawa at the time. It was the only television station available on the island at the time. I remember Radio station KSBK also. My associate Jack Foell, one of our announcers, worked there when off duty at AFTV. I am making this additional entry because I wanted to mention the names of a great group of men I served with at the time. Army personnel assigned to AFTV at the time were Robert Tanzer, Bill Roach, Victor Fischer, Larry Husisenga, and John Peterson. Air Force personnel were myself, T/Sgt Joseph O'Connor, Jay Greenstein, S/Sgt James Burgett, On air announcers, John Gimlin, and Jack Foell, S/Sgt Dick Nendick, Dick Happel, and Kurt Salisbury. Philco Technical Representatives were Curt Harris and Ted Brigham. As Donn has mentioned on the site home page, all of this remains the same as then, only in the memories of those of us who served there. The memories of Okinawa are the clearest in my mind of all my life experiences. It has been a real treat to view and read what is available here. I suppose my greatest regret is not getting out amongst the native people more. They are a remarkable people who suffered and overcame so much from the island conflicts of WWII.

26 Dec 2014

George Thompson

I was station in Okinawa Japan from 1973 to June of 1975. I\\\\\\'m Looking for a airman name Danny Williams . I recieved orders and was tranfered to Offutt AFB in Nebraska. Dan came to visit me there. However we lost contact. I worked on the flight line on Tankers (crew chief).

14 Dec 2014

Darcel McLeroy

I lived on Oki from 1965 to 1969 as a Navy dependent. Father was stationed at NAF Naha. Lived off base 2 yrs and then on base for 2 yrs. Went to Naha Elementary and Port Wheel Jr Hi. So many incomplete memories. Would love to talk to anyone with similar experiences. Kept in touch with no one. Still haunted by giant leathery snails. .. LOL

14 Dec 2014

Kathy Hayse

Looking for anybody that attended Naha Elementary,Mercy Elementary or Kubasaki Jr. High 1965-1968.
Anyone remember Vernon(Gabby)Hayse. Looking for pictures from this time period... school...American Legion...

08 Dec 2014

James C. Long

So glad I found this site. Wish it had been much sooner. I was stationed at Kadena AFB fall 1956 till spring 1958. I did not find a post from anyone I worked with during my time there. I was with Armed Forces Radio and Television Service working at the old TV broadcast station AFTV Channel 8 on Kadena. When I shipped out in April 58 a new station was being built on Ft. Buckner. I loved Okinawa. Still remember it fondly. I would very much like to communicate with anyone from my time there or at the new station which I believe would have been under Army control. I enjoyed reading several posts. Will be back for more. A photo I clicked on showed the old Quonset Huts where I lived for some time.

06 Dec 2014

Sal Martorano

Still looking for co-workers that worked in the finance office with me at Naha AB between 1957-1958...

06 Dec 2014

Les Bowman

I lived in Okinawa 1957-1965, going to military elementary schools there. One of my friends was Larry Jones. Larry would have been my age of ten years old in 1965. He departed Okinawa in 1966 and took a ship back the U.S. with his family, arriving in San Francisco. From there they drove to Disneyland and then to the East Coast, ending up in Ft. Bragg. I assume his father was regular Army. Would like to reconnect.

01 Dec 2014

Carlton King

I left San Diego August? 1965 aboard the General William Mitchell. We hit the tail end of a typhoon and listed into Pearl Harbor, then on to Japan & Okinawa where I transferred ships to USS Navarro & on to Vietnam. I was with a bunch of Marines going to different units, none of us assigned. We had dependents aboard. I remember it well.

24 Nov 2014

Gregory Moore

My name is Greg Moore,I was stationed on Okinawa from March 6, 1966 to August 30, 1967. I was assigned to the 18th Supply Squadron and worked in "POL". i was wondering if any of my fellow airman are having any medical problems? hearing, diabetes 11 or other problems from US Government spraying AGENT ORANGE /HERBICIDES around trees, fence lines , pump-houses and pipelines cONtACT me ASAP Please. Thanks Greg

21 Nov 2014

annette russell

hello everyone ! I am trying to get help in locating a man who is the brother of my husbands . my husbands father met a woman in okinowa and she gave birth to a son. he would be a half brother to my husband so he would be approx. 56 ish . my father in law has passed on but told us he existed . would love to find him and let him know he has family here! please help if you can ! thank you all!!!!!!

13 Nov 2014

Kim George

Hoping to find others in Naha,Okinawa USN before December 1965
to help identify numerous pictures and events. Frank Quinn mentioned being there and being under a Major Morris, I believe I may have pictures of Major Morris and many others during that time!! Any help would be greatly appreciated I can be reached at 571-269-9937 Warmest Regards

11 Nov 2014

albert behling

looking for anybody that was at camp foster truck co third force service regiment in 1974 that was called out on the night of reactionary there was a fight that night we got woke up for it there is no log book of it we had to put reactionary gear on and go stop it I remember gunny Wilkerson he had red hair we worked at the motor pool the cw4 was name brown if anybody was there I would like to know

05 Nov 2014

Jerry Oyler, LCpl

Hello John Oliver
Thank you for your comment. I would love to have pictures of the old and the new if the old are available. I didn't take many pictures while I was there. To busy with more important stuff. (empty bottles). I wish now I had taken the time to visit more while I was there. It truly was a very enjoyable part of my life. I still enjoy the Japanese culture, sushi especially. We didn't have sushi in Kansas. I was first introduced to sushi in a private home in Tokyo through our crew chief, Cpl McCall. He had pen pals in Tokyo who invited him and a couple of his friends. I was one of those. That occasion is still a very vivid memory. Thanks to all who make this site a possibility. Simper FI to all my brothers.

04 Nov 2014

Lonny Pannucci

For Martin McArthur, I was stationed at Kadena from 2/68 to 8/70, 603rd MASS Passenger Service. Any help to you please contact me

01 Nov 2014

Martin McArthur

Looking for anyone that knew me. 1967 - 1971.

01 Nov 2014

John Oliver

Hello, Jerry Oyler. Just thought you'd be interested in an update on your old stomping grounds at Sukiran. First of all, it's not called Sukiran anymore, but Camp Foster. The gate that you're referring to is now known as "The Spot Gate," because there's a little food court there called The Spot which acts as a USO of sorts (Pizza Hut, Subway, Dunkin Donuts, barbershop, etcetera). I know the old barracks where you used to live; it was torn down years ago, but I found it in an old photograph. I work at the base fuel farm, which is located on the spot where the artillery pieces were kept in your time, before all artillery functions were moved north to Camp Hansen. By the way, the drink you're referring to became known as MOJO. A little bar outside the base called Crazy Horse used to specialize in it until it closed (young Marines these days don't know about that stuff). If you like, I'll be happy to send you some current photos of your old stomping grounds, as they look today. Semper Fi.

01 Nov 2014

Jerry Oyler, LCpl K-4-12

I arrived on Okinawa in December, 1961. First stationed at Camp Hanson in quonset huts. In January or February 1962 we moved to Camp Sukiran in barracks adjacent to the 503rd airborne. We were assigned 155mm howitzers in place of our old 105 howitzers.

The barracks we occupied was the first one near the back gate. There was no guard there at the time. It was two stories of concrete construction. Our platoon was on the south end of the building. Hq platoon was on the first floor on the north end. On the first floor south end was the rec room and chow hall. They served steak every day and SOS for breakfast. Every day a holiday, every meal a feast. LOL. The platoon sgt had an apartment on the north end of the squad bay.

We used to drink stump juice cocktails of grapefruit juice and a full
Typhoon 5th of saki. The really good stuff. It was really good because that was what we could afford. We sat on the roof of the maintenance room on the south end.
One memorable event was a day in 1962. We were sitting in the squad bay talking. All of a sudden our vision became very blurry. At least it seemed so. As a hayseed from KS I was unfamiliar with the physical aspects of the rock. It seems it is a large coral rock in a very volcanic area of the world. We experienced a tremor.
I was transferred state side in February of 1963 we left on the same ship we had arrived on. The MSTS gen. William Mitchell.

31 Oct 2014

Steve Wardius, RMC, USN, (Ret.)

I was stationed at NAVCOMMSTA Okinawa from late January 1969 until June 1970. I started out at the main NAVCOMMSTA "Receiver Site" and then went TAD to the 69th MP Co. at Camp Sukiran (now Camp Smedley D. Butler USMC) for six months as a Ryukyuan Armed Forces Policeman (RAFP). I was an area supervisor roaming around the liberty areas with an Air Force buck sergeant "AP", who had been in the Air Force for 14 years (promotions as an Air Policeman back then were very slow to say the least) in a paddy wagon with a two-way Motorola radio, extra nightsticks, num-chucks and a shotgun. He had a .38 special and I wore a standard military 1911 .45. We patrolled Naminoue in Naha, Koza B.C. street and Gate 2 street, the "Bush" in Koza city, Kitimae outside Camp Foster, Kadena village, Nishihara, and Kin Village outside of Camp Hanson. Periodically, we were choppered to Henoko for the once-in-a-while riots outside Camp Schwab. There were between 108,000 and 110,000 U.S. Armed Forces personnel on Okinawa (Army, Navy, Marines and Airmen) in 1969 "not" counting dependents, DoD civilians and their families. Schoshi cabs were really cheap and for about $3.00 you could go from Nishihara all the way to Naminoue. Not now!!! After my RAFP duty I wound up at the Navy FLTMSGCEN at White Beach working for RMCS Lester. GREAT memories and one of my better tours in my 22-year career. My first wife and I lived in a nice house in Awase and when I re-enlisted in Dec '69 I bought one of those Honda S800 sports cars from the Honda dealer in Futenma on Hi-way 1. Nixon shut down NAVCOMMSTA Okinawa in June 1970 and that's when I left, reluctantly I must say.

30 Oct 2014

Ezekiel Leavell Jr

I recall the rock as the assignment that destroyed my 1st mathat destroyed my 1st marriage. My 1st time being away from the world. Resorted to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Then to make matters worse "Tricky Dick Nixon" gave me a 90 day extention. The Pits! I was assigned to the Machinato (they changed the name a coupla of times) in a unit called USAMMAPAC-The United States Army Medical Material Agency-Pacific. Good thing I was surrounded by good mid level and a few senior NCO's. It was a learning experience and made me a better NCO once I reached the ranks. The sad part wasthat my old running buddy from Gary Indiana-James Word Jr had passed. That made it bittersweet. Was all over that island from Tiger beach to Naha and in between to Kadena as I was a shipping clerk.

29 Oct 2014

John Oliver

Hi, Jack Mullins. I'm John Oliver, a Marine stationed on Okinawa. My hobby is collecting before and after photos of different places around Okinawa, especially the bases. The base known as Sukiran eventually became Fort Buckner, which eventually became Camp Foster when the Marines took control. I know the exact location that you're referring to because I've seen it in old photos. If you were to set foot on that land today, you wouldn't recognize at all. As well as all the changes on the base, the entire area around the base has grown into a heavily populated, urban environment. I'd be happy to take some photos and send them to you so you can see what it looks like today. (I believe the special forces barracks was located on the corner of Stillwell Street and Guadalcanal Road.)

27 Oct 2014

jack Mullins

Hey was stationed on the Rock in 1973 1974, it was in the Army 1sp H&s company in Surikan. Was only one barracks and Quonset huts where we worked. We where assigned to the 1st Special Force Unit. Don\\\\\\'t remember the name of the fort. if any one reads this would love to talk to. I remember the girl from the café her name was Suzie. Leave a message thanks memory is slipping.

24 Oct 2014

John Oliver

Can anybody tell me where the Rycom Officer's Mess was located? It may have also been called "Top of the Rock Officer's Club" in later years. I suspect that it was at the top of the big hill up the road past Rycom Hotel. I remember seeing some ruins of what used to be a night club (so I was told).

22 Oct 2014

Richard Davis

Was at Machinato with the 273rdORD Det. 11/61-7/63. We were in the building closest to the 503rd Airborne. Used to get a lot of threats and insults when we walked by their building. Great place to be at the time for a young guy.

21 Oct 2014

Larry Cooper

Was stationed in Machinato with the 230th Ordnance Detachment from 62 to 63. Would love to hear from any one who was there. Many fond memories of Nominoui.

20 Oct 2014

Sal Martorano

This for michael ingrassia
Hi Mike I spent a year and a half at Naha AB in the mid 50's and I remember the bars in naminui, although I'm not sure that's the way the section was spelled either. But I think I spent more time in "Naminui" than actually on base. (G)

19 Oct 2014

michael ingrassia

oct.18,2014 conducted \\" operation quick release \\"- end of jan.1964 to early march,1965. 117tc. company,11th.battalion,4th.terminal serv.out of fort eustis,virginia. part of our company were housed in buildings and the other half lived in squad tents. the purpose of the operation was to test a quick response by the in the far east. a brigade from the 25th.infantry div. left hawaii, and were to meet up in okinawa and pick up equipment that was delivered by three merchant marine vessels out of subic bay,phillipines. the company were to unload the three ships. great weather,great duty,bars of naminui [ naha }.these units were sent to vietnam,five months later.

13 Oct 2014

Diann Peterson

I have 12 photos from 1957 I do not want to throw away. They were left by a very elderly woman who passed away in 2004 in her 90s who worked with the Japanese USCAR etc. I tried writing more info but the site would not accept it.

12 Oct 2014

Linda Morgan

My dad was in the Air Force and we lived on the island from 1970-1973.It was the best three years of our lives! I remember the Habu (SR-71) plane coming in at night shaking our windows. The island was being turned over to Japan and the riots at each gate were bad. We lived in Chibana housing and then on Kadena AFB. Like most military kids, we lost contact with our friends, the Kaneshiro family when we left the island.

09 Oct 2014

Army Specialist Ben Jones

First black announcer on AFRTS-Okinawa March 1971 to early 1972. Any remember me?

08 Oct 2014

Keiji Tutner

I attended mercy elementary school 1969-70 (grades k to 1st). I'd be interested in hearing from any alumni from that period. Regards, Keiji

25 Sep 2014

Kochanowski "Ski"

I was stationed on Okinawa 1991 - 1992, I am looking for anyone who served with 3ed LSB during that time period? Would really like to here from Abel Soto or Ken Kraghler?

25 Sep 2014

Vincent Birkett

I lived on Okinawa NAF Naha from 1961 to 1964. My dad was head of the Navy motor pool and we lived on the hill top right across the hwy from the P2V hangers and the Administration building. There were 5 Q-huts and the generator shed. I have many great memories and stories, anyone live there during those years?

20 Sep 2014

James Hicks

Dan Blades,

Do you happen to remember a couple of airmen named Hicks, Brantley or Melton?

Also from the 376 FMS @ Kadena, AB. We were there from 80-82.

18 Sep 2014

Ed Ski

I was stationed in Okinawa in 1991-1993.. I am looking for a Marine named Bill Goodwin he drove an old brown van and surfed a lot? Anyone with info please reply?

17 Sep 2014


I was a three year man in the ASA. After Devens, I picked the Philippines for my two year overseas duty. Clark AFB and Angeles City were a great combo. Arrived 10-57, left 10-59. I was a true 058 (not a 05H) Had no more than 200 men in our company, 9th USASAFLDSTA. That is until 7-59. The stuff hit the fan. Company swelled to over 500 men including NSA ops. Went on 12 hr on, 12 hr off, 7 days a week. Viet Nam was gearing up. Had some black ops men through there. They wore a bit of a uniform, no marking, no rank. Stayed in their own group and then were gone. This happened several times. A group of guys went to Thailand to start a new sta. It was a great time for a 19 yr. old when I arrived and 21 when I left. Many memories..........

16 Sep 2014

Richard Davis

Any guys from US Army OrdGroup, Machinato? Was in 273rd ORD 11-61/7-63. Be great to hear from anyone who was there then.

15 Sep 2014

John Pebley

Chuck Hanson:
Where are you? I used to spend hours in your room with the other PJs. As I recal, last or next to last room on the left on the back of the barrack, I remember you better than the others. I worked with Archie Newell in AGE. Man, get me your email and we'll chat.

15 Sep 2014

raymond carrion

was stationed at Naha AB with the 51st and then the 374th fms in 1967,68,69. the airmans club had good food and good bands from the phillippins. remember an all girls band that played in the ville. the place to go party was a bar district called \\"namanui\\". came back to the states and in 1972 got stationed at Kadena AB. till 76. back then BC street was rocking. remember the \\"A\\"signs, ma-1a ally, charlies tacos, the A,B,and C lunches, and the band morasaki that played all deep purple music and played it very well. i remember a band that did \\"stairway to heaven\\" to a t, but cant remember the name. but most of all, the women. they were beautifull. have seen pictures of BC street as it is now and what a change. i was there when it was like the wild west, the best of times. like the song says, the times they are achanging.

12 Sep 2014

Michael Holle

I'm looking for information on the 1577th Engineering Maintenance Platoon that may have been part of the 47th. 1945 - 1946.

02 Sep 2014

John Loomer

I was stationed on Okinawa from October 1971 until March 1973
I was in A Company Maintenance Battalion Machinato
I can not find any records from that time.
Please let me know what you have in your records
Thank You Very Much
John Loomer

31 Aug 2014

David M. Sligh

I lived in Machinato from November, 1961 - April, 1974. We would get our dental done in Naha AB and our regular doctor visits in Camp Kue. We lived right by the sea wall right off base in Machinato and used to dive off of "Sukoshi Island". We went to Okinawa Christian School. Loved the "Rock!" The irony is when I was in the Air Force I was stationed in Kadena AB.

22 Aug 2014

Ron Ellars

Great site. I served in the Machinato Service Area with the Okinawa Army Depot and then the 2nd Logistical Command. Period was October 1965 thru June 1968 and a 2nd tour June 1969 thru December 1972. Would love to locate Charles Madden and Eugene Harris both of whom I served with in Okinawa and Vietnam.

12 Aug 2014

e-5 army joseph c. bledsoe

i was in camp tori asa from april 1960 to april 1962. i was in bad typhoon nancy-t6118 sept. 1961 215 mph winds. had to stay at work for a full day. came out in the eye what a sight. lots of damage to our equipment on china sea side. we where very close to kedena air force base. good to hear from okinawa. is it still run by usa ?
thanks vet. joe bledsoe

08 Aug 2014

Lonny Pannucci

Would like to hear from anyone stationed with the 603rd MASS Passenger Service at Kadena from 2/68 to 8/71

05 Aug 2014

Miss Speeder

Jul 1971 - Dec 1972. US Navy spook, Hanza, Okinawa, Ops Delta. There for the reversion protests and Reversion on May 15, 1972 - still have the cassette recording from midnight on KSJB. There for Super Typhoon Bess in Jul 1971 and Super Typhoon Rita in Jul 1972. Tore up the "elephant cage" a little but was otherwise an uneventful 36 hours on watch. Acquired mono during water rationing in 1971, USAH Ryukyu Islands for nine days. Got to read the news before it became propaganda, so no illusions about the war. Lots of great photos, people, aircraft, sky, and sea. An idyllic place till the Japanese turned it into a disneyland. The north end was magical, particularly the Experimental Forest near the Marine live fire range. I was sad to see Okinawa not become a nation-state, as it surely deserved.

01 Aug 2014

Richard H. Pilkington

Great site...ichiban

I was an HM stationed at McTureous, 3rd Engineer Bn. 1957-58

On 08 Nov 2013 JACOBS "GENE" LANG (a chow hound) posted that mostly Air dales had posted and wanted to hear from some grunts. Well, will a "doc" do? I was USMC July 57 to Sep 60.

I have a daughter who was a PFC and did a tour on Okinawa in the 80s. Not quite a grunt.

Will share memories/memorabilia/photos

Semper Fi Tamadachi

31 Jul 2014

Donald Magruder

Great site.My father was in the CBMU630 unit in 1945. Your pictures matched some of the snap shots he brought home. Now I can identify them.It has been great viewing places I used to hear him talk of. Thank you so much.

30 Jul 2014

Billie Joyce

My husband Stephen Joyce was stationed at Naha Air Force Base in 1952-1954. Just before leaving he played the role of Sakini in a production of Teahouse of the August Moon. The cast was part Military personal and part Okinawan. He would like to correspond with anyone that saw the play or remembers it. He was in the 23rd. Fighter Interceptor Squadron. The play was done at Kadena Air Force Base. A few of the Okinawans were Saye yamashiro, , a teacher at the Ryukyun University, Amiko Omeja, interpreter for an engineering company. The play was for the benefit of Ryukyun school children. General David Ogden was the Commanding Officer.

19 Jul 2014


1951 to 1979. I am Japanese & was 18yrs old. I lived on Okinawa. I am looking for J.J Hill or Jerry Hill or Jimmy Hill. I am looking for William Bates or Bill Bates. They were in the Airforce. Please email my friend at: melanierios at accountant dot com if you have any information about them. Thank-You

18 Jul 2014

Lonny Pannucci

18 July 2014, was stationed at Kadina with the 603rd MASS from 2/68 to 8/70. Best time of my life. My wife joined me there and my first son was born there. Met a lot of great people some I am still able to keep in touch with. If anyone reading this should have an extra sholder patch for the 603rd, I have been trying forever to get one. Would also like to hear from anyone that was assigned to passenger service during that period.

11 Jul 2014

bob shannon

We moved into quonset on base housing after a short stint in a village outside of Kadena from 1962-1965. Our address then was 611-B Jennings Kadena AFB, any old pictures of that area would be great! It was about a block or two from what was then then the youth center, theater and swimming pool. Now it\\\\\\'s called a rainforest, but then it was THE JUNGLE! We used to catch iguanas, put them on the screen doors and have races. The Viet Nam war was getting into high gear and we all did our best to support each other. Even as kids we realized how dangerous it was, particularly when you would see the chaplains car coming into the neighborhood. We used to ride bikes behind the fogging trucks and always had to be careful when riding our bikes (or walking) to avoid the hundreds of snails that used to cover the road. Once during a typhoon, while our dads were away one of the cable wraps that held the house together broke from a neighbor\\\\\\'s house and we could hear it making noises as it was blown away. Unexploded bombs in the schoolyard, school janitors running onto the school grounds with machetes to kill the occasional Habu and getting surprised on \\\\\\"Shot Day\\\\\\" when the school buses would turn toward the gym instead of the front of the school. Great times......

09 Jul 2014

Joe Schwab

What a great site. I was a SSgt stationed on Oki at Kadena CES 1965 67. Some of the names I remember, Ron Weatherford, Carl Jones, Jim Joyce, Ron Ellis, Danny Green, Ist Sgt MSGT Russ Palmer, We lived in the barracks right across thee street from the bowling alley. My wife and son joined me after 4 months and my daughter was born at Kue Hosp. My wife Evelyn Worked there processing orders, a sad job as she described it. Her and I witnessed the KC135 crash that hit the ammo gate. I had to get there with the electrician crew to neutralize the power. Also coached line at the Sukiran HS Football team that won the island Championship in 1966. Lt. now retired Col. James Harding was the head coach. A great war hero and patriot, we still communicate by email. I had a great time on the island in spite of the typhoons, termite clouds and roaches.

08 Jul 2014

Sal Martorano

I was stationed at Naha air base from 1957-59, 18 months. I was in the Air Force and worked in the finance office near the flight line. I remember the big Typhoon Faye we had in September 1957. I enjoyed touring the island from North to South, from Ie Shima where Ernie Pyle has a small memorial. I also went down to Suicide Cliff in the southern part of the island. What struck me as odd was that there were still a lot of bones and skeletons at the foot of the cliff. In fact I have a photo of me holding a Japanese skull next to my head. Anyone at Naha during those years contact me. 

/Users/salmartorano/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2013/09/14/20130914-162538/Me and Jap skull.jpg

08 Jul 2014

Phill Lockett

Hi there I am looking for any reference on 1778 construction Bn based in Okinawa 1945-46 period prior going to Korea. I have the pocket patch of the 1778th which is a triangle with the numbers 17 and dice 3 and 4 and 8 Ball forming 1778. However i believe this patch was made late 40's. I have another which is screen printed of Torii Gate with 1778 over the top and Engineers underneath and would be , i believe, the only unofficial insignia worn. Any help would be appreciated.

08 Jul 2014

Patrick Vance

USARYIS Chemical
Machinatto Service Area
June '62 -- Nov. '64

A previous poster mentioned Solomon Pollard, and I remember the guy and can vouch for the ``King Sol'' nickname for the 1/sgt.

Just to throw out some Chemical Corps names: Msgt. Marvin Counce, Sp5 Joe Rooks, Sgt. Bill Day, SFC Sullivan, SFC Lesneski, Maj. Pittman, Sp5 Bruce Brown, Sgt. Robinson.

Some good guys in the barracks: ``Frenchy'' Lafrenier, Dennis Malcolm, Paul Keyes, Dick Millette, Jerry Strader, Jimmy Partridge.

Machinato had it all -- We were on a hill overlooking the East Chine Sea (great sunsets), swimming pool, library, movie theater, BOQ restaurant, basketball court and a service club complete with bowling alley and slot machines. Mess hall had a remarkable chef who was rumored to have been banished from CINCPAC for some transgression.

More good guys just down the hill in 1st Special Forces Group. Just don't mess with their girlfriends over in Yafuso.

Did I mention Naminoue?

Thay's why I extended there -- 30 months.

Nice place for a 20-year old to grow up.

04 Jul 2014

A/2C Ernest E. Lucas

I was chief clerk in the orderly room in the USAF 5th Communications Group, 2nd Radio Relay Squadron, Kadena AFB in 1957. Major Harold Caston and Major Suey C. Wong were the Commanders at that time.

29 Jun 2014

Bernie Gonciarz

I was on Okinawa fron Oct1970 to Mar1972 as a member of the 549th Quartermaster Co. (Air Delivery). We were attached to the Army's 2nd Logistical command, but we were stationed in the Sukiran area. I worked in the Comm section and also helped in the supply/armory section that was shorthanded. I liked the duty and had enjoyed my off duty. Several buddies and I had motorcycles and we explored much of the beautiful island.I thought White beach was the nicest beach I have ever seen. We had a bad typhoon while I was there and during the summer of 1971 there was a severe water shortage and we were only allowed two showers a week to conserve water. Also there were no flush toilets during this time.This lasted a couple of months. the army closed the Sukiran EM club and changed the NCO club to a combined EM/NCO club as a convervation move.
Our unit had to pull riot control duty twice. Once during a strike of the Okinawan Military employees union and another time when there were protest about removing the Chemical weapons to Johnston Island. The strikers were kind of aggressive and my Sgt and I got smacked with their long bamboo poles by several of them when we were trying to arrest one of their leaders.
I also remember that Hanoi jane Fonda visited the island for her propaganda tour and the CG confined all personnel to their bases so no one would go and see her. Our unit the 549th deployed to Tansonhut Vietnam in April of 1972 during the Easter Offensive by the Communists and returned to Oki in August of 72.

28 Jun 2014

Bill Jodan, USAF

I was stationed at Kadena from 65 to 67, as part of the 824th Combat Support Group, and looking at these old pictures takes me back to those times, and my youth. It's a time that I recall now with more fondness that I would have believed possible during my tour there, since it was unbearably hot, and there was little to distract us from our strong desire to go home. Still, thinking of it now, it was quite an adventure, and an important part of my life. I made friends there, fellow soldiers and Marines and other Airmen, that have remained friends all my life, guys with whom I shared a unique experience that others of my friends who did not wear the uniform find hard to understand. I leave this message here and in the event that any of those with whom I served might read it, I would like to hear from them. Many are gone now, as my generation is leaving the field, but Okinawa will always have a special place in my memory.

26 Jun 2014

Charles Walsh

USMC Okinawa 1959-1962;3rdMarines;5th Marines;3rd Recon(TAD);12 th ANG;1stAMTRACS.Would like to hear from Marines that were involved inOperation Blue Star March of 1960 when we went to Formosa/Taiwan in the largest naval assault force of that time.Also Sailors involved with that same operation.Also interested in contact with Marines stationed at White Beach in 1st AMTRACS in 1961-1962 and the unusual situation during that time frame of that base. Please contact Charlie Walsh call 941-475-5771.Thank you!

14 Jun 2014

Allen McMhon

Was stationed at Kadena AB October 1962 - March 1964 with 1962nd Comm Group in their Comm center. Lots of memories, Gate 2 street, B.C. Street, New Koza, and all the places I visited off base on the island. It was my first overseas assignment. My son joined the Air Force and his first overseas assignment was Kadena. Went to Okinawa in 1997 to visit my son at Kadena. How it had changed. But, remembered some to the landmarks on base. Our barracks were right across the street from the Airman\\'s Club. Would go there at times for lunch, or dinner and then play the slot machine to try and win back what I paid to eat at the club.

13 Jun 2014

Retired Major Harold C. Brown, Jr.

Was a young Sp5 7th PSYOP Group, got transferred to HQ USARYIS as a Morning Reports Supervisor. CSM Gaumer made me go to OCS because Nam was next and I may as well get shot as an Officer than as a Enlisted man. Got thru Engineer OCS and survived Nam serving as Company Commander of two Companies-304th S&S/552 LEM, Tuy Hoa AFB and Quinhon. Got a BSM 40 years later from the Hall of Heros Wash. DC from my Colonel friend David Whitaker, G4 [who my wife and helped raise out of Leesville, La]who found my rater and indorsers from Nam who thought I rec\\\\\\'d it. Old soldiers never die-We just fade away. Thx for having this site. My years on the rock were just great. The people, the beaches, the shopping down at Naha area, we even got along with the other branches of services. 1966 to 1969 were just great for my family of 6, we will never forget those great times. Harold Jr.

09 Jun 2014

Lonell Taylor Brown

Im looking for anyone who was in the USMC and was stationed at Camp Sukiran between 1961- December 1963. My Dad was stationed there.
I'm trying to find someone who remembers him.
His name is Cpl Corbet Lionel Taylor. I'm trying to locate an Okinawan women who possibly had a child by him. But without a name it's hard to start a search for
my possible sibling. One of my sisters is possibly named after her.
What name would I search for if letters were changed in my sisters name.
My sisters name is "Sanchi" any help would be greatly appreciated.

05 Jun 2014


Looking for pictures or info on marine named allowed stationed Okinawa around 1967 or after

04 Jun 2014

Dan Marquez

Response to Jen about military police vehicles. I was with the 1st MP Group (1966 to 1968) and have some photos, if she is interested. Just found your site. I'm sure I will have more questions later. Thanks.

04 Jun 2014

Henry S. Weeks

I was with the 258th Personnel Service Co. I worked at HQ with Lt. Gen. Lambert. I am Spec.5 Henry Weeks and would love to talk with anyone who work with me. . Years 70,71.

03 Jun 2014

Jon Haaland

44th trans 1966-1967 hauled alot of barrels to Marshinato

28 May 2014

Grady Slice

Great site. Loved the pictures and remembering my time at Torri Station 69-72. They made me come home because of the reversion. Happy to have served in Okinawa.

26 May 2014

Neil D Johnson

I was stationed at Sukiran with the 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment,
9th Marine Division from 1959 to 1960; one of our sergeants had been in the original fighting for Okinawa. We came over MSTS on the Hugh Gaffney and returned on the Mitchell. Futenma and Moromi(?) were close to our base and we Marines would take the shuttle to Kadena for a decent Air Force breakfast. We also took the bus to Naha to purchase equipment when we lost it (great black market stuff -- all new!)or visit the shops in the narrow streets or see a movie (French -- English subtitles on the bottom, Japanese down the side). I remember the old tombs visible along the road throughout the island. Our platoon had a couple of parties at Moon Beach!
Demolition teams were still finding and destroying Japanese ammunition when I was on Okinawa.
When riding the bus to Naha they would play Japanese renditions of American songs over the loudspeakers; when the original movie
M.A.S.H. came out there were scenes in which they played such music over the camp loudspeakers and memories of the Naha bus came right back.
How fortunate for us to have been there before all the incidents involving troop misbehavior soured the Japanese residents; I guess it was inevitable given that the Armed Forces didn't spend a lot of time explaining how to respect the locals.
Great site, great memories!

23 May 2014

Patridk GREEN

I live on okinawa from 1967 to 1969, Lot of things happen I meet the crew of the frist sr71 to fly from Okinawa to? Hobu was the name on the jackets.

20 May 2014


What a great site! Thank you for sharing.
As you seem very familiar with the subject may I ask you a question?
I\\\\\\'m trying to find out what car model the MP cars where in Okinawa.
The cars used by the RAFP (Ryuku Armed Forces Police).
Do you have an idea?



18 May 2014

Diana Kay Whittier

My husband, Gordon M Whittier was stationed at Naha AFB in the Navy during 1965-1967. I joined him in 1965. I worked at the hospital in Camp Kue as a receptionist for the PT Dept. It was a growing up time for me, as I was 20 years old and newly married. Our daughter was born there. I will always cherish the time we spent in Okinawa. It is a beautiful place. I have lots of memories, the time a young boy tried to burn a hole in our screen window to steal and I confronted him. To the wonderful time we had at the VFW club - all the food and the shows.

26 Apr 2014

Richard Davis

The MSTS ship I went to Okinawa on was the Mitchell. I had hoped to fly home, but ended up going back on the Breckenridge. Both trips were very uncomfortable but made me glad I was in the Army and not the Navy.

25 Apr 2014

Margaret Barton

My mom, sister and me (as a 1 year old) followed my Dad to Okinawa in 1953. W travelled by MSTS (troop transport). I am looking to see if anyone knows the names of the ships that would have transported military families from the US to Okinawa during 1953. Thanks!

22 Apr 2014

linda morton

amazing site. my dad, an army sgt. was sent to Okinawa in 1953 and we, his family, followed in 1954. we lived in sukiran. all 3 of us kids went to elementary school there. I was in the 3rd grade thru the 5th. loved my life there,playing in the jungle (totally unaware of the fact that the last Japanese soldier did not surrender on Okinawa till around 1968), running from the fear of habu, habu, the movie theater, the swimming pool, and my favorite..the library. what a life, beautiful memories. I will never forget Okinawa. before Okinawa we lived in japan, just 2 1/2 years after the end of the war, my brother was born there in 1948. after Okinawa we were stationed twice in Germany..stateside assignments, ft. lewis and ft. Huachuca. what a perfect life for a kid... later I joined the air force and served 4 years during the Vietnam era. later became a deputy sheriff for los angeles county for 27 years. thank you for the memories. Okinawa will never be forgotten by me. it shaped me in many ways to want to serve this country and realize that women could do whatever we wanted. I thank our military who served there (and our mothers who were the unsung heroes) and especially those who fought and many died there.

14 Apr 2014

michael stewart

I was station at 3tk H&S company 1964 april. made E-4 June 30
1964 in formation. Whole lot of crape was going on at that time.

13 Apr 2014

Jan Polston Poss

Sitting here with tears in my eyes as I relive the wonderful times I had in Okinawa with my family. Someone that took many of these pictures had to have known my family, because I am in many of them. The pictures at the pool, the Brownie Troop #19 pictures, which include my mom and me. My brother's football team. He was #19. I am speechless. I have some of these pictures, but many of them, I don't. I wish I could know whose they were because it would more than likely put me in contact with someone we knew a very long time ago. I haven't finished all the pictures yet. Somewhere there is a picture of our house and my brother's soap box derby...something he was really proud of! My dad is Jesse W. Polston and he is a retired Sgt.Maj. He is now 85 and still kicking. He and my mother are in McKinney, TX. I would love to be able to put him in touch with some old friends! I would also love to be able to help my brother, Scott, find a long lost friend, Jesse Love. Thanks for the memories. These truly, were the good old days where families, unrelated came together as one, supporting each other and the good old USA!
Again, thanks! Jan Poss

12 Apr 2014

Scott Polston

What a great site. We lived on Okinawa from \\'65-\\'68. My Dad was a Sgt Major with Stratcom. He was surfing the other nite and happened upon your fantastic site. What made this even more incredibile after almost 50 years is that the house you show 577-A in Futema with the Soap Box Derby car in the side yard was our house. Just imagining how someone took that picture and it was our yard is beyond all belief. I went to Kubaski High for 10th grade. Was in the quonset huts for 8th and 9th. Can\\'t remember what that area was called.

I finished 3rd that year in the soap box derby with the car you see in the picture. Still have all my photos from Derby Day at Kadena AFB.

Thank you so much and if you have any idea who took that picture, that would be great to know. Our family is blown away to say the least.

Thank you so much! Brought back some great memories

07 Apr 2014

Kenneth Gigli

April 7, 2014 - I am happy to have come across this site. I am searching for information about my service with the Marine Corps I/3/3/3 while stationed on Okinawa during the years 1958-1959-1960.Not many of us remain to recount those times and my memories are quickly fading. I began my tour at Camp Bishagawa. I don't recall how long I was there but they moved us to a new camp just built (Camp Schwab). Does anyone recall the time when this new camp opened? To be honest, at this stage in my life, I am just now filing a claim (Agent Orange Exposure)with the VA and I have good reason to believe that I was exposed while billeted at these two camps. Of course my MOS was 0300 and later 0331.

05 Apr 2014

Randy Rosenberger

My name is Randy, son of Allen Rosenberger. My dad was stationed at Kadena Air Force Base, 1961-1964. I went to 1st and 2nd grade on base at the time. We lived off base at a village named Kitamai. Not sure if the spelling is correct. We then moved to Quonset huts off base. I remember taking the bus with my mother to Kadena Circle. I remember watching the Okinawan kids playing baseball next to our house. My dad used to give me money to buy his cigarettes at the open markets close by. I can remember the taste of the candy and playing with the various fireworks. There was a sea wall right down the street where I lived that the ocean would crash against during high tide. During low tide, the Okinawans would dig for clams. I remember the bums, as I called them, would go through our trash looking for something to eat. I was afraid of the stealy boys at night. My dad used to take me to the bars at Kadena Circle and to the Country Club on base. I remember so much and I miss my dad. Times were so simple then. I remember the nicknames of some of my dad's buddies. They were, Ingram, Duster and Fanny. Fanny got me drunk. My second grade teacher was Mrs. Blackshear. Thanks

04 Apr 2014

Dan Blades

Okinawa what a place for a young man to come in to his own. Such a fun and beautiful place. Anything you desire is there. It was what you made of it. Was stationed at Kadena 376 FMS SAC 1977-1981 Worked at the AGE shop.
Would love to return and visit.

31 Mar 2014


Hello, I'm trying to help my female friend that's 41 yrs old locate her biological family, her mother put her up for adoption when she was a baby and the biological mother was 24 yrs old when she put my friend up for adoption, the mother had one sister that lived in Okinawa with her husband and she was around 30 at the time and another sister that lived in Germany and she had two children, my friend stated that she only have little information on her biological family and her birth mother ,mother was originally from Pritchard, Alabama and she was a LPN and her birth mother was a member of Glee Club and she did two yrs in college and major in business administration and did clerical work, believe that birth mother lived in mobile, Alabama but also my friend was born some where in Florida and believe the birth dad was 29yrs old at the time of her birth and he had a mother that was in and out the hospital due to Asthma and he was a Sargent in the Air Force and worked in the Areospace Program and he enjoyed fishing,not for sure but do believe that the birth mother was born in 1948 and her father passed away around 1958 from the information she has, if any one of this Nature know whom ever these people or person is can you PLEASE REPLY ASAP Thanks so much.

20 Mar 2014

Richard L. Kellogg

What a great site! It's like walking back in time. I was stationed at Kadena AB from April 1952 - mid 1954 before transferring to Japan for the remainder of my enlistment. When I arrived in Okinawa I fortunately, for two years, was assigned as a clerk to the Officers Club Office which used to be situated not far from the now, Gate 1 and just above a nursery. Later was assigned as a payroll clerk to the 6332nd where I worked for 6 months. Great, great memories. Not enough room here to recount all the happy days spent there with great personnel and great Okinawan people. My son, Marine M/Sgt. (retired) turned me on to this site as he too was stationed in Okinawa. I actually happened to be in the Base Ops. restaurant when the first advanced party of Marines first arrived to formulate plans for the Marines returning to Okinawa. Until then, there were no Marines on the Island. Thank you again for the great pictures.

13 Mar 2014

lee harris

Looking for anyone who knew ray and joyce hildebrand, he served at torii station and she was working for the red cross. She gave bith to a daughter in 1966 or 1967 and at the time had a little girl about 4 years of age. I have tried for years to get in touch with this family with no luck. If anyone knows joyce hildebrand have her contact me at my email address as it is very important.

09 Mar 2014

Rich Berry

Served from 74-75 at Torii Station as an MP with ASA. Great memories, especially of roomies Daniel Boone and John Kochensparger. Also Mario Ballard and Lonnie Catt.

03 Mar 2014


Hi all-- looking for a friend of the family who was at Naha from '68 to about '70--her name is "Wendy" (Susan) Wendorf. I'm not sure what job she had but I'm thinking she had some sort of support position on base. Thanks for any help any of you can give--email me through this site. It would be great to find her!

23 Feb 2014

Chuck Hanson

I was stationed at Naha AB from 1966-1968 I was a PJ with the 33RD AIR RESCUE until leaving the USAF in Aug 1968. Great place for diving. Of course, had a great time in Namanui exploring the nightlife. Our land jumpzone was at Kadena and most of our practice water jumps were in Buckner Bay. We also did rappeling off of the areas around Suicide Cliff.

18 Feb 2014

Don Carter

I was Regular Air Force "Retired Air Force Now 'I was the Manager of the Naha Non Commissioned Officer's Club from 1965-1969. Better known as the Copacabana NCO Club.The thousands of Dependents and All Service personnel I met,I will never forget.My memories of Naha and the Copacabana NCO Club and Okinawan friends I shall never forget.Blue Sky's And Happy Landing ..Always. Don Carter

16 Feb 2014

A1/Class Jerry Santucci


I was reviewing the comments on your web site and was

intrested in a comment posted by A1/Class Val Julian. Is there

any way I can send him a e-mail.



16 Feb 2014

bob flora

i was stationed at sukiran or foster in 66-67, (cant really remember what it was called then) i was with 3rd fsr, usmc great duty,but i had to go see what nam was all about. would love to hear from anyone there then, my address is 7715 bass ridge trail,tallahassee,fla 32312

28 Jan 2014

Terrilyn (Alfiche) Wailani

Found this terrific site and made me remember how cool it was living on Okinawa. The pictures are what I remember the Rock to be. Recently connected with a friend whose dad was in the Air Force. My stepfather, Primo Alfiche, was assigned to Machinato then with the 21BPO on Sukiran. We went to Mercy Intermediate in the early 60's but left for Fort Lewis. My girlfriend and I used to hop on the bus and head to Ishikawa beach, Nago and Chinen Island when we were just 10 or 11 years old! We shopped at Maromi outdoor market. We took the bus from one end of the island to the other. Nobody bothered us military brats. I think I went to Naha Port but landed up at Mercy. Dad played golf when he wasn’t working and mom signed up for Japanese doll making classes. BTW, we helped build the Torii bridge on that pond. I think Mr. Tom Hansen or Mr. Ed Polsdofer guided us. God, it was weird with them typhoons slamming against the Quonset huts! I lived off base in Oyama until we got base housing on Sukiran. Anybody remember the best hamburgers in Oyama somewhere (I forgot). Camp Kue was pretty nice (got all our shots there when we left for the States (ouch!). MCAB Futemna was above our house. Oh boy and those tombs within the hills behind the housing area were spooky for 10-11 year olds, let me tell you! Habu snakes; filling the tub up with water during typhoons and huge cans of Kirin and Orion beer were something else (mom loved those beers)! OH! and anybody remember Futemna Jane who used to walk along the highway? Okinawans protesting against the US forces and taking it out on us kids riding them funny looking buses they made us ride to Naha Port? Wow! Getting carried away remembering all this stuff! Looking to connect with Ruby Hamili, our dads knew each other. Have connected with the Kauupu family: Charles passed away--he was a famous and beloved Hawaiian chanter and historian. His sisters live in Molokai. The Rock had a lot of Hawaiian families: Hamili’s; Kauupu’s; Freitas; Satos’. I have connected with my best friend after nearly 50 years! Would also like to connect with Martha and Margaret Long, twins, who I remember told me they were from Lubbock TX. Patty Fair who was a cute blonde and nice. That's it! Thanks for this fabulous website and all those folks remembering their stay on the Rock.

27 Jan 2014

Richard Powers

Hi i was there from sep 69 - sep 70. worked in a very large motor pool in the army depot. rebuilding trucks sent from nam. i remember the B-52\\\\\\'s leaving out every morning and returning in the evening from Kadena. our barracs was right on the coast line. i lost all my bagage when i came home pictures and all my memmorys. i don\\\\\\'t even remember the name of the base . all i can think of is camp kizor but not shore, spent to much time in naminui i guess. i stayed in the village more than i did the base. it\\\\\\'s sad i can only remeber one guy who lived in Colorado, he worked on tv cable all i know. i was down town durring one of the typhoons ended up in an ally with a bunch of old Okinawans. i live in upstate new york. i had one buddy his name was Diaz from the bronks ,

24 Jan 2014

Richard Davis

Was in the 273rd Ord Detachment on Okinawa 11/61-7/63. CO was Major Dixon, 1st/Sgt was Solomon Pollard. We called him King Sol. You could not reason with the man, very arrogant. Would love to hear from folks who were there.

24 Jan 2014

Shari McDonald

Just letting folks know that there is a Brat site for those who lived in Okinawa ... just look up Okinawa Brats.

Also, if anybody on this site knew Audrey Hale who went to Kubasaki High School with me? This would have been in the early 60\\'s. Her dad was the band leader on Kadena.

24 Jan 2014

Dan Dermody

My name is Dan Dermody. I was stationed at Kadena from March of l964 until September of 1965. I worked in an office on the flight line, keeping records of pilots who flew T-33\\'s in order to keep \\'current\\' on their flying status. I worked \\"Off Duty\\" for 6 months at AFRTS..and, for a full year at KSBK Radio. Thanks to this site, and others, I have re-connected with several friends from back then..including the all-girl band \\"The Paulettes\\" from the Phillipines who played all the clubs over there back then. I\\'m still trying to locate a girl named Wanda Ollinger. She graduated from Kubasaki High School back in 1966. If anyone has any info on her whereabouts...I\\'d sure appreciate it. Would love to know how life has been for her. Would also love to hear from some of my former co-workers.


24 Jan 2014

michael anderson

I was an army dependant in 1962. My mother and I were sent there for my dad to have a short R&R from nam. I can't remember the village we lived in, but we could see a skeet range from our yard. My sponsers oldest son and I used to hike around the island. My dad and 3 of his buddies left c-rations behind for us when we got there. My dad left 24 hrs before we arrived. He did return back to us alive and well.
There was a tomb next to us and one over the retaining wall of our yard. Thanks for your service and the pictures you posted. I have been trying to find some for a long time.

24 Jan 2014

Dan Greife

Stationed at Yoza Dake Air station (70-72)as part of the 623rd AC&W squadron. The island was beautiful and the people friendly. I loved the time I spent there. I wish I could go back!

21 Jan 2014

William Michalak

Greatest memory 1968 bob hope Christmas show, super guy.

21 Jan 2014

William Michalak

1967&68 assigned to stratcom, signal corps. Did a lot of growing up there. Had lots of good friends. Still in contact with a few. This is a great site. TSS for the

15 Jan 2014

Dave Lenher

I was stationed at Kadena AB from 1980-1982. It was my first duty assignment. My cousin was in the marines at that time and stationed at camp Butler. It was funny how we spent our childhood together and then ended up snorkling in the east China Sea and Bowling in Naha together, not to mention the partying we did together. What great memories. Thank you for this site and a chance to take a strole down memory lane.

14 Jan 2014

Paul Nagy

Was stationed on Okinawa from 09/1964--02/1966. Machinato across street from Yafuso. Lived in barracks in bldg 1209. Was in 273rd ord det Hawk missile repair. Spent many nights at VFW. Saw some great shows there. Had some good times in Okinawa.

07 Jan 2014


I was sent to Okinawa August 1968. Assigned to the Machinato Service Area. I worked in the adminstrative building. Human resources for a few months. My wife wife joined me. We lived on the other side of the highway across from Machinato. Very close to a pig sty. Our daughter was born at Hansen. We had a lot of hard times and some good memories. In a lot of ways we kind of both grew up in Okinawa as we were newlyweds when we got there. I appreciate what you have done here very much. I especially appreciate the link you provided and the background to the song Road to Namanouie. I am a guy who remembers some music better than a lot of other things and that song has been with me all this time. I play a little guitar and I would play and sing the parts of it I could remember. Thanks for the memories.

29 Dec 2013

Gary Rittenhouse

Spent time on Okinaka from 1971 to 1973 in the 196th ord. right out side gate 3 a Kadena Air Force Base. Great site. Hope any members of 196th at that time would contact me. Thanks for the site.

28 Dec 2013

John T. Fernandez

What a great site!! I served wwith the US Army on the rock from the spring of 1965 to the fall of 67. My barracks were in Surkeran and our com center up the hill in Futenma (STATCOM) I was very involved in Boy Scouting and I remember walking from my barracks, past the chapel on the hill, the PX and over to our "scout hut" Troop 1 was sponsored by the American Legion Post 1. I have a picture of myself and a couple other Scouts meeting with Lt. General Unger - The "High Commissioner" at the time. We spent 2 summers at Camp White Beach (BSA Camp) and many campouts up north. On some camping trips, we could reach out and pick pinapples! I am interested in communicating with any other scouts or leaders that were on the island at that time. Thank you for keeping the memories of Okinawa alive for us. Happy New Year from Florida, USA John T. Fernandez

28 Dec 2013

Frank Ouimette

I was born 3 months after the atomic bombs on Japan. I was an Army brat. My father was stationed at Camp Zama, Japan. My mother woke me up on my 18th birthday 22 November 1963 and said "Happy Birthday, Oh, President Kennedy was shot," so things got crazy from there. I joined the Army 9 April 1964 and sworn in on the 24th. Basic and AIT at Fort Ord. California. Went to Korea Jan thru Dec 1965. Inter theater transfer to Okinawa. Duty from Jan 66 to March 67. I was an E4. Worked a little at Camp Kue hospital then I was assigned to the 70th Medical Depot which just came in from Germany. We worked at Macchiato. I was the mailman for the depot. Designed my own mailroom by U.S. Postal Regulations. Made E5 there. Caught in a Typhoon while delivering mail in my Jeep. Half the unit was at the warehouse doors waiting to see if I would make it. It was touchy. What do you expect when you work in Typhoon Alley. I fixed up a rental house for my wife, I was married in Korea. I was a member of a Bowling League called the Keystone dominos. Went on USO hikes in Naha. It was a fun experience. I re-enlisted for Korea and went back for 20 months and was there when the USS Pueblo was caught and when President Pak Chun Hee of Korea was almost assassinated. I lived at 134 Kiyuna.

27 Dec 2013

C E Stanley (Chuck) (CEW2)

I was stationed at Camp Kue with MCB9 in 1959 during the building of MCAS Futenma. Like tohear from those that were there.

27 Dec 2013

Mike Lynch

It would be very helpful to be able to search the Comments. Finding a date, location or name can really bring back memories. Camp Hansen - April 64 thru May 65 - H&S Third Tanks

27 Dec 2013

Tom Penrose

Thank you so much for the memories. I served on Okinawa with the Army at Sukiran. I worked at the Army Headquarters building for some time. The pictures you have posted reminded me of the good old days. I've been back to Okinawa since and most of the scenes in these pictures are gone except in the pictures. I was there in 1969 and Road to Naminui was still a hit on the juke boxes.

26 Dec 2013

John Langhorne

My father was in VD-3 and is in two of your pictures, a crew picture and a picture of him in the nose turret. He recently passed away and we found one of the 200 Okinawa books his basement. He told me that they were up when the atom bomb was dropped and they thought we hit a large ammo dump, they Found out what it actually was when they got back to Okinawa.


22 Dec 2013

Ken Olive

Served in Hawk Missle group on Okinawa, Site 13. 1962-1964.Capt Hotchkiss, Don Carpenter are 2 that I currently remember

17 Dec 2013

Joe McQuighan

Just found this site in Dec. 2013. Really wonderful. Was fascinated by the entry from Ann Syphax. My father also worked at JSPC.
We lived in Plaza housing around the same time, 1968-1970. Distinctly remember the AFRTS radio tower, Top of the Rock Club, Kubasaki. Also the Pitch-n-Putt golf course, the Teen club, and Awase golf and pool.
Was wondering if Ann remembers some of my neighbors: Linda and Karen Blankenship, Steve Suddarth, or maybe Steve Carroll? Maybe my brother Dave? I can be reached at jmcquighan at

04 Dec 2013


Looking for pictures of Korean bands 1970. Played at airmanship club, Prince, Golden Prince, and Blue Moon. Also outlying bases.

29 Nov 2013

Dave Lash

Landed on Oki Dec 7, 1968 and left Apr 1970. Worked in Subsistence Section , 2nd Log Command . I was E-5 and held GS slot ordering perishable foods. It was a special time in my life. I've been able to locate Rich Cataraso, and Sgt George Aikerson. Mario Gomez was buddy as well. We were stationed on the hill in Machinato above the theatre and NCO club. Had a good friend Wealthy Mobley with a beautiful singing voice. Best to all.

25 Nov 2013



Just wanted to let you know I sure appreciate you putting up photos of Okinawa. My dad worked for the architects and the civil engineers over at Kadena. I recall the fantastic (through the eyes of a child growing up in the boonies of Okinawa!) Christmas decorations all over the base. I especially loved Santa's Workshop which was sort of near the gas stand and in front of the parking lot of the architects/civil engineers office. I remember the water rationing; the bookstore (where I would read the comics) in Buckner also sold candles and during the summer when the a/c wasn't on the aroma of the candles was nauseating. For some reason, the electricity was being conserved during water rationing...
Sunday lunch or dinner at the Banyan Tree or American Legion, ballet lessons at the Kadena Youth Center then at the U.S.O., three or was it two nights of trick or treating!
I love looking at the maps and photos of the time way before I was even born! How cool.

Thank you!

24 Nov 2013

Don Baxstresser

Was at Kadena from Feb. 1970 to Aug 1971. Was a 42350 (electric shop) servicing both the B52 and KC135. Even as a low salaried E-3 I had my wife come over and our oldest was born at Camp Kue Hospital. I was there for snake dances by the base gates and the riots that ultimately resulted in the B52's leaving Kadena. Most rememberial was the take off and landinds of the SR 71, known as the Habu. Didn't seem like it then, but goods times. I mean, when/ where else could you serve in a war and have yor wife with you.

17 Nov 2013

Netty DiVirgilio

My dad served during WWII on the USS Nestor and I am trying to find some photos of the ship especially after Typhoon Louise. My dad always talked about the typhoon being the worst experience of his years in the Navy. He served from 1941 - 1946 in the Navy and his name was Henry DiVirgilio. Any additional information - photos or information with his name in it is appreciated. My dad passed away on Sept 3, 2013 and I am making a book in his memory for my family this year for the holidays.

16 Nov 2013

Lee MacLeod

Looking for anyone who may have known Angus MacLeod 541st supply. or transport in Okinawa 66 to 68? Great site by the way very difficult to find people who served in okinawa4822955

10 Nov 2013

Leslie Walker Shank

My father Col. Herbert J Walker (USAF) was stationed on Okinawa from 1956-1959. We lived first in Machinato then moved to Kadena. I have absolutely magical memories of my childhood there. We played on the beaches, collected shells, had all manner of adventures. My dad worked in Intelligence and we dropped him at a windowless building. Both my parents, Herb and Peggy, were very active with an organization that taught English in the local schools. My mom, as the president, was invited to many a sports day and special event. She was also head of the Sunday School which met down at the elementary school on Kadena. I remember "flying up" into the Girl Scouts in a special Girl Scout quanset hut where we had meetings. It was amazing riding our bikes out through areas with caves and bones and still live stockpiles of bombs and ammunition. It was the most wonderful exciting time for an 8-10 year old. I have my dad's old slides if you want them. Lots of the typhoon. You can reach me via email.

10 Nov 2013

Bill Collins

Moved to Okinawa in 1960 as one of four Army brats...My Dad was Youth Activities Director at Kadena A.F.B. and Sukiran. I think he was the Director for all the Bases on the Island. We lived in Awase Heights for four years then moved to Habu Hill for the view it afforded. I loved the Island and spent many hours exploring...Spent many hours at the pool at Awase Golf Course. Does anyone remember when they opened A&W and all the fanfare? Also loved going to Ishikawa Beach and Okuma. I would love to revisit the Island...any suggestions on where to stay?

08 Nov 2013


I was on Oki in 1957/58 and got caught up in typhoon Faye and
have a 3" scar on my belly to Prove it. Was stationed @ Camp
Hauge,12th Marines Arty. I notice that most of the comments
come from Air dales stationed at Kadena,AFB. I spent at least
three days a week in the Kedena mess hall. I was the 12 th
Marine motor pool dispatcher and had a straggle to chow pass.
Now where else would I eat. Was in the Philippines in 1958 on
exercise "Operation Strongback ". Flew back to Kadena from
Clark AFB. I have a good collection of pictures from that era
and will share if anyone has an intrest.
Semper Fidelis
Gene Lang
USMC S/N 1611645

08 Nov 2013

Jeff Truesdale

I was stationed with 7th PSYOPS for 18 months on Okinawa in 1973. First at Sukuran then we moved to Machinato where the printing plant was located. I have over 800 leaflets and translation sheets we printed. I even have copies of the counterfeit notes. Feel free to contact me if you're interested.

Great site, well done!

- Jeff Truesdale

07 Nov 2013

Manny Medeiros

Was stationed at Naha AFB, 33rd Air Rescue Squadron 1956 & 1957.
Col. Calof was Squadron Commander and Lt Ostler was Adjuntant.
Lived in concrete barracks and worked in metal huts. Hot, humid,
and typhoons. Stationed with great airmen and proud of the job
they did in their rescuing missions. The Albatross SA-16 was a
work horse and along with the SH-19 copters saved many lives.

S/Sgt. Manuel Medeiros 1955-- 1959

01 Nov 2013

David L. Snodgrass

I was stationed in Okinawa with the Marine Corps from Oct. 1968 to Nov. 1969. My outfit was Electronics Maintenance Company; Maintenance Battalion; 3d Force Service Regiment; Fleet Marine Force. Pacific. We were billeted at Futema Air Station and we worked at Camp Foster. Most of my time there I also worked after hours at Futema's Hobby Shop selling audio equipment. Like a lot of others I remember how nice most of the local people were to the troops. I also remember being confined to barracks during typhoon Cora, and the winds driving the rain through every crack in that concrete structure! A big Semper Fi to all the Marines!

29 Oct 2013

Michael McCluhan

Stationed at Kadena AFB and worked at Torii Station from late 1968 until summer 1970. Lived in the barracks until my wife came over, and we lived off base.
Knew a couple of linguists, one was Doug Tindal. Hope to hear form some guys who were there and remember the places on Gate 2 street, eating sushi way before it was the 'in' thing to do.

14 Oct 2013

Domenic Cantarella

What a great site! I was stationed at Kadena, AB with the 18th Transient Alert from 1978 to 1980. Anyone from that Section feel free to contact me. The memories of such a beatiful Island remain with me to this day, what a great place. Did a lot of SCUBA diving there with CMSGT McNichols and many others. Was amazed at Gate 2 street and BC street! ate alot of Tacos at Charlies Tacos and enjoyed the Yakisoba at the First Chance restaurant outside of Gate 2. I had 2 super 8 movies that I took while flying around the island in a HH-53 that my wife had turned into a DVD just last Christmas 2012 that I hadn't seen since I left there over 32 years ago, I must have watched that DVD over 20 times.

11 Oct 2013

Janet Stanley

Hello, Did anyone serve in Okinawa in 1962. I am looking for my biological Father \\"Jack\\". He liked to play his guitar. My mom Kiyoko Nakamura dated him summer of 1962. He never knew of the pregnancy. We lived in a town called Chibana. It\\'s a long shot, but if you have any information I would very much appreciate it. I think \\"Jack\\" was stationed at camp Hogue. Jack would of been around 19 at the time. My mother has 3 brothers the oldest named Yuko. Her father died in WW2. Thank-you & God Bless Janet

10 Oct 2013

Alex Harvey, Jr.

I was 4 and 5 years old when my father was stationed at Kadena. So, this is a peak into very old memories. Some time in "68-"69 Rev. Alex Harvey founded at least one Church there where Koza Baptist Church was the mother Church. I remember the Sunday dinners at the NCO club as a family treat.
Does anyone have a picture of that giant star that was lit during the holidays?

05 Oct 2013

John (Goose) London

Donn - why am I just now finding your excellent site?!?

What a great job you have done, are doing, with this. Great content, easy to navigate and very professional looking! I just found it so I will be spending some hours reading and enjoying the photos.

You have kindly contributed to my humble \\'Kumejima\\' site in the past. If I can contribute to this site contact me at the e-mail addy above.

Again, great site - I am proud of ya.


26 Sep 2013


My stepdad Daniel M. Eggleston USAF was assigned to Kadena with us 4 kids from 69' - 72'. I remember most of it even though I was only around 6 or 7 at the time. We lived in the half-can's housing and went to school in armoured school buses. One of our favorite past-times while we were there was to go to the flightline and have icecream and watch the plans land and take off. We did go through a typhoon too and I remember us stocking C-rations just in case. We used to go to the football games and Halloween parades. Me and my sister won the costume contest one year. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the site and I was wondering if I could contribute any pictures? I have lots of slides that my dad gave me. Let me know.

19 Sep 2013

Zoltan Puskas

Thanks for getting this site up and running, it's a pleasure to see the old photos. I believe "the Rock" is quite different now, over 40 years later. I was stationed at Kadena AB, Sept. 1967-Feb 1969. I was with the 1962 Comm Group, AFCS, Comm Equip Repair--Teletype Maintenance. Our shop overlooked the flight line so we were lucky to see the planes taking off and landing. Saw the SR-71 and many B-52's.
Sure do remember Koza City--had many a good time there with my fellow Airmen--and the Gate 2 entrance to the base. We had our fatigues custom made by the local tailors. Traveled all over the Rock repairing teletypes in remote areas as well as on the base. I remember Raytheon in Awase Meadows and some of the out-of-the-way sites.
One of the other posts I read mentioned the Airmen's that was a nice place to unwind. Always had some good bands and music. I saw the Bob Hope Christmas Show---must have been 1968---I think it was at Futema. Well of course, I'll never forget Okinawa and I certainly don't regret being there, It was a great experience and I guess I thank my Uncle Sam for that.

08 Sep 2013

Ray Mitchell

Just found this site and have enjoy it very much. I was at Yoza Dake as a 27350 weapons tech from Oct 67 to March 69. However was sent to Korea, along with several others during the Pueblo incident in 1968 for about 5 months. Two officers, Capt. Conners and Andrews I remember went also. I worked with Capt Vincent Palermo while in Osan. Both were great duties for me. This tour was good for this country boy from the cotton fields of Ala. Would like to have a cap like we wore at Yoza Dake or at least a patch, Ours had the domes, planes and mountain goat on the patch.

02 Sep 2013

Steven Milroy

It has been great to read all the memories that people have had of Okinawa. My first experience was as a Marine at MCAS Futema 72-73. I didn't get a chance to see the island as much as I wanted to. There were RED FLAG days during the reversion of control from the US back to Japan and that is a whole different discussion. I did like what I saw and had a chance to return as a civilian ten years ago. My wife and two daughters lived on Kadena at first then we moved close to the Awase Port. We were there for 3-1/2 yrs and I drove all over the island. I met a few guys and we metal detected for WWII artifacts, found allot more than we were suppose to. My oldest daughter married an airman and stayed on Kadena. My youngest daughter wanted to stay so bad that we managed to make her older sister a guardian and they stayed for another year. Okinawa has been a big part of my life.

27 Aug 2013

Don Schneider

I was stationed on Okinawa in 1968/69 and worked at Camp Mercy Veterinary Clinic , Yomitan sentry dog school, and Machinato Sentry dog school. My wife Mary joined me there in 1968 and we rented a little house on the P.O.L. in Oyama just a short walk from the intersection of Highwy 1 and the road to Futenma. The photos and information on this site have brought back a lot of great memories, Oh-bon festival dancers and parade down Hiway 1, bull fights near Ishikawa city, and Nakagusuku castle etc. Thank you so much. I wish I could contact Mr Tadashi Nakamura, our Lab Tech and my friend at Camp Mercy. We played baseball games with the North and South Okinawa security police teams and made some good friends ! Yogi-san I hope you have had a grand life.

16 Aug 2013

Vince Cerullo

I was on Okinawa from July 56 to Dec 58. First year or so I was with the 75th AAA and the latter part of my stay with the Armed Services Police. I played baseball for both the Gunners and the Rangers in the military/Okinawan league. I would like to hear from anyone who was there during that time period.

06 Aug 2013

A1/C Val Julian

I arrived at Naha AFB in the fall of 1955. I was a wide eyed 18 year old kid and scared to death. We were sent by troop ship, I believe the USS Mitchell. I was attached to the 815th Supply squadron. I worked in air craft refueling as well as the massive tank farms which stored all the aviation fuel.(POL) I believe the time in the Air Force served on Okinawa was the best duty of my hitch. I thought the mess hall food was very good and the young girls serving drinks and bussing our trays even better. In 1956 we were in the path of a massive typhoon. It turned over aircraft and flooded the barracks. My bunk was on the second floor of the barracks and the windows had steel shutters over them, and the rain water managed to get in and flood the floor with about 4-5 inches of water. We were instructed to stay indoors during the storm as debris was flying through the air. I recall an airman living in our barracks going out in the storm and was killed by flying debris. Our barracks sat on a hill and looked down on the Airman\\'s Club and out to the sea with a beautiful view of \\"useless island.\\" All the promotions I earned were on Okinawa and I regret not extending for 6 more months on to my 18 month tour. Having the house boys and wash/ironing girls kept us very sharp. I found the Okinawan people to be very warm and friendly. It was a great life experience. The aircraft on the base at that time were the F-86D\\'s. Anyone out there who may have served at the same time?

05 Aug 2013

Molly S.

Hello my name is Molly and I am working on a project for a history exhibit. My Professor and I have a collection of pictures from Okinawa from 1951-1952 that we are hoping to present as an exhibit along with an oral history collection. We are hoping to focus on these years and speak to people that were in Okinawa during this time. If you were in Okinawa during this time or around this time we would to speak with you.
Please contact us on our gmail account:

01 Aug 2013

Barbara Morgan Herron

My dad, Jack Morgan, was an Ensign in Capt. Rickover's ship repair unit when I was born on Aug. 7, 1945. His unit got a commendation for rescuing men who were trapped in ships that were beached during Typhoon Louise in October. I have some photos, letters, and even a map of the island. My dad was still there at Christmas, but made it back home in early February of 1946. I ,d like to learn more about Rickover's unit and what they were doing to plan for the invasion.

Thanks for creating this site.

29 Jul 2013

John Evans

Whoa! What a great site. Lot of great memories from living there - - as a kid - - from 1961 to 1965.

25 Jul 2013

Oscar Longoria

I didn't know that the name Koza didn't exist anymore until I was talking to some young Marines that had been stationed in Okinawa recently.When I mentioned Koza they had never heard of it and so I told them it was the town just outside gate 2. They called it some other name and it was then that I realized it had been changed. Anyway, I was stationed at Kadena from Sept66 to Feb68. I was with the 603rdMASS and I also worked on those C124s that you photographed. I too remember watching the SR71 taking off...what a beautiful sight. Then there were the KC135s taking off late at night,one right after the other. We knew then that "Charlie" was going to catch hell from the B52s that these tankers were going to refuel. I happened to see a classmate who was on his way to SVN..talked to him for a minute or so and wished him well.That was in Jan67 and I was later told by another classmate that he was killed in Nov of 67.
I also experienced my first typhoon on the rock 2 weeks after arriving.That was something else..winds clocked at 122mph. We had ankle deep water in the barracks..ate c-rations for a few days but our houseboys took care of the cleanup. Houseboys made our beds, shined and lined up our shoes,did the cleaning, plus an in house laundry service and a snackbar to boot...waitresses in the chow hall that got your drinks; man that was rough duty.
We also had a great Airman's club that had these Felipino bands that were phenominal plus some some big time acts like Jane Mansfield,Everly Bros,The Supremes, Roger Miller and others I can't recall. Great memories.
When it was close to the end of my tour there, the Pueblo Crisis started.People don't realize how close we were to getting into another war. We had planes coming in left and right with supplies; F105s and F4s fully armed with bombs or missles just waiting for the word.We went to 7 day 12 hr shifts...I thought I was going to get extended but luckily I wasn't.I could go on and on but I won't. Thanks for this website and the opportunity to share my experiences from days long gone by.

O. Longoria

20 Jul 2013

Candace George Thompson

The American Military Family Museum just posted one of my favorite of my Mother's Okinawa letters describing life as a dependent in 1947. A few pix, too. Check it out under"Letters Home"
Also, see my facebook author page for more OKI pix: Candace-George-Thompson-Author

19 Jul 2013

Carl W Sandell

July 18, 2013

I was stationed at the ADCC at Naha Air Base February 1957 and then transfered to Yoza Daki Air Station. My two years on Okinawa were just great! I lost all my photos many years ago, so your photos bring back good memories.After Okinawa I was stationed with the JSDF in northern Japan. We still write from time to time.My good friend Walter Masslowski passed on a few years ago, I do miss him. The Air Force was the best duty I ever had.
Carl W Sandell USN ret.

28 Jun 2013

TA Winn

Looking to find AF Sgt (then-E-4) Steve Wilson, from Chicago, who was TDY from March AFB, CA to Kadena in 1967. He was then 23, single and worked in Supply on a second enlistment. He was awarded a 1st Dan, Black Belt in Okinawan Karate, off base, while TDY there. I believe he was subsequently PCS to Kadena in 1968. I was stationed w/him at March. Any help much appreciated.

27 Jun 2013

Blair Darst

I was stationed with the 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines, 3rd MAR Div in 1985 in Okinawa. I was only there for a short period of time from Jan 1985 thru Nov 11th 1985. While on the rock I got my NAUI dive certification just outside the base. I am looking for information on the dive instructors that were american near the base. I remember loading up in vans and going from the dive shop to the sea wall and walking out onto the coral for our underwater dives. While I was there I was a swim team coach for the dependent kids at the base. I think it was Camp Foster but can't be for sure. If anyone has any memory of that time period and knows of an american dive Instructor I am attempting to locate information.

I have lost my cards and NAUI can't find my name and has asked if I know the instructors name or number. It was so long ago I think it is a rather uphill Battle but one I feel like is worth looking into. I hope someone out there has a better memory than I do of either the base that had a depended swim team or better yet the shop or instructors name. Thank you in advance for allowing me to post this to your forum.

Signed Blair Darst

26 Jun 2013

Alan Heck

This site is fantastic. I moved to Okinawa the first time in 1976 when most of the island still looked like it did in the photos. I lived on the hill below Futenma near Camp Mercy. I watched Camp Mercy get torn down, Naha Air Base get turned over and Makiminato Housing get shut down. I left in 1988 when I graduated from Kubasaki High School and moved back in 2004 and still live here. I am engineer doing construction for the military and it breaks my heart when we lose another piece of the Okinawa of my childhood that is captured in these photos. Every year, roads are made straighter and less hilly for the tourist busses, bypassing the old villages. Base buildings that are 50-60 years old get replaced and torn down. Last month the Hospital at Kuwae was closed and moved on to Camp Foster. In the next 5 years all the old schools at Kadena and Zukeran are scheduled to be replaced and the only place to relive the memories will be here. Thank you for all you have done. God Bless

23 Jun 2013

David Olson

I was stationed on the rock during 1973 -1974 with Stratcom - worked in the Telex in the headquarters compound in Sukiran. My memory is foggy as to all of the stories but reading the others that have been written here encouraged me to jot a note. I would love to find a couple of buddies, Dennis Weathers and Ralph Mears. Thanks for the info on the island and what has transpired since I left there. It was a life changing place for me.

22 Jun 2013

ezekiel leavell jr

I was assigned to a unit called USAMMAPAC ( the U.S. Army Medical Material Agency-Pacific. We were located in the Machinato Service Area. At that time we were the largest medical depot in the world. I arrived in Feb-74 and departed (after a President Nixon involuntary 90 day extention) Nov-75. The rock holds fond memories for me as a young, recently married lower enlisted man. The unit was close knit as all the enlisted personnel held primarily MOS code 76J-Medical Logistics. There were a few 76V- Storage Specialist. The other members were Medical Maintenance and Optical members. We got drunk/high together, ate and shared the same barracks. I had a part time job working as a server at the Surfside NCO club. I was terminated for going to Naha to Suicide Cliff. It must have been 7-8 if us piled into those little Japanese cars. We consumed 15 fifths of Boones Farm wine. The one of my coworkers named SFC Chow had a attached bottle of Tequila and I couldn't stand. Chow was a member of 7 Psy Ops. I visited the entire island, from Tiger Beach to Koza 4 Corners (where we'd eat chitterlings at PoppabJoe's) to Naha. I think about the Rock quite often and wished I'd taken more pictures, but as a marrier E3-4 and living off $100 a month it was difficult to splurge. I've run into a few of the old guys and had the chance to supervise 1 as a civilian at Walter Reed. Gonna close now but to all of you got the opportunity to go and come back thank any higher power you serve. So many didn't. Good Luck

17 Jun 2013

Donald Theye

I arrived on Okinawa in January 1946. Duty station was at Kadena with the 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron. I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent there, and the things that I learned from the people of Okinawa. Exiciting times for a young lad from Kansas.

07 Jun 2013

Richard N. Larsen

You have done a great job with this web page. I served two tours in Okinawa between 1968 and 1976 and this page brought back a lot of memories. I am sure it was even more significant to our four children since they had more free time to peruse the islands attractions. Two of them graduated from Kubasaki High. My first tour was as an instructor pilot flying C-130\\\\\\'s out of Naha from 1968 until 1970. I then was assigned as the Operations Officer for the 374th TAW Alert Force at Kadena until the Wing was deactivated in 1971. I returned to Kadena in 1973 and served as the Chief of Maintenance for the 603rd MASS until 1976. My family and I truly enjoyed the island, the people, and the recreational activities available to us. Thanks for the memories.

24 May 2013

Deepak Phasu

I am indian and working here in okinawa since 3 years.As other people love this place and I also do.I am just commenting because this site is really amazing and very informative.hats-off to your great work.Thanks

06 May 2013

Edward (Ed) H. Cruey

Reference Edward (Ed) H. Cruey comments 30 April 2013 information email me at ehcruey at wavecable com

03 May 2013

Christi Schiavo

My father US Army Lt Stephen Schiavo was stationed in Okinawa 1968-1970, (I was born at Camp Kue 1969).
He played piano at Top of the Rock and I have recently converted some of his recordings from there onto mp3 and I am trying to locate any photos from the Top of the Rock from that era. I have already found a program that he is actually listed in, but have yet to find any photos. Of course he doesn't have anything so I'm searching online. Any pics would be appreciated!

30 Apr 2013

Dennis E. Larson

You have a beautiful web site that is rich in information. I was stationed there, on and off, from 3/67 to 8/69 as a U.S. Marine Corps Airborne Navigator flying KC-130F\\'s out of Futema. I returned as a civilian from 1/70 to 5/70. I didn\\'t return again for 42 years when I took a month long vacation there. Can pictures on this site be copied? You have some wonderful ones of the real Tea House of the August Moon that I would like to add to my personal photo album. When I was there in 2012, I took a couple of pics of where I think the Tea House was and what it is now. I have quite a few pictures from my trip that I would be happy to share with you. May I send you a CD containing them?

30 Apr 2013

Edward (Ed) H. Cruey

I was stationed at Kadena from January 1956 – September 1957. I was assigned to the 18th Air Base Group, and worked at the Visiting Airmen's Hotel which provided services to all TDY enlisted personnel. The Visiting Airmen's Hotel was under the Kadena's Airmen's Open Mess. We had a snack bar that was located in a Quonset Hut and a Laundry that also located in a Quonset Hut located in back of the main office. The snack Bar and Laundry provides services to all Visiting Airmen’s. The Hotel had open bays and double beds nothing like the Air Force Inns of today. Only male Okinawan worked in the open bays. I found the Okinawans that worked there were exceptional people that really took pride in their work. After visiting your site I plan on visiting Okinawa for a two week period in the Fall (After convincing my Wife that it is a good trip for us). In late 1956 or 1957 a young seventeen or eighteen year old Okinawan was hired to worked in the Hotel. I remember that he was from the Nago Area and had a cousin named Kikue/ Kiko also from the Nago area and another cousin named Kimme/Kimi (I am not sure of the spelling). Since I lost all the information I had on his name maybe an Okinawan that worked at the Hotel during this period will read this and can provide some information before I leave. You have an excellent site and Okinawa was an excellent place to be stationed during this period although I did not appreciate the beautiful Island at the time but since watching a number of programs on NHK Japan TV about Okinawa I can understand why your site states that this Okinawa is gone forever except in memories.

28 Apr 2013

Dennis Reddinger

Camp foster 1966,1967 hospital corpsman,I remember a girl lori who was the lead singer in a band who played the military clubs,she was phillapino graduated from the high school in 1967 then moved on to San Francisco with her family ,I've lost touch with her many years ago, any info

25 Apr 2013


I was there from 1983-1988, 1991-1997, and 2001-2011. Looking at the pictures from Gate 2 I see that Pawn Shop is still in the same place now. And i remember when the USO was still right outside the gate. I really miss Okinawa and hope to go back someday again. Thanks for the great pics!

24 Apr 2013

Sam R

Camp Kue Hospital 1970- 1971 Worked at Impact Center for drug problems and hospital.... great guys and gals there. Thanks You All

24 Apr 2013

Pat Caffrey

I arrived in Okinawa in 1957 and attended elementary school, mostly at Kadena, until the end of 1960. My father was in the Air Force, and we lived first at Machinato then Kadena. I remember climbing Black Rick and Scotch Rock, coral outcrops within the Kadena housing area, exploring the canyon on the west edge which still had fortifications and equipment from the war, and going to Ishikawa beach and getting stung by a jellyfish. Mr. McKinley was one of my teachers. They let him go because he shared his bad memories from the war with us kids, but I liked him. I also remember Mrs. Cram. Movies were 15 cents in military script. My family explored the island on weekends and fished for red snapper. One day at the beach my dad floated out to sea on an air mattress, and three days later had to explain to the base commander why he couldn't report for duty because he got so sunburned before he could make it to shore. And there were those habu and mongoose fights - oddly enough the habus usually lost.

I really enjoyed visiting this page. Much appreciated. Keep up the good work.

20 Apr 2013

Boyce Miller, CSM, Retired

Served with the 519th Engineer Co (Depot) as clerk typist & Training NCO 1955-56. Can't find any history of the Unit, great memories playing softball, etc.

15 Apr 2013

Richard Mier

Arrived, Jul, 1962; Daught and extremely HOT. 2 weeks, TDY to 9th Log Cmd, Thailand. Returned Jan 1963, USA Quartermast Group (POL), Ryukyu Island, APO 331. Machinato Service Area. Worked at Naha #2 Petroleum Tank Farm. I have spent years trying to remember the name of the outfit I was assigned to then! Found it finally. I spent a year there, had a Honda 125CC motorcycle, a small 2 cylinder. Bought it for $85 and sold it a year later for $135. I looked on Google Earth and can\\'t find the Naha #2 tank farm, but I did manage to locate my old barracks and what is left of the motor pool. I was there in Nov 1963, a Saturday. I was going on CQ at Group headquarters when the word came about President Kennedy\\'s assassination. Bummer - very bad day.

11 Apr 2013

Dan Dermody

My name is Dan Dermody. I was stationed at Kadena from March of l964 until September of 1965. I worked in an office on the flight line, keeping records of pilots who flew T-33's in order to keep 'current' on their flying status. I worked "Off Duty" for 6 months at AFRTS..and, for a full year at KSBK Radio. Thanks to this site, and others, I have re-connected with several friends from back then..including the all-girl band "The Paulettes" from the Phillipines who played all the clubs over there back then. I'm still trying to locate a girl named Wanda Ollinger. She graduated from Kubasaki High School back in 1966. If anyone has any info on her whereabouts...I'd sure appreciate it. Would love to know how life has been for her. Would also love to hear from some of my former co-workers.

08 Apr 2013

Edward H. Cruey

Great Site. I was stationed at Kadena from January 1956 - September 1957. I worked at the Airman\\'s Transient Hotel which was under the Airman\\'s Club. The Hotel had a Sncack Bar and Laundry. Would like to have a list of the Okinawa\\'s that worked there but I know that is almost impossible since every one would be in their Seventy or eighty years old. Thanks

06 Apr 2013

Lynna Davis

My husband was stationed in Okinawa 1954-65. He was an Officer in the Military Police. I have a grandaughter who is planning a visit soon, have been trying to tell her some about what it was like then. I remember there was a R&R on the northern end of the island. I cannot remember the name and have not seen it on a map( I don't think). Would love to get info for her.
Love the site, had not gone down this memory lane in many years.

05 Apr 2013

Paul Koko

I was Battery Clerk 1964-1965, at Army Nike-Hercules Missile Site-7, just up the road from the USAF radar installation at Yoza-Dake. We were C-Battery, 1st Missile Battalion, 65th Artillery Regiment. Our IFC site was also the HQ for the 65th.

01 Apr 2013

Earl E. Hickman

I was stationed at Sukiran Okinawa From August 1949 unti
November 1951. Was in the 11th signal bn. which was later changed to the 8111th signal. Would like to contact anyone who was in my unit.Looking especially for Joseph H. Baker-Danny Schemahorn-James A Buzzard-John Stemack.

27 Mar 2013

Thomas Yagi

Excellent site - brought back fond memories as a young civilian working in Okinawa from 1963 to 1968 at USCAR(US Civil Administration Ryukyus} and USARYIS(US Army Ryukyu Island.
Tom Yagi

26 Mar 2013

Ken Vaughn

I found this site while looking for an old friend (Jack Holcomb). We served together at Kadena AFB in 1967. He was a Hydraulic troop & I was an Instrument Repaiman type. We were part of the Young Tiger contingent - worked on KC-135's, getting them ready to fuel the B-52's (IFR) on their way from Guam to Vietnam & back. Thanks for posting the pictures. They bring back some great memories!

24 Mar 2013

Mary Loros

Duck: In your comment you said you were at Naha in 1969-70. I have been looking for Susan C. Wendorf or any or any of her friends. She was a speech therapist and lived in the new female BOQ,she was 26 years old and drove a red Japanese car. I need her to answer some questions for me. She would be about 70 years old now. If you have any info about her I would appreciate it very much. Mary Loros 5015 Old Hwy. 2 Troy, Mt.59935nksp

23 Mar 2013


Found this site by accident and found it interesting. I was stationed at Naha 69, 70 as a hyd mech on C130s. As an18yr old kid it was sure different than anything I had ever seen in rural Wv. Have alot of good memories. Would really like to hear from anyone that was there at that time.

23 Mar 2013

Lynn Hanes

Ran across this site while watching a PBS series on the battle for Okinawa. I was at Naha AFB from 61-64 with my father,
MSgt Bob Hanes. I was just a little tyke 6 yrs when we got there. I remember many names of places and am glad to see the photos. I think we had my 8th birthday party at the NCO club. Remember the filet at the Cocacobanna on Saturday night. There was a resort of some kind at a Marine base north of Naha I think. Anyway, "thanks for the memories".

22 Mar 2013

raul zapata

would like to contact anyone that served with me at Hamby Army Airfield on Okinawa. Pls help. Great site, Thank you, Raul

22 Mar 2013

Tom Mastroddi

I was very pleased to find this site being mentioned in an Okinawan newspaper. My first of many short visits to Okinawa was in 1979 on a deployment with aircraft from Clark Air Base, Philippines. In 1985 I was fortunate to get stationed on Kadena Air Base and we stayed until 1990. 14 years after that I was again fortunate to visit Okinawa on a 4 month business trip. In 2007 I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to move to Okinawa with my company and I am still here today. Okinawa is a very special place. Most Okinawans we know are wonderful people. The island is very beautiful and I even enjoy the frequent typhoons to be honest with you. The island has changed in many many ways since my first visit here 34 years ago BUT it has also NOT changed in many ways as well. The village festivals, Oban, Music festivals,beer festivals, Great tug of war in Naha each year, Dragon Boat races, Bull fights. All amazing. If you wish, I will start taking some pictures of some of the sights I recognize on your pages here to show how things have changed. Unfortunately Kadena Circle will not be one of them as they straightened out that WWII US Navy SeaBee's made circle now. Okuma and Hedo Point are still two of my favorite places on the island. Most folks flock to the Naha area on weekends but my wife and I love to explore the North end of the island as it still represents the old Okinawa you may remember more so than the South. Gone are the old folks doing Tai Chi type meditation at sunrise on the sea walls. I have not seen that since the 80's. Gone are the water shortages of the 70's and 80's as they have built many new reserviors on the island. Gone are many of the famous Mom & Pop Soki Soba and Yakisoba houses as they have been replaced with chain type fast Japanese food restaurants. Gone are most of the soft coral reefs, anemonies and Clown fish that went with them closer to shore due to pollution blowing over from China and also Crown of Thorns in the water.Gone is Awase Meadows Golf Course and club as it was turned over to the island maybe 3 years ago. Still alive and well on Okinawa are the folklore stories, The San Shin, Kijimuna, The Habu, Beautiful sunsets and empty beaches you can walk for miles and History...Lots and lots of history. Thank you again for your efforts here. They are truly appreciated.

19 Mar 2013

Dave Hall

Thanks for the info.
I've just started to study and appreciate Okinawa before during and post war.
I teach Japanese and Taiwanese business people English in Taiwan. One of my students is from Okinawa and has shared his story and the stories of his parents and grandparents on Okinawa. He recently shared the story of his grandmother who left Okinawa like thousands of others after the war to emigrate to Peru. Some 250,000 civilians died during the War and many survivors left for Peru to make a better life for themselves.
This website will help me to learn more about the Okinawa and its people.
My father served in the American Occupation in Japan post WWII, as well.

Asian Studies
CSU Long Beach

12 Mar 2013

Craig Mills

Found your excellent site by accident, when looking up Kubasaki HS. Wanted to forward to all interested that the Kubasaki HS site that was up on the hill overlooking Naha, was built on top of the WWII Japanese Naval HQ. No one knew at the time. My father was stationed at Kadena with 313th Air Div, as a \\'Base Brat\\' I attended Kubasaki from 1958 to 1960. Agree with most of the people in the comments section, that the time spent on Okinawa was the best time ever. Thousands of memories from there, even our main means of transportation, the Naha-Kadena bus. Great fun, would like to go back.

07 Mar 2013

Wayne Doering, USAF Ret

I'm trying to locate a list of VFW Employees that worked the dining room in 1962 and 1963.
If located, please forward to my email address.
Also, photos would be appreciated.
Thank you and the site is fantatic.

04 Mar 2013


In 1954, my Dad was a Captain in the Army for the Finance
Corp on Japan. Mom and I, were living on the east Coast of
the USA in Charleston SC. Dad wanted us to join him, but at
that time, the military policy only allowed Majors and
above, to have their family join them. The finance corp that
Dad was a part of in Japan, didn't have an available spot
for a Major, but there was an opening on Okinawa. He
transferred there, wrote Mom a letter on what she needed to
do and after a few shots, having the furniture stored
elsewhere, and getting all the train tickets needed to cross
the USA, we were off. Going across the Pacific during the
peak of the typhoon period was a heck of a way for me to
loss weight. Leaving California, I weighted 75 and arriving
at Japan to pick Dad up, I weighted 50 pounds. When we first
arrived at Okinawa, we lived in a military housing called
Machinato Naha. Although there was a wide and deep drainage
ditch behind us, during the first typhoon, the house was
flooded with about a foot or so of water - everywhere. Being
a 10 year old kid, I thought that was great. Mom was not so
generous with her opinion and read Dad the riot act - "get
us in a dry area or I'm taking our son with us back to South
Carolina". Dad moved us to another military housing area
called Sukiran. The house was right next to a huge hole -
something like the Grand Canyon! So when another Typhoon
hit, we were entirely high and dry. Plus the school that I
was going to, was no longer a school bus ride away, but
right across the street. I spent about 16 months of the best
time of life there. Dad was moved about and I eventually
ended up going to 8 different elementary schools, 3
different high schools, and summering in 3 different places.
Being an only child, I wasn't able to bond with any other
kids during "those growing up years" or set down any roots.
That was almost 60 years ago, but out of all of those many
places, many memories of Okinawa and things that I did and
places that I went to (sometimes by myself), stay with me,
to this day.plthisr

24 Feb 2013

Mechelle Williams

I love your site! I am an active duty Air Force spouse and we are currently stationed on Kadena AB. We love Okinawa and this is our second time being stationed here. I am a bit of a history buff and I Knew there was tons of history that was made here. Thank you for compiling what you have and sharing it with us. Keep up the great work! Domo arigato!

23 Feb 2013

Greg Polaski

Great site! I served on The Rock 4/71 to 10/72 with a couple of months TDY to Kunsan, Korea. I was with the 18th TFW on Kadena, Propulsion Branch, J-79 Section (F-4 engines). I cut my teeth on F-4 engines and have been in the jet engine business ever since. My time on Okinawa was rich and rewarding. I was there during the last years of the Viet Nam War when 82,000 GIs crowded the island. Nothing like that today. I spent many a night as a young, single airman running the bars on BC street in Koza. I shopped and sent Okinawan souvenirs home. I stayed in the un-airconditoned dorms on Kadena (725 and 719)where a fan was mandatory unless you were fortunate to find a wall unit for your room. I was there during the transition of the island from a US territory back to Japanese rule. I\\\\\\'d like to plug a Facebook page called Kadena Air Base Alumni. There is a growing collection of period pictures and links on that FB page. Donn has helped me out by supplying pictures from that time I didn\\\\\\'t have. I\\\\\\'ve really enjoyed the photos on this site. They brought back some great memories of my first AF assignment.

23 Feb 2013

Raymond Deleon

Great site and greetings to all who have served and are now serving. Nov 1980, I first saw Okinawa at night through a rain drenched window on a 747 \\\\\\"Freedom Bird\\\\\\" which had picked me up at Clark AB in the PI and enroute to Air Force Basic Training. I managed to swap assignments at Tech school and Kadena became my first duty assignment, and things were never the same. Four CONUS tours, a long tour back at the late great Clark AB, a short tour at Osan Korea, and I was back at Okinawa in 1997 making Kadena AB an unforgetable first and last duty assignment before retiring. Funny, everybody used to call it the \\\\\\"Rock\\\\\\" since WWII and people couldn`t wait to leave, but drastic western influences in the late 90`s just made that term non existent. Looking at these old photos and remembering Okinawa when I had left it in 2001, we can all say that the island HAS changed a lot. I self taught myself film photography at Okinawa during my first tour and I so wish I had this digital capability then. Please visit my site for I have many scanned and digital images of good ole OKI in the 80`s and 90`s. Any comments are welcomed...Domo Arigato, Salamat, Kamsanida, and Thanks for the memories. fadedphotoshop dot com

20 Feb 2013

Mary Loros

To Richard Cataraso, In your comment yousaid you were at Naha in 1968-1969. I have been looking for Susan C. Wendorf or any of her friends. She was a speech therapist and lived in the new female BOQ,she was 26 years old and drove a red Japanese car. I need her to answer some questions for me. She would be about 70 years old now. If you have any information about her I would appreciate it very much. Thank you. Mary Loros 5015 Old Hwy 2 N. Troy, Mt. 59935

19 Feb 2013

Allen A. Hempstead

Great site. I sent you an E-Mail and I hope you receive it.
Al Hempstead, Former Marine Sgt.

18 Feb 2013

Abe Soares

I was on Okinawa with the 319th PSYOPS Bn. I was ther from March 1962 to Oct
1963. It was my youth at 22 yrs ol age. Looking back the "Rock" was a great part of my life. I recalled the people I serve with to be fine and fun people. 18 months of Typhoons and the Monsoon , and drinking plenty of beer. The plus was the opportunity to visit so many countries in Far East Asia. Looking back after 50 yrs
they were good times.

08 Feb 2013

Paul Chappell

I was stationed at Naha Air Base from Oct. 57 till Mar 1959. I was unit supply clerk in hqts. 623rd AC&W Sq. My commanding officer was Capt. Hickle from Texas.

03 Feb 2013

A/1st Class Jerry santucci

I was at NAHA AFB from 1956 thru 1957. First AS A cypto opr

then in special services. Help run the services club with

a young lady named MARYLAN PAULSON if anyone can tell me of

her were she may be it would be great. THANKS Also can any

one recall the name of the base commander during 56,57.

30 Jan 2013

Hugh Abel

i was stationed on okinawa at kadena 1973-1974 kc 135 maint also used reef rover dive shop looking to find information on Major Micheal J Parkhurst diving instructor

30 Jan 2013

Fred L Bennett

I was stationed at Sobe Depot(Yellow Beach) in 1948/49 US 8th Army Engineers. It was all Quansit huts and mobil engineering equipment. I was in a small attachment to operate the base. There was also a detachment of Phillipine Scouts for security. I remember Typhoon Libby and reparing the damaged electrical lines. My best friend was a Sargent Willie(Bill) R Lane. We still talk of our adventure and great memories. We had a house boy of maybe 16, His name was \\\\\\"Kataro Shimabukudu\\\\\\" ? I am 83 now and Bill is 89. We would like to return for a visit but it is probably too late in life for that dream to come true. If anyone knows either of us please contact me

25 Jan 2013

jim letizio

i was there from 1958 thru 1961 married to yoko kadekaru letizio station at kadena

24 Jan 2013

Thomas Becher

I saw my father pictured on one of the 1st Photo Recon Squadron 1945 Photos pages. My father had one of these same photo collections of Navy Squadron VD-3 that were on the large photographic paper and the paper would always roll up into a roll. I have memories of seeing these same pictures as a child growing up. In my father's later years I had helped him to research his history in the Navy and Squadron VD-3. Thanks for posting this photo album.

23 Jan 2013

Raul Zapata

to Jim Daley I also served in okinawa at Hamby army airfiel as a air traffic controller 1960-1963. Pls reply to email or 956-334-1415

12 Jan 2013

Richard Mier

Wonderful site, brings back lots of fond memories. I came in to Camp Kue in mid 1962. Spent 2 weeks getting use to the heat and processing for TDY to Thailand, 9th Log Cmd. Returned 6 months later and stationed in Machinato service area. I\\\\\\'m still trying to remember the exact designation of the group othe than I think it was a Army Quartermaster (POL) group. Headquarters was at the far South end of the service area. I actually worked at a petroleum tank farm in Naha city (Naha #2 Tank Farm). We supplied Naha AFB with AvGas and JP4 and Naha #1 with MoGas and Diesel. I looked on Google Earth and I think the Tank Farms are gone now. Naha Air Base\\\\\\'s tanks were buried so I can\\\\\\'t tell. Left in Feb \\\\\\'64. I\\\\\\'ve been trying to remember the exact group designation for years! I had just made E5 and was on Group Charge of Quarters the Saturday morning that JFK was assassinated. Bummer.

07 Jan 2013

Ron Maurer

Was at navsecgruact futema 57-59. Loved Okinawa with many memories. Went to tea house august moon naminoue. Was at the opening of a war tomb just east of Ojama. My wife worked at stanbo painting doing govt contracts. We shopped okinawan where possible. Would love to take our children but I under the island has big changes but not the people. Had a 30 mph limit.

04 Jan 2013

richard cataraso

I was there In1968 to Oct.1969 a
Com. I worked in building 107

01 Jan 2013

tom mcdowell

I was stationed at naha air base 1958-1960.I was in the army 97 arty goup.and worked in the air defense control ctr. on dog crew. our Controller was capt. Mc klusky.would like to hear from anyone.A lot of good memories

29 Dec 2012

Mary Loros

Dec. 29,2012 My name is Mary Loros and I have been looking for a 26 year old girl who worked as a speech therapist at Naha AFB Okinawa. She lived in the new female BOQ and drove a red japanese car. Her name was Susan C. Wendorf. She was there in 1968-69 at least. If you knew her or was one of her friends . I would really be thankful for the help.

27 Dec 2012

A/1c Jerry Santucci

I was stationed at NAHA AFB from 1956 thru 1957. My mission
was a cyptro opr. until I transfered to SPECIAL SERVICES. That
went on to win the FAR EAST COMP,and was sent to NELLIS AFB FOR
has any recall or papers regarding this contest I sure would like to see it THANKS)T.
I also recall the Airmens Club on top of a big hill and the
service club located just down the hill.At my age I sure would
like to know if any of the other guy,s recall the base from 56-

22 Dec 2012

costa piperakis

I was at C CK air base 1969-1970. we had a judo instructor from Taichung (Mr. Chung)any body know anything about him?he faught in the 1964 Olympics.

10 Dec 2012


I was stationed on Kadena three times: TDY 1965-1966; PCS 1974-1976; and TDY again in 1981, all with Air Police-Security Police. Lots of great memories. From the 60s I remember a radio DJ who called himself the "Jock on the Rock." From the 70s, SSgt Pat Madden and a female Marine were news anchors on Armed Forces TV. My kids were on a TV show several times called "Kiddie Kappers." Good people, great food. I still have three raffle tickets for the 1966 "Kadena Karnival." I went back to the states before the drawing. Wonder if I won anything? :)

08 Dec 2012

Sheila Barnes

I was an Army brat from 1970 to 1972. I lived on Machinato Army Post.

I went to school for 5th and 6th graders on Naha Airforce Base.
My teachers were Flemming and Newsome and I would be so happy to hear from anyone that knew me then. Still have class pictures (well my parents do).

07 Dec 2012

Barry L Fetzer

I was stationed at Camp Nansen from April of 1967 to May of 1968. I worked as a mechanic and mobile crane operator with the Amphibious Tractor Crews that rebuilt Amtracks that were disabled in the Tactic I Corp Areas of Vietnam. I would like to hear from any Naval personnel that worked at the Naha Naval Station that unloaded these 60 ton weapons of war. Also any Marine that was there when the repair operation began at Camp Hanson. Also anyone who may have witness an incident at Camp Hanson in Septemeber of 1967 when several Marines were held against their will due to anti war militatnts taken us hostage in exchange that the U.S.A. would stop using Kadena Airforce Base as a home for B52 bombers brought from Guam, and used to bomb Vietnam, I would also like to hear from any Marines who were in Camp Hansan Christmas morning 1967 when a hand frag was detonated in our barracks.

03 Dec 2012

Former Sgt David Tackett

I was stationed at Naha Air Base, 51st Services Squadron in 70 and 71. I was in Base Housing. I was housing inspector for Naha Air Base which included overflow to Mashinato Housing area. It was a great 15 months as they waited until I would only have 15 months left on my enlistment. First 2 and a half years I was iAt Luke AFT Arizona/ Hi to all and I enjoy reading your comments and stories.

27 Nov 2012

Michael Jett

I lived at 747 Machinato, Naha, from 1952 to 1954, as a dependent. I went to Sukiran Elementary School, right after it opened. Before Sukiran, school was in a quonset hut at Awase--I think.

We went over to the island on the MSTS Mitchell and came back on the MSTS Sultan.

What a learning experience, and how great it was to be an Army brat back then.

24 Nov 2012

Steve Oles

Great site. I was staioned at Kadena from Jun 64 to Dec 65. I was in the 418th Munitions Maint Sgdr, as a munitions specialist. At that time the 18th TAC Fighter Wing was flying F-105\\\\\\"s. I believe they were the first at that time to fly combat missions into Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam (no one was supposed to know). I was also in a rock-n-roll band called \\\\\\"The Thangs\\\\\\". We played the military clubs and clubs on the island. I have a reciept for $100.00 for the four of us playing the Kadena Airmans club. Not bad money for that time.

We also played the going away party for the 173d Air Borne before they left for Nam. We didn\\\\\\'t play long, because it turned into a riot. I still have the Stars n Stripes article. Kadena was the best assignment of my career. Some of the best places to go were \\\\\\"Off Limits\\\\\\". Loved the island and the people

22 Nov 2012



19 Nov 2012

Jim Matthews

I was staioned at Kadena Afb 1970-1971. I was known by all my friends as \\"Mat\\". I don\\'t think any of them knew my first name. I was in the Headquarters Squadron and worked as a supply liason in PMEL (Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory). I feel proud that I can still remember what PMEL stood for. I worked with a great bunch of guys in the lab. We hung out all the time after work. I still remember some of their names. (John Zirwas, (John Hudson,we called him Henry), Tom Bishop, Alex Guza.) I was a buck sargeant, and my boss was Sgt Rameriz. We would go snorkeling all the time and party down every chance we could. I had great times there. If I had known that my time at Kadena was the high point of my life, I would probably have enjoed it more. I would love to talk to some of my old buds.

16 Nov 2012

Robert Spillers

I served with the US Army in Okinawa from 1070-1972 on Hawk Missle site 11 overlooking the submarine base. If you were their at that time please contact me.

10 Nov 2012

Ron Loessel

I was in the USAF 1962 Communications Group from 1964 to the end of 1965 and share some of the memories noted by Frank Quinn. It's hard to believe it's been almost 50 years.

I maintained the equipment that produced the weather maps transmitted from the Nimbus and Tyros Weather Satellites and Ground to Air Radio Equipment.

As Frank commented previously, the Airmans Club across the street was great fun! I also spent many off-duty hours at the USO playing chess and eating their fantastic hamburgers.

It was a wonderful tour of duty and I took many pictures while I was there to have as memories and to share Okinawa with my family and friends back home.

09 Nov 2012

Dan Dermody

I often wondered whatever happened to a girl named Wanda Ollinger, who would have been about 18 years old or so back around 1964. If anybody has any information on her, I\\'d sure appreciate hearing from you.

30 Oct 2012

John C Hardwick

I lived on Okinawa from Nov 51 thru Aug 63 as a dependent on Machinato Naha housing area. Came back from vietnam to be discharged in Apr 67. Worked as a civilian for the US Army at Camp Kue and Machinato while attending the Univ of MD at night. I have so many memories as a child and later as an adult.I loved the beaches, esp. Okuma. Would love to go back and see all the changes. Okinawa was a wonderful place to live.

28 Oct 2012

Barbara T. Dunkle

Wow! You have a picture of our home in Camp Butler (Fort Buckner back then, I think?)! Lived on Okinawa from 67 to 73 as an Army brat. Went back as an AF dependent from 86 to 90 with my ex and three boys. Visited Okinawa in 2008 when my middle son and his wife were stationed at Kadena AFB. So much had changed, but I still love and miss Okinawa! Thanks for the memories!

27 Oct 2012

Mary Loros

I am trying to find a friend or someone who Knew Susan Wendorf. I wsure would appreciate any help in locating her. She was a speech therapist and lived in the new female BOQ at Naha AFB in 1969. If you can help, contact me at Thanks. Mary

19 Oct 2012

Sam J. Ferretti

Here is some info on 1927 Signal Company:"Bob was a member of the Army-Air Force from 1942-1946. He served in the 1927th Signal Company 92nd Air Depot Group in Okinawa, Japan for 7 months." Taken from his obit:

16 Oct 2012

Dan Dermody

For Rick Broughton: Rick, after years of searching...I reconnected with Rina from the Paulettes about 3 years ago. She, and the other 3 girls are doing just fine..and, their Mom is now 98 years old, and still going strong!!!! It's been absolutely wonderful re-living lots of old memories. While I was on Okinawa from March of '64 till September 0f '65, I worked "off duty" for AFRTS for about 6 months..and, then for KSBK for a year. I used to introduce them all the time at the Kadena Airmen's Club...and, got to be really good friends with them. They were unbelievably talented, and over the years..played all over the Far East..and, elsewhere. They were on several of the Bob Hope Shows that he did over there as well. They toured the U.S. from coast to coast. I can't tell you what a thrill it's been to be back in touch with them. Great people. Take care....

16 Oct 2012

Charles r Burkett

I was stationed there 1961-1962 in the army., the 133rd sig co, 9th log com across from Rufuso. I would love to hear from anyone please......wh

08 Oct 2012

Jim Daley

Great site.
I arrived on OKI in August 1953 (18 yrs old) as an air traffic controller (Tower) and first worked at Yontan out in the boonies.
We had a sqdn. of "F-80s" leftovers.
The tower had a thatch roof and radios that often went out of commission so we had to use the B-3 Light Gun to alert a/c to land or takeoff.
That's how I got my Air Force nickname: "Flash".
We moved down to Naha after a while and the tower was about 100' up on a hill that was about 100' up overlooking the runway.
I swear some guys got nosebleeds climbing up the tower steps.

I've got a bunch of other tales/memories if any is interested.

27 Sep 2012


I DEFINETLY REMEMBER THE PAULETTES GIRL BAND.ME and a friend of mine met the paulettes while stationed in OKINAWA AT NAHA AIR BASE
FROM 1966 TO 1968.wE got to know them pretty well,met their mother who managed them.They asked us if we would help load and unload their equipment when they played the clubs on the base.Liana and Rina were our favorites and we once took both out for dinner.

17 Sep 2012

russell g cook wv 304 237 0696

was stationed at 3 hawk missle from 1962 to 1964. enjoyed very much like to hear fron old friends .

15 Sep 2012

Sandra J Lawson (Smith)

My father was stationed in Okinawa from1960-1964. MSGT Ralph O Smith. I am not sure where we lived, although I remember the house. What prompted me to write was that I saw how someone remembered the NCO club, which I still remember now. My father had some type of management position with the NCO and I remember eating a meal there every Saturday night, then our maid Kyoko taking us home while my parents could watch the entertainment. I still have a lot of mementos from Okinawa that I will cherish forever!

08 Sep 2012

Diana Colbridge

Correction I meant to say September 5th post from Bobby M.

08 Sep 2012

Diana Colbridge

This message is in regards to the Sept.2nd comment posted by Bobby M. My mother worked at The Morning Star during that time 1962- 1964.It closed shortly after the reversion in 1972. She said that the building was used for some time type of TV Guide publisher afterwards. She goes back to Okinawa every 2yrs but she has not payed attention to it.She is curious now that you mentioned it and will check it out when she goes back. Please read the comment that I posted in June if you get a minute. Thanks and Take Care.

05 Sep 2012

Bobby M.

Forgot to mention in my first comment that I have a Morning Star Newspaper from Nov. 24, 1963 about the assination of JFK. Does anyone know when the Morning Star ceased publication on Okinawa.

05 Sep 2012

Bobby M.

Stationed at White Beach, Naval Port Services (Buckner Bay) 1962-1964.

05 Sep 2012

Larry Phillips

I was with 58th supply company later redesignated to D co supt command 1968 to 1970 at machinato area. I worked at the depot as a vehicle inspector at the vehicle storage,later I was reassigned to the main depot moving trailers from the warehouses. I would go to the vfw for the monday night prime rib buffet it was only a dollar if you were a member.I remenber going to a nice beach up the coast there was a glass bottom boat tour of the corral beds if you were lucky you might see a mermaid. there was a horse riding stable near shuri castle although the horses were more energetic when you were returning to the stable.

30 Aug 2012


First I want to thank those who made the site possible, keep on keepin on. It was a great find for me. I first went to the Rock in 1949, just turned nineteen. I was volunteered to be Military Police by a Colonel as I walked off the General Hase. Worked at Sukiran, The General Hospital, and then the Post Stockade. I worked alongside the two guys who are shown in the Military Stockade sign in your photos, was the electrician at the Stockade and thought I would be on the island for the rest of my life,not bad at all. Loved the island, the people, and the memories, thank you for the latter assist in that.

11 Aug 2012

normand rock sheeren

i was in air force on naha air base from 1954 to 1956 i played football for naha team in 1954 and 1955. i saw the new york yankees in november 1955 i remember catcher bera whitney ford pitcher and tommy burns pitcher and also mickey mantle outfier i enjoy all the time on okinawa send some pictures of the air whobase if you can come to new orleans for the mardi gras and the whodat saints have a wonderful day waiting to hear from you

08 Aug 2012

Tammy Hoskins Bevins

Just one additional comment....I read your intro and the "did you swim at Yaka Beach?" and had a big smile instantly! I spent a few days at Yaka Beach, which, believe me, was a luxury at that time, since my Dad was a NonComm...made Ssgt while on the island! As a dependant of a lower ranking individual, spending time at Yaka Beach was kind of like a mini-resort vacation, which we didn't have many of at that time! I loved the squadron get togethers, the beach parties, where our parents played volley ball and we roamed the beaches. We had Easter on the Beach several times, and to this day, it doesn't seem like a real Easter unless I recall hunting eggs in the sand and fighting with 2 million little crabs not to get them first! I had a huge shell collection when I left the island, which a terrible science teacher kept when I moved back Stateside, in the 7th grade, and which, to this day, I wish I still had! I had tons of books on shells, and collected those and the glass balls that washed up on shore from the fishermen's nets! The beaches were definitely great, and I had so many great days on them!

08 Aug 2012

Tammy Hoskins Bevins

I lived on Okinawa from 1968-1971 as a dependant. My father, James Hoskins (USAF) loved that part of the world, as a whole, and so when he had a chance to take me and my Mother with him in 1968, we moved there when I was 8 years old. I attended Naha Elementary school(s) (there were two)my 4th through 5th Grade years, lived in the Gusukuma Housing area, and we eventually moved on base to Machinato Army Post, where I attended the 6th Grade. My best friends were Lauris Mata and Patti Dorsey. Me and Patti still are in touch, but I have lost touch with Lauris through all the moves through the years. I absolutely fell in love with Okinawa, and never wanted to go back Stateside! I felt like someone was ripping me out of my home when we left, and I hated moving back to the States. I, too, have always longed to go back to visit. I didn't know I had such strong ties to that little island until in my 30's when I realized that I missed the sea smell, watching the ships come close, coming into port, the people, the beauty of the island, and just, everything! I still hope that I will be able to see it again someday, although it's been 40 years since I left. I am glad to have found this site!

30 Jul 2012

Roy H. Lewis

I was TDY @ Kadena April 69 to Sept 69 with the USAF 55th. SRW.
Lived in a hotel at AF expense in Koza city. Motel Tokyo. We had a great time. Great people those Okinawians.

Roy ( then a Sgt. USAF)

27 Jul 2012

Kathy Malone Lovelace

My father, Sgt. Curtis Smith Malone, was stationed at Kadena AFB on Okinawa from 1960 to 1962. My mother, brother and I did not join him there until 1961 as we were waiting for base housing to become available.

My brother, Bill, and I went to Kadena Elementary School on the base. I was in the 4th and 5th grades there. I loved the weekly Japanese Culture lessons we got at school. What a great place for a kid to grow up! We could bowl, skate, go to the movie all for very little money - my allowance went a very long way!

19 Jul 2012

Ray Johnny Tedesco

I was stationed at NAHA Air Base from 1957 to 1959

Enjoyed the Island but most of all the friendships from fellow Airman..I would love hearing from anyone stationed there that I might know. Or others that may have been there at that time...

10 Jul 2012

Stuart Mayberry

Born, 1961. Lived on the island till 1971. Father was stationed during the Korean War in the early 50's. My mother's family - Japanese still live on the island and to kick it off I returned this year. I am looking for classmates from Eisenhower, Tyler, Mercy and Machinato Elementary schools from 1967 to 1971. If you are one of these, please contact me as I am looking for those of you and I would like some pictures if your parents took some to share on my facebook page. Thank you. May we meet again, especially my two friends, Mike Covote and Bobo.

07 Jul 2012

ronald west

Ilived on Okinawa from 1947 until 1949.I graduated in the second class at Okinawa university high school. My father was port commander at white beach,we lived in Bucknerville. We loved living there,my mother and father are now dead,and I'm 80years old. I plan to return to the Rock this summer God permits. Ron West.

04 Jul 2012

Steve Youmans

I was stationed with the 2nd Log Command (58th Supply Company) from Sep 66 to Mar 68. I noticed on Google earth that the old VFW Club is now abandoned and grown up. It appears that this site is now outside of the base. Back when I was going to it, it was inside the base. A buddy of mine and I would go each payday and play the slot machines. My limit was $20. His limit was everthing he had except for $10. The Club's featured singer was a young Korean lady that sang American songs. She was pretty good, too.

27 Jun 2012

Diana Colbridge

My mother is an Okinawan and a survivor of WW2, my father was Salvatore Tursi USAF. They met at The Morning Star newspaper where my mother worked and were married in 1964. She had all three of her children in the USA and we all moved back to Okinawa while my father served his tour of duty in Vietnam & returned. From 1968-1973 we lived on Machinato and also Kadena AFB. I was nearly 8 yrs old when we moved back to the States and still miss it. I\\'m planning to take my children there on a trip with my Mother. I will show them Nago where my Obachan lived, the amazing ocean,beaches,towns and places of our ancestry both beautiful and sad. I cannot wait to go and hope it did not change drastically. Warm wishes to all who love Okinawa.

19 Jun 2012


Enjoyed the picitures of the small towns and county side. But there are to littel of the military instillation and buildings. One of your map show Machinato service area. When I was station on Okinawa 1958 that area was called The Depo Area. I was in the Post Engineers - Perventine Maintenance unit. Headquarters was up in Sukiran. I was in the detachment- Machinato Post Engineer Group.
Wood be nice to see pictures of the Army barracks at Machinato along Perimater Rd. When I look at Google Maps Okinawa - Those barracks are gone replace with 4 story buildings.
Wood be nice to see pictures of the PX at Sukiran and the old Buckner Theater

16 Jun 2012

Richard Davis

Was stationed at US Army Ord Group at Machinato with the 273rd Ord Det (Hawk), 11/61-7/63. Would love to hear from fellow GI's who were there at the time

01 Jun 2012

Jeffrey D. Robinson

Wow...What an incredible flood of memories. My dad was James D.C. Robinson and was base commander at Kadena during the timframe 64-67. My sister and I were very young at the time. I went to M&K Primary and we lived off-base until the Clark Vista housing area was built. We moved into Clark Vista along with the rest of the first residents. I vividly remember the construction crew pouring and vibrating every hole in every construction block in our soon-to-be new Typhoon-proof home. The neighborhood kids and I played and clambered around in the tombs behind our house and I remember one kid falling into a well at one point. I had a shoebox full of old chunks of expended ordnance and shell casings that we could find on any given day right behind the house. It was a great time. I remember going to movies at the Olympic and Keystone theaters. My family attended church services at one of them...Can't remember which one, but our family was close friends with the Greer family. Chaplain Greer was one of the base chaplains at the time. I remember taking Judo lessons from a fellow named Sgt. Peavy in a quonset hut somewhere on base...My first of many organized sport endeavors. Currently I work at the U.S. Air Force Academy as the assistant men's gymnastics coach and love what I do. Mom and Dad both passed away several years ago...87 and 90 years of age respectively. I have all of their old photos and color slides of our time in Okinawa. I'm so enchanted with this site that I'm going to dig through the old stuff and look for pics to upload sometime myself. Thank you for taking the time to do this and to help stimulate some long dormant memories for me.

Jeffrey Dal Robinson

30 May 2012


I was stationed at Camp Sukiran during 1958 and 1959, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division. We had a cement tank in front of our Barracks. During this time, Camp Schwab was being built. Will forward pictures soon. Would like to reconnect with anyone who was there around that time.
Thanks and Semper Fi!

25 May 2012

Micky Goolesby

My dad was stationed at Camp Machinato 70-71 I believe. I was born at Camp Kue Hospital in June of 71. My mother and I left the Island when I was 6 months old so except for the pictures they had taken I have never seen Okinawa.

My dad is planing a trip for us this summer to show me the Island and where I was born!!! I am so excited!! He would like to show me where we lived and where he worked and try and find a few people from there that he and my mom knew while there. I know alot of the Island has changed and we may not be able to find much that he remembers but I am hoping so.

I know this really isn't a memory but I found this site and just wanted to share.

17 May 2012

Michael Lopez

I just ran across your site and love the history contained in it. My family has a long history with the island. My grandfather was here just after the war (he doesn't remember much about the specifics maybe summer 1945). He was an Army engineer that worked on building runways. He had a difficult time when I told him in 1993 I was being stationed here. In 1996 my son was born at the Naval Hospital on Camp Lester. I said my goodbye to the island in 1998. I am back once again and can't believe all the changes the island has made since then I left.

13 May 2012

Mike Darlington

What a wonderful site! I was stationed on Okinawa while serving in the AF - from 87-95 and again from 98-03. I've always loved the history of the island. Things certainly changed over the years but your photos bring back pleasant memories. Buildings may modernize, but it's the Okinawan people, who were always warm and friendly, that I'll always remember.

12 May 2012


I lived on Okinawa as a dependent. Initially, we lived in Sobe (very close to Torii Station). During the summer spent many a day at the Torii Station pool prior to moving to Camp Kue. I graduated from Kubasaki High School and began my Civil Service career on Okinawa...initially, as a summer hire. I never regretted my time on the rock and and enjoyed myself thoroughly the six years living there.

06 May 2012

John K. Morris

I was stationed at Naha AFB (With USN) in 1962 - 63. I have
picked up many friends from Okinawa, using the computer.

I wrote a song about my Okinawa girl friend. Google:
john morris SACHIKO. Thank you, John

02 May 2012

Rusty Wilson

My uncle, Ens. Wendell S. Harrington, USNR, was a photo recon pilot flying off the Hornet in 1945. On March 28, 1945 during a combat mission over the southeastern beach of Chinen Misaka he and another pilot collided approximately 500-feet off the point in Buckner Bay. In June 1955 fishermen snagged their nets on my uncle's plane. The plane was recovered and his remains returned home to Columbus, Ohio for burial. I have written a few articles on the incident but have not been able to find any information concerning the recovery. If anyone has any information or photos I would love to hear from you.

Rusty Wilson
Columbus, Ohio

01 May 2012

Larry Bissett

I was a young hard charging Marine Tanker stationed at Camp Hansen with Alpha Co. 3rd Tank Bn.Loved everything about Okinawa....Yaka Beach,Ishikawa....great memories.The island people were fantasic.
I was there 1961 to 1962...looking for a copy of a photo/record album that was recorded and sold in the MX's and PX's on the Rock.
The album had photos from all branches of the services and our Tank Crew was recorded giving fire commands and I was photgraphed sitting in my Tank's drivers compartment.Lost my copy over the years have been searching but no results so far.
This web site is awesome thanks for the memories!!!!
L.F.Bissett USMC 1959-1963
USMCR 1978-1986

29 Apr 2012

Richard Brush

While living in Bucknerville in the early '60's I came across an old man playing a violin in a cave in a beautiful park near our quonset hut. The melody was haunting. I recently told a Japanese lady about it and she said he was playing for the souls who had died in the cave during the war. Kinda shook me up. Anyone who lived in Bucknerville during the same time frame, is invited to contact me at

17 Apr 2012

John Nodd

I lived on Okinawa from 1972 - 1987 on three tours, my email address is

16 Apr 2012

John Nodd

I was stationed on Okinawa for 13yrs on 3 tours, from 1971 ending 1987, I'm a retired Msgt, pararescuemen, I met my wife on Okinawa from Naha City, the Wakasa district, While station there, I attained the rank of 5th degree, godan Matsumura Shorin Ryu studing under Seikei Arakaki sensei. I was proud to be stationed on Okinawa all those years, I just regret I didnt retire there, Ksbk radio kept me company at work and at home along with afrts tv.

16 Apr 2012

Peggy Hopkins Lewis

I lived in Okinawa from 75-77 for the end of middle school and the beginning of high school. I have always wanted to go back to visit. My wish is coming true. I am going to spend a weekend on the rock this summer. Its only a weekend but it is more than I ever that I would get. Another item to cross off my bucket list. I miss that time in my life.

14 Apr 2012


I lived in Okinawa from 1960 to 1963. We lived in Bucknerville for about 2 1/2 years, then after the promotion of my father to CPO, we moved to Mashinado. It was a perfect place to be a kid. The involvement of the military in the life of dependents was fabulous. I have recently bought a guest room in Luangprabrang, Laos. I showed my brother pictures of the area. He said they reminded him of Okinawa. I replied, Yeah,it is my own private Okinawa.

31 Mar 2012

Can anyone pinpoint this location?
I'm looking for old photos of the coast and waves directly out from Kadena gate 1, Sunabe.

22 Mar 2012

Loren Busch, Cpl. USMC

Found this site almost by accident and it's great. I was on the "Rock" in '59-'60 at Sukiran and Schwab, 2 Bn 1st Marine Regiment, attached to 9th Marines as part of the 'Transplacment Battalion' progam. Going through the pictures brought back some memories.
Thanks for your efforts on this.

12 Mar 2012

John Richards

Great Site!
Just a reminder....For all of us that were stationed and/or lived on \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The Rock\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"-----there is a great Blog on KSBK RADIO.
The address is Come and share some good memories.
Again......Great Job on this site.

08 Mar 2012

Wayne L. Doering, USAF Ret

I was stationed at Naha Air Base in 1962/63 and visited the VFW Club many times including the Cococabana Club on Naha Air Base.
I'm lookig for a list of VFW Club Dining Employees that worked during that time period. I've been trying to locate this list for some time including photos of the employees. I would appreciate any and all input to this request.
I miss Okinawa and my tour of duty will always be a number one spot in my 26 years in the military.

06 Mar 2012

Frank Quinn

Came across this site by accident and truly enjoyed each and everything on it. Was on Kadena 65-66, (USAF) and with the 46 Air Defense Missile Grp. Worked in an office under Major Morris. Really got around on my Lambrett Scotter but after viewing the pics, should have scotered around alot more. On an aerial view of Kadena, just about in the center of the photo, saw my barracks which sat next to the 1962 Communications Group Our barracks were #602 and 604. I was in 602 and that was the same number of the bldg I worked in while at Amarillo, Tx. Sorry, somethings are just engrained in our heads. Had many great evenings in the Airmens club across the st. from our barracks. Great food, prices, and entertainment. In the rear of the club, I found a keychain screwdriver which I still carry around till this day. Could go on and on but I better save space for others.

24 Feb 2012

Rob Oechsle

On Okinawa 1973 to present day. Introduced to your website by a fellow Pharmacy worker from our old days at Camp Kue Hospital.

I was immediately addicted to your site. You have done a fantastic job.

QUICK NOTE : The old section of route 331 that descends from its intersection with 329 (just north of Camp Schwab)down to the villages of TOKI and FUTAMI has been permanently closed off from vehicular traffic as of January 2012. The new twin bridge-tunnel (seen in your Google Earth screen capture) was finally opened in 2011, and now by-passes this old section of 331.

Those wanting to see or photograph the same TOKI VILLAGE vista will have to park at the top, and walk down the old road bed, or else sneak by the barricade using a motorcycle.

Camera standpoints are now a bit more obscured due the roadside growth of many years, but an intrepid photographer would have no problem overcoming the trees and brush for some great \\"before and after\\" shots showing the new bridge that crosses the valley.

Thanks again for your time and dedication to collecting and preserving such great images of post-war Okinawa. Thanks to the double-edged sword of \\"progress\\", most all of the photo content is now impossible to see first-hand today.

23 Feb 2012

Wayne L. Doering, USAF Ret

I was stationed at Naha Air Base in 1962/1963 as a F-102/F-106 Air vehicle Control Center (AVCC) Controller. The Air Base had a fantastic NCO Club (Cococabana) and an excellent VFW Club. In those days the USA Currency was used and Okinawa was under USA Control. I spent many hours watching in detail Okinwans building a 40 ton fishing boat in Naha Harbor. Rusted out cars were for sale at Kedena Air Base for as little as $75.00. I bought a 1954 Desota for $45.00 and had three blow out on my way back to Naha Air base. Many fond memories are still with me to this day.


Wayne Doering, USAF Ret
Clarendon, TX 79226
P.O. Box 44

23 Feb 2012

Major John J. Burton & Linda Burton "JJ"

fabulous find on this site...brings back the happiest times of my life (Mrs. John J. Burton - Linda) John and I were married on Okinawa. John was batallion commander of 3rd FSR Camp Foster we lived in Kishaba. We had our wedding reception at Top of The Rock....the happiest times of my life..the people, the scuba diving we were there from 1972 through 1975....brings tears to my eyes....

23 Feb 2012

Major John J. Burton & Linda Burton

We had our wedding reception at Top of the Rock in July 14, 1973. It was beautiful.

15 Feb 2012


Hi. I served in the Army and was stationed at Camp Sukiran from Jan. 1953 to May of 1954. I was with the 29 RCT, L company, 4th platoon, 60 mortars.
Being in the Infantry I did not get time to explore much but did train all over the island.
I kind of get chocked up viewing this great site. A blessing to all responsible for it.
Being young we spent our free time having "fun".
I envy those who had free time to get around.
Our main training area was the Fatema airstrip area which was not in use yet and was surounded by bonies. We also trained all over the island including a march up notrh to the area of the small villiages of Ada and Asa.
We had a full Regimental anphibious manuver involving boarding ship, chimbing down nets, circling for hours in LCP and then "attacking" one of the many Islands.
We also had a full blown Air Lift operation using L119 and C47's.
Some mornings during PT, a British Comet aircraft would approch Kadina and make one hell of a noise.
We would see the B29's coming back from missions approching Kadina three abreast.
One morning there was a sound of a trillion mosquitoes, looking up there was a flight of 19 B36's. I found out since that they were armed with atom bombs without the triggers installed. I think it was operation "sledgehammer" or something like that to scare the North Koreans to negotiate.
It must have worked as the war ended(?) which also ended the scuttlebut of out unit being sent to Korea.
During my stay, a north Korean pilot surrened his Mig 19. It was moved ot Okinawa for test. One day it flew overhead at about a thousand feet, belching black smoke exhaust.
About half way through my stay a Dredge appeared just off shore. Our barracks were about a half mile from the shore with rice paddies in between. The Dredge was used to grind up the shallow limestore reefs to fill in the rice paddies. They did get filled before I left but the rumored athletic field construction had not strated yet.
We did get a new theater and commisary next to our barracks during my stay.
I cannot believe the developement that has taken place, especially around Fatema which is in the news big time now.

Looks like our barracks were diplaced by a large motor pool.
I spent quite a bit of time on Google Earth trying to find the old camp based on the shore line shape and location of Fatema air strip. They call it Fatenma now.
I guess Camp Sukiran is now called Zukiran, Camp Foster, Camp Butler ????.
If anybody has info on the period that Sukiran was changed, (after mid 1954), I would appreciate hearing of it.
John Haze

11 Feb 2012

John Eckert

Greetings, Great Site. I invite all of you, that were stationed on or lived in Okinawa to visit the KSBK Radio Blog. Some of you might remember this great Radio Station, from days gone by.The Address is:

24 Jan 2012

Farris Wilson

I was stationed at Yoza Dake Air Station on the south end of Okinawa from May, 1958 to July, 1959, then at Naha Air Base from then til November, at which time I moved up to Owada Camp, based out of Fuchu Air Station, outside of Tokyo, until July, 1961. I had a Lambretta scooter on Okinawa and explored all of the island, both west and east side all the way up to Hedo Misaki, camping all over. Even put my scooter on a local boat and went over to Ie Shima, where Ernie Pyle was killed, but not buried as Dan Dermody said in his message dated 29 Aug. Pyle is buried in Punchbowl National Cemetery, here in Hawaii. Okinawa changed my life. I fell in love with that island and its people, which is one reason I love it here on the Big reminds me so much of Okinawa.
There are many Okinawan descendants here, too.

22 Jan 2012

mike zullo

great job on the web site......was stationed at site 14 d-8-1 from 1970-1972.wish i would have stayed in okinawa,miss the memories.

20 Jan 2012


Thanks for a very informative web site. What else may I get that type of information written in such an ideal approach? I have a mission that I'm simply now running on, and I have been at the look out for such information.

17 Jan 2012

Irene daughter of George R. Johnson Died

i understand this site is geared towards those that served in the military as my dad. we arrived in country okinawa 1961 left 1964. as i was looking at the pictures it sure did bring back goodd memories. i was hoping to see more family events and the schools bx housing ect. if you could all out for new pics i ould b happy to provvide what our family took. thank you.

12 Dec 2011

Richard Duarte

Hi, thanks for bringing back some of the best times of my life. I was with the 526 MID (old CIC) at Camp Kue, behind the hospital. ! I also had duty at Naha AFB and lived in BOQ. Many assignments in Naminoue and later BC Street in Koza. A beautiful place and people. O Clubs, NCO aand Civilian Clubs were indescribable. Kokusai Street and Sakura ozaka (?) had it\\'s own charm. The beaches and Historical sites made it a special place. Take care and keep up the great work

10 Dec 2011

Brenda McCormick

I am very estatic at finding this dad served with the VD-3 photo reconisance unit as a gunner on the B-24 and his picture is here three times...can't wait to show him. He is now 87 and remembers this very well. Still in excellent thanks so very much for Jack contributing the photos. My grandma had my dad's pictures they were given but were lost in a move so my dad doesn't have any of these ones. Again...thanks again! Brenda, daughter of a very happy veteran of WWII

21 Oct 2011

John Richards

Great Site.

17 Oct 2011

Theodore "Ted" J. Phelps

Wow, what a great website that brings back some great memories. I was stationed at Fort Buckner with the HHQ 30th Artillery Brigade, S-3 from April 1970 thorugh January 1972. I was a Spec 5 draftsman at the time. I brought my wife and baby son over and we lived off base in downtown Koza above a bar. We bought everything an Air Force guy had and moved in! Drove a 1958 Ford station wagon I bought for $75. We both have great memories of Okinawa, especially those of the family we ended up renting our house from. Their son was Soko Machida. Both he and his wife Kioko worked at Kadena AFB. It was such a treat to be able to live in another culture and learn about them. Would love to go back as one of my "bucket list" items. I worked with Alan Bogan (Silver Springs Maryland) and Doug Rogers of California. I recall the Habu (SR71) that didn't exist there, the B-52's and F-4's. I loved aircraft. Thanks again.

17 Oct 2011

Theodore "Ted" J. Phelps

This is a really great site you have put together. Thanks so much. I was stationed in Okinawa from around April 1970 through January 1972. I was a Spec 5 draftsman with the HHQ Battery 30th Artillery Brigade. I was able to have my wife and son join me and we lived off base over a bar in downtown Koza. Bought an Air Force guys entire household stuff and moved in! What an experience. I bought a 1958 Ford stationwagon from a guy leaving and a small Suzuki Wolf 90cc cycle to ride to work. We moved into a house and rented from a wonderful Okinawan family. Soko Machida was the son's name and both he and his wife Kioko worked on Kadena AFB. I worked with Alan Bogan of Silver Springs Maryland and Doug Rogers from California. I too remember the A&W and how great it was to have a hamburger once in a while. I recall the fries were a bit different being made from rice I guess. What great memories this website makes me recall. Thanks. Ted Phleps, Maricopa Arizona.

16 Oct 2011

Robert Marco

Just happened upon this great site. I was at Kadena, 824th Supply, as I recall, from December 67-June 69...had a great time there. Have always been incontact with one former roommate and three years ago located the other, so now, we have yearly reunions. Have always wondered what happened to another friend, Steve Neilson who went to Nam later.
would love to go back for a visit but I am sure the quaintness of the place is no longer there.

16 Oct 2011

Wayne L. Doering

I was statiobned at Naha Air Base 1962/1963 as a F-102/F-106 Air Vehicle Maintenance Control Center operator. The VFW Club was an excellent Club at that time. I had fond memories of an waitress who worked at the club and wonder if anyone had a list of names of the Club Employees at that time???

10 Oct 2011

Jim Hennemann

Thanks for the great site.
I arrived on Okinawa in 1963 and am still here. I have seen many changes over the years.
I was stationed at Yoza dake Batt B,8th Missle BN,3rd Arty, 30th Arty Brg.Site 14 Hawk. Site 7 Nike was just down the road from us.
I worked at Radio station KSAB and was renamed call sign JOFF after reversion in 1972. This was on of the FEBC Stations.
Anyone who had been station on any of the 16 Missle sites it would be good to here from you

Thanks for the great site and all the old photos I lost alot of the ones I had But I have a few.

Best regards

Jim HennemannCLORIS

20 Sep 2011

David King

My father, Melvin King,served on the USS Nestor in WW II. He was very pleased to see the photos of the Typhoon Lousie damage at Buckner Bay. My dad was ordered to slip the bow anchor on the Nestor during the storm. Many of these pictures he has in his war album. Although he is 89, his memory of events are still clear. His ship served in many areas including Qkinawa, Kamereta, and of course Ulithi.

29 Aug 2011

Dan Dermody

A follow-up to my post below: I worked on the Flight Line, in an office where we kept tabs on pilot's flying times, primarily in the T-33's and T-39's. Capt. Bill Hugo was my boss..(great guy)...and there were Captain Durkin..Captain Knight and others. A really great bunch. Sometimes we'd hop a C-47 "Gooney Bird"..and, fly to Ie Shima to visit the gravesite of WW2 Journalist and photographer, Ernie Pyle. We'd bring back trash cans full of seafood. Hope to hear from some of you who were there from March of 64 - September of 65 to share some terrific memories. Hopefully, some of you might remember me from my airshifts on AFRTS and KSBK. And, congratulations on the caretakers of this is awesome!!

29 Aug 2011

Dan Dermody

I was stationed at Kadena from March of '64 until September of '65. Still ranks as one of the best 18 months of my life. Was fortunate enough to work "off duty" for Armed Forces Radio and TV...and,for the last year I was there, I worked for KSBK Radio. Have fabulous memories of my time there. Met a lot of great guys. (Wonder where they all are now). Remember "The Paulettes"?? They were an 'all girl' rock group from the Phillipines. They were fantastic!! Great times, great memories of Kadena.

22 Aug 2011

Mary McCool

My husband, Msgt Lytle W. McCool, and I were statiooned in Okinawa in 1961-1963. We had a house built on a hill above Ojana. A year or so later we moved into housing on Naha AFB.

My husband was an air traffic controller, and for a short time I worked for the High Commissioner in downtown Naha.

We had a live-in maid, Sueko, and we took her to the air force base with us. At that time we were only allowed to pay her (and our yardman) $1.00 a day.

I want to go back and see if the housing is still there. There was a huge tomb in our back yard.

I was young and interested in everything so we did a lot of looking at the ccountryside. My third son was born in the hospital at Kadena and he was about 10 years old before he finally "got it" that he was not Asian.

I really do enjoy looking/reading things on thie website. Thanks a lot.

22 Aug 2011


Love the panorama shots. If my dead reckoning is correct, based on the island positions on the horizon, the tents are where the current Marine Corps Camp Courtney are located.

15 Aug 2011

Robert Anthony

OMG, I just discoverd this site by accident! I served as Company Clerk in Ordnance Troop Command from 1958 to 1960 in the Machinado area. Just across '"the street" from glorious Yafuso. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Bob Anthony

05 Aug 2011

Donald Carter

My goodness, There are people who are living that remembers the good times of Naha Okinawa. I was the Manager of the Copacabana Non Commissioned Officers Club from 1966-1978, I was with Tsgt Joseph Wazinac and replaced Joe when Joe became FIGMO. I
remember the .10 cents beverages and the 13 Piece House Band
with old Vic as conductor and the female singer Susie Ko and
, slots, .10 cent drinks, 'TAMA DATCHI NIGHTS' good low cost food, like lobster dinners and , 'Oh My The Brand Name Entertainment'
Nice to read about Okanawa and possible old friends and family members. From Don Carter..USAF Retired. "SLUE SKY'S AND HAPPY LANDING."

04 Aug 2011

Ann E. Syphax

Looking at this site brought tears to my eyes because it really was the changing point of my life. A time I will never ever forget. The fun, the people, the beaches, stores and everything else this culture had to offer. It is where I really grew up, being there from 1969-1971, living in Plaza housing. Close to the AFRT-Armed Forces Radio & Television station. Top of the Rock Club, Kubasaki and I could go on and on and on. Reading some of the comments, I noticed one mentioned Awase Meadows Shopping Center, and I jumped up and got the bag hanging on my wall-"Roger's-First in Fashion"- Awase Meadows shI will have this foreveroppng ctr.Phone # 077-1141. I will have this FOREVER!! The greatest times in my life and the best memories anyone could keep in their mind to cheer them up from time to time. Thank You from the bottom of my heart for this web site. It is a real treasure. I forgot to mention that my dad was with J.S.P.C.(joint sobe processing ctr.)We were civilians-he was N.S.A., the reason we were there at all. My first time being around so many military men. The closest I had ever seen was "Combat" with the late Vic Morrow, so it was a definite culture and military shock which I acclamated to soon after we arrived. Again, Thank You. Sincerely, Ann E. Syphax-Watson.

18 Jul 2011

Linda (Skipper, Taylor, Till

This site has left me in tears, but happy ones. Myfather CMSGT Albert F. Skipper, served there at Kadena, 3 years. He was FirstSgt. and was the head of the Rocker NCO club. I wish I could just see the NCO housing and my elementary school. So many memories for me. I was 10, 11, and 12. Now Im 56, and my mom and dad have both passed. People say I live in the past, but that was a big part of my life, a great part. Now, people are so shallow. There were a few good men then, my father, "Skip" was one of them. I for one, will not forget, NEVER.

16 Jul 2011

Jon Finucane

Just found this site, and have enjoyed reading the comments. Have not seent he photos yet(where are they?).
I was an air traffic controller at Okinawa ARTCC (same room as the RAPCON)from 12/63-5/65, and would love to hear from any folks who were in the 1962nd during that general time period.
*** Linda Love - Yes, I remember your dad, and I remember you! Drop me a line at, if you like. I'll e-mail you soon. ***
Anyone have any idea where I might find Denny Valentin, Frank Grissom, Gene Haner, Bob Scarbrough, Jim Newsom,Jerry Werth, etc?

Thanks for the site!

Jon ("FE")

15 Jul 2011

Ronald W.West

I lived on Okinawa from 1947 to 1949.I graduated from Okinawa University High School in May 1949. My Father was Lt.Col. Wayne G. West,Port Commander of White Beach,we lived in Bucknerville housing area. Our whole family loved Okinawa,and really hated to moved back to the 48. Ronald W.West Warne,North Carolina.

12 Jul 2011

Roland Henault

Great site DD! Thanks for putting it together. Okinawa is still a wonderful place but much of the magic is gone. As they say "all good things must pass". Regardles, it is still the place I call home. Best wishes.


11 Jul 2011

Gerry Young

I was stationed on Okinawa with the U.S. navy VP-4 patrol squadron at Naha Air Base
from 1956 until 1960. I was the squadron photographer PH3. I have many photos of
the happening around Namanoui and Naha. I would like to hear from anyone stationed on Okinawa during that time. My e-mail address is .

During my time I met the most wonderful woman in the world and had made plans to
be married---but the Navy had other plans for me. I would like to hear from other
G.I.'s that had that experience too!!! I'm still trying to find a way to find her!!!! Can anyone help with information???? Maybe someone living on Okinawa now!!!!
My name is Gerry Young. My e-mail is

10 Jul 2011

Carol Kirstein

Thank you for putting together this wonderful website! I\\'ve been looking for information and photos like this. My late husband, my daughter, and I have lived in Okinawa since 1988--actually, I\\'m the only one still there as of 2011. I am a DoDDS teacher at Zukeran Elementary School; my husband was a teacher, too, and my daughter grew up in Okinawa from the age of 18 months until she graduated from Kubasaki High School in 2005. I have long been interested in the history of Okinawa, including the history and changes of the U.S. bases. I enjoyed looking at all of your wonderful pictures to see what I could recognize that is still standing in Okinawa. My school, Zukeran--originally Sukiran--was built in 1955 and is scheduled to be replaced in 2013 (no ground broken yet!) I was glad to see early pictures of the school, which still looks much like it did then, although there have been additions. I now live in an apartment building constructed on landfill that used to be the beach side of Highway 1/Highway 58! Thank you again, Carol Kirstein

17 Jun 2011


THANKS very much foe these pictures and memories. my father did two tours of okinawa so it IS home for me.

17 Jun 2011


Top class website yours sincerely, Luisa Peco

02 Jun 2011


Hi - I am definitely happy to find this. great job!

02 Jun 2011

Larry McFall

I remember the Island well. It was my breakin assignment in the Army and I was 17. Assigned to the U.S. Army Ordnance Group in Machinato and as Robert had commented, I remember when the 503rd Airborne came to Machinato and landed in the next barracks. Life was never the same.

My time on the Island was during 1959 - 1961 and it was a good time and a good place to be stationed, at least at the time. The dollar was the currancy and cameras were cheap. i.e., $12.00 for a Petri.

I will remember Okinawa for ever!

22 May 2011

Wes R

Donn....Great job on this website by you and John Scrubbs. I placed the link into the Kubasaki 9 group in fb for all of us Military Brats who were on the "Rock" during that era. Once again, Kudos!!!!

17 May 2011

Joe Hall

I was on and off Okinawa several times from 1971 thru 1997, about five years total. I really love the Okinawan culture and people. I am married to a beautiful Okinawan girl, and we have three bi-cultural/bi-lingual children. We go back every so often during summer, to visit the in-laws and allow our children to attend summer school. We were last there in summer of 2010; much has changed there over the years, but the people are as warm and friendly as ever, and I can never eat enough sushi & sashimi. Thanks for the many memories this site has brought back.

24 Apr 2011

Rick Hunter

I lived on Okinawa from 61-65. My dad was James Hunter and worked on Naha AFB (51st CE group) from 51-65. Love the site. Would love to see some video from the 61-65 timeframe. Thanks for all the work you done so far, and hoping that you get lot's of new material donated for your use.

23 Apr 2011

Alfred J. Beljan

I spent some two years in Okinawa and Taiwan as a member of the Okinawa Engineer District (OKED) stationed at Camp Kue Okinawa from 09/1956 to 11/1956 and then was transferred to Taipei, Taiwan for the construction of a fighter plane base at Taichung, Taiwan until 04/2058 - During my work in Taiwan, I was responsible and in charge of a group of some half-dozen Taiwan engineers for construction and design of the airfield construction being built at Taichung plus also negotiating Change Orders and Contracts with an American contractor (Vinnell Corp from Alhambra, CA) plus the various Taiwanese contractors (some directly associated with the Government) working on the airfield construction.
My immediate boss at Camp Kue Okinawa was Alfred Cole (England) who was directly under Colonel Young??
I am interested in reconstructing my stay in Okinawa and Taiwan and would request your assistance on advising me how I may obtain U.S. Army documentation on the names and titles of all OKED personnel during the period from 09/56 thru 04/58 at Camp Kue, Okinawa plus Taipei and Taichung, Twiwan.
You may call me at 561-741-7148 thru 05/2011 and after at 215-493-6938.
Should you wish, call andleave your phone number and name and I will promptly return the phone call at my cost.
Thank you - Alfred J. Beljan

10 Apr 2011

Wayne L. Doering

Hi, Donn,

Site brought back many memories. I was stationed at Naha Air Base 1962/1963.
The base had a fantastic NCO Club (Copacabana).
I was a F-102 Controller and remember very clear the sad day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in which we went on full RED Alert.
The VFW Club was excellent.
I sure would like to know who were the employees that worked at the club if possible???

Again, thanks for a excellent site.


Wayne Doering, USAF Ret
Clarendon, TX 79226

25 Mar 2011

Mike McDonald

Quite a few slides of what I believe to be Okinawa in about 1945-1946 are at

Any insight appreciated.

21 Mar 2011

jeff graves phone 707 745 6947toson

Thanks for your great photos and info. I have a small bit of additional info about the typhoon Louise that you might find interesting.I showed it to my dad Donald R. Graves who was a Warrant Officer in the AAF and the senior weatherman at the Mashinato airfield on Okinawa during the typhoon. He said that they had been through two smaller typhoons between July 14th and the much larger one in Oct. Those storms had hit 90 mph and they seemed like nothing compared to the big one on Oct 9th.He said they didn't give them names when they were there.He said that their annonometer, which was bolted to the ground, reached 120+mph and was then blown over. The force of the storm then increased greatly and he took refuge in a nearby tomb overnight.

14 Feb 2011

Paul Svendsen

I have some photos from the 1st photo recon (My grandfather was in the mighty 8th) and I was looking for sources of information. I have the photo of thre traffic circle and many more if you are interested in scans

11 Feb 2011

Linda Love Gravitt

After a little reminiscing with your photos, I remembered that my dad, Jim Love, was actually in charge of the RAPCON at 1962nd Comm Group from about '62 to '65. I graduated from Kubasaki in '64 and then attended University of Maryland classes for the next year. I loved to have a day to drive around the island with my dog and just go beach-combing. Thank you for the pictures of Naha and Koza--great memories! We lived in Awase before we moved on base at Kadena, so driving through Koza was a nearly daily occurence.

11 Feb 2011

Linda Love Gravitt

Great site! In the Kadena 1 photos from the last section of years (1962-1970 ?) the photographer mentions being in the 1962nd Comm Group in the sixties. My dad Capt Jim Love commanded that group when we were there from '62 to 65. Who are you? Do you remember him? If you remember his teen-age daughter, send me a message at

05 Feb 2011

Michael Dean

This site is great! I grew up on Okinawa from age 7 to age 15 because my Dad was station manager at Hamby Air Field (for the CIA) and then mechanic for World Airways etc. We lived in Bel Aire Heights by Kadena and in Awase by the famous Pink Grocery Store. Thank you for the pictures!!

31 Jan 2011

Gus L Hall

Was at Kadena Jan 69 til Aug 71 my daughter Angela was born there at Ft Buckner Hospitol. These are some great phots enjoy this site Thank You. M/Sgt Gus L Hall ret USAF

31 Jan 2011

Mark Stevens

I\\\\\\'m hoping to hook up with some guys who were in the Pacific theatre. Dad told me some stories.

Three years ago I visited the Arizona in Oahu and met a guy who was there at Pearl Harbor. It was a great experience, he was a hell of a good guy.

Anybody who was at Okinowa or Bikini Atoll...please send me a message at:

Thanks, Mark. God Bless our soldiers.

31 Jan 2011

Mark Stevens

I have a paperback version of this book. It has some different photos, and gives a general review of the people of Okinawa, how they live, photo\\'s of the locals and maps.

This appears like a general introduction to our Air Force soldiers who went over there.

I\\'m wondering if it\\'s very rare? Dad was over there in the Pacific theatre 46-47\\' as an Air Force radio man. He was also at Bikini Atoll.

Thanks for any info, mark.

28 Jan 2011

Jim B

I was with the 503d Abn Infantry - 173d at Camp Kubasaki from April 1964 until we went "All the Way" to Nam.

Great duty.

Thanks for the photos amd fond memories.

21 Jan 2011

Keith Patton

My father was assigned to Okinawa from Keesler AFB in 1966. He was in the 1962nd Comm Sqd and was the NCOIC of the Non Tactical Radio shop. We lived just up the terrace from Camp Mercy our first year on island, where I attended the 6th grade. We owned a house on the top terrace, just below the fence around Futenma AS. I went on to attend Kubisaki Jr High on the east side of the island and later a temporary Jr. High Campus on Camp Hansen in Butler buildings that were transit quarters I believe. Good times. Thanks for the memories.

17 Jan 2011

Hugh Brown

I was there from November 1974 to December 1975. I was in the 1962nd Comm Gp.and I worked in the Telephone Central Office. Thanks for this site.
I saw pictures of Bldg 600 where I lived and the big old tree that was out back. I'm surprised that it didn't fall over from all of the beer cans that were thrown in it.

11 Jan 2011


In Okinawa as an Army Corpsman from 69 to 71. I remember a restaurant in the mountainside with individual "huts" with a phone to place an order. Anyone else recall this?

06 Jan 2011

Andy Couchoud MSGT USAF Ret.

I spent many years on Okinawa in USAF. Worked in the Control Tower at Kadena. I also was very active with the Kadena Reef Rovers diving club during the 1960s. Lord I miss that place...

03 Jan 2011


Good Morning,
Perhaps you can help me. I am trying to find where I can either sell, or maybe find someone who might want these black and white and color slides from the 40s..perhaps earlier ( i don\\'t have them in front of me at this moment, they are in my room) I bought a house about 10 years ago and the woman that lived there told me that whatever is left in the house is mine to keep. So many antiques, and these slides. There are probably about 40 of them, labeled from Mr. K. Jones as to where they were taken and the year. Can anyone help me to find info about them? Thank you all

02 Jan 2011

Carolyn Koonce James (Hitomi Yamashiro)

I was born in Koza in 1955, adopted by the age of 2, both of my adoptive parents have passed and am interested in finding any living family I may have there. Just as an interest. Would like to know if anyone that may have an idea how I might trace my heritage, would love to know.
Thank you so much!

28 Dec 2010

John C Tivey

Great site was there fron February 1965 to March 1966 on Olino Erabu Shima, Air Police on site one of only four or five at best during that time period. It was a great expierence and even more now almost 46 years later. I was only 18 then and after spent close to 42 years in Law Enforcement. This site is really good but I did notice it does not talk about Okino. I have lot of pictures some of which are on multiply Okino. Thanks again I will vist often. John, (Poppyjct}

12 Dec 2010

Harold Norris

I was in the 1962nd Comm Gp from March 1964 to September 1966. Worked in Teletype Maintenance. My best friend there was probably an acquaintance of yours since he worked in NAVAIDS maintenance. His name was TSgt Bill Westbrook, now deceased. Of all the places I was stationed in a 24 year AF career, Kadena rates right up to the top. Certainly have enjoyed the pictures on your site. Brings back a lot of memories.

06 Dec 2010

Leonard Portnoy

I arrived on Okinawa in April 1949 and left in October 1951.
I was in Headquarters Company, Ryukyus Command, and was billeted
next to the PX on Rycom Hill. I well remember Typhoon Gloria. It was the first, but not the last typhoon, I was ever in. I remember
the movie theater there which lost everything but the sceen. Someone put up a sign there that said (Gone with the wind.)I have many pictures but have given them to my granddaughter, along with my dog tags, so that she can preserve them in our family history.
One of the more stupid things I did as a 20 year old was put on my rain suit and steel helmet and tried to walk in the wind. Lucky I didn\\'t get hit by flying debris.

29 Nov 2010

Sonny Ward

I was there from 1952 to 1955. Went to Kubasaki High School and lived in Machinato-Naha, 422 to be exact. I have lots of pictures that need a repository. Interested?

13 Nov 2010

Gene Holt

Great pictures. I haven't been back since I left in 57 but I know from pictures that it doesn't look like it did in these pictures. I have some great memories of my time at Kadena, Naha and Miyako Jima. Thanks for the pictures and the effort to put up this site.

13 Nov 2010

Jim Murray

I was on Okinawa with the airforce from January 1948 to May 1949 with the 623rd AC&W Sq. just north of Kadena and worked at the Yontan Mt. radar site. I have some pictures of camp life and a story, warts and all, of my time there. Much has no doubt changed in the past 61 and a half years.

08 Nov 2010

Garry Todd

His name is Dan Barbera.

08 Nov 2010

Garry Todd

Hi- My name is Garry Todd and I was stationed in Okinawa from 1990-1993 and see a Comment from a friend, that I have been searching for, on this website on October 7, 2010. Could you please email him my name and email address because I would love to hear from him.
Thank you in advance.
Garry Todd

21 Oct 2010

Bpb Avery

Donn, great site, look forward to finding more great stuff for the both of us when we get back on the Rock. Thanks as well to the good advice you have given. nihee debiru

17 Oct 2010

Wilma Tyler Dibelka

I am a genealogist doing research for a woman born on Okinawa on February 1948. He father was an Army Air Force pilot named Gordon William Craig. I would appreciate any information about Air Force activities during that time frame such as why were wives on the island? And if there is anyone still around who knew Gordon, please contact me. Thank you.

15 Oct 2010


A friend of mine owns the matchbook covers and I only put items on the website that belong to me, but if you contact me at I can send you scans of the matchbook covers.

12 Oct 2010

Earl Boehm

One poster at the okinawajapanforum had photo's of a bunch of Koza & Naminoue Bar Matchboxes. They are no longer there, or I just don't know where to look. Any chance you can upload those photo's to this site? Thank you, Earl

07 Oct 2010

Daniel Barbera Okinawa 1990-2006

What an awesome sight you've created here. I spent almost 17 years in okinawa and I cant tell you how much I've enjoyed your site.
On your album Rycom Signal Service 1954-55 page 2 of 2, second row down, the middle picture (third from right or left), is the Zukeran elementary school when it was new on what is now Camp Foster, my children attended there. If you follow this link, there is a recent picture of the school.
Thank you again for sharing these pictures.

01 Oct 2010

Earl Boehm

about the A&W photo, the A&W was and is still located here >>

30 Sep 2010

Terry m

great maps, was there from 61 - 73, good memories. where was the A& W?

29 Sep 2010

Bob Des Camps

Tried to access some of your features and cannot

Trying to get information on Typhoons on Okinawa during my tour in 1947-1948.

20 Sep 2010


Spent 13 years on Okinawa. From 1969 thru 1990. The picture on the site are wonderful. Keep up the wonderful job. GREAT SITE!!!!

14 Sep 2010


Great site. I was in Ord Group, Machinato 61/63. Right next to the 503rd Airborne. Had some great times over there.

11 Sep 2010

david gasperetti

Outstanding site and photos. I visit the site almost every day. Awesome.

08 Sep 2010


Donn: You do good work (when you work). This site is fantastic.


06 Sep 2010

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We look forward to hearing from you!
